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Everything posted by PC7

  1. Good article http://www.sunherald.com/2012/05/23/3966531/a-deafening-silence-surrounds.html
  2. I emailed Mississippi multiple times on the enhanced permit. First, I emailed the state attorney general, figuring they would be the best source for interpreting the law as they are lawyers. They stated they cannot give legal advice to citizens. They told me to contact the Firearms Permit Unit. After multiple emails, I was told by the director that the TN HCP (or any out of state permit) did not qualify for the “enhanced†provisions. No offense but I don’t think this guy is a lawyer, he is a MHP trooper and this is just his opinion. What is it based on? I read the MS law (I’m not a lawyer either) on reciprocity and the enhanced provisions, and I don’t see where out of state permits would not qualify. The law does not mention out of state permits either way. The fact is TN HCP meets the requirements of the new law and MS has reciprocity with TN.
  3. There are many other options for DI AR’s that you should look atthat are better, cheaper, and available sooner than what Red Jacket produces. Bravo Company is one that comes to mind....
  4. Where did you get this info from? I've never heard of such.
  5. I’ve wondered about this myself. The question is, are National Guard armories state or federal property? Either way, most are not posted. Houston Barracks is the exception as it is TN NG headquarters and is posted and gated/controlled access, as is the Smyrna TrainingSite . The other 99% of NG armories across the state are accessible to the public and I’ve never seen one that was posted. State property has to be posted to prohibit carry. The feds give money to the states for the NG and I think, not sure, that the armories are state property.
  6. Welcome to the club. I love mine.
  7. When you say “could have been one of us†do you mean shooting the people struggling on the ground or do you mean being shot by the cops responding? First, I would not shoot people struggling on the ground, if that is how it happened. As selfish as this sounds, I don’t carry a pistol to protect other people, I carry for me. The liability and consequences are too great to go interjecting myself in most situations involving others. I’m not a cop, I’m not out to protect and serve the public. Having said that, there are certain, clear cut situations I would intervene in, such as an active shooter situation. Next, as far the cop shooting theATF agent, that is very sad and tragic. Unfortunately, it seems there is a pattern of this in New York. There was this case: Nassau cop shot dead by MTA officer in case of mistaken identity - NYPOST.com And there are other cases as well,see the references at the bottom of this article: Killed Federal Agent Was Getting Dad's Cancer Meds | Fox News These actions seem reckless at best and criminal at worst. I wonder if they will charge the shooter with manslaughter. If it was a private citizen as the shooter, do you think it is more likely he would be charged? Lastly, if the national carry law is passed, I would NEVER carry in New York due to the risk of being shot at the sight of my pistol.
  8. I have LEM on my P30 and USP and love them. There is no other trigger system in use today that I would rather have in a defensive carry pistol. The LEM also gives you the added safety of being able to place your thumb over the hammer while holstering; if the trigger catches on say your shirt, you would feel pressure on your thumb from the hammer and stop, thus preventing a ND. It is in stock here: HK LEM Trigger Conversion Kit - All USP and All HK45 - Top Gun Supply It is an easy conversion to do on the USP. Here is a link to instructions on HK Pro. LEM installation instructions If you want the light LEM (4.5-5.5lbs), don’t change the FPBS, hammer spring, or the TRS.
  9. PC7

    Sig vs. HK (vs. SA EMP)

    If reliability is a necessity, then purchase the HK.
  10. Very fun shoot. It was well put together, thanks guys!
  11. What did he say that was racist? He only stated that certaingroups may/or may not be there. It is only open to one’s own interpretation.You interpreted it in your own way…. PM if you can’t discuss this in the open and we will discussin private. Sorry for interjecting but I’m so tired of this pseudo racism. I welcome an objective conversation on this discussion.
  12. I know you can renew 6 months out from expiration, but if you do, when is the expiration date of the new HCP? Is it 4 years from the date you renew or 4 years from the date the old HCP would have expired? I did a search but couldn’t find an answer; sorry if this has been answered and I missed it. Thanks.
  13. Retirement of the M9? Not likely; this program for a new pistol will not survive the budget cuts that are coming for the DOD. They may even select candidates and do some testing but the program will never field a pistol to replace the M9.
  14. Colt’s CEO Ron Stewart stated that he would favor a federal permit system with training and testing for gun ownership in a 1998 Washington Post interview. On March 30, 1989, Bill Ruger sent a letter to every member of the US Congress stating: "The best way to address the firepower concern is therefore not to try to outlaw or license many millions of older and perfectly legitimate firearms (which would be a licensing effort of staggering proportions) but to prohibit the possession of high capacity magazines. By a simple, complete and unequivocal ban on large capacity magazines, all the difficulty of defining 'assault rifle' and 'semi-automatic rifles' is eliminated. The large capacity magazine itself, separate or attached to the firearm, becomes the prohibited item. A single amendment to Federal firearms laws could effectively implement these objectives."-William B. Ruger Now I know these events occurred some time ago, but they still happened and they are anti-Second Amendment in my opinion.
  15. Really? LWRC, Nighthawk, Wilson, Knight’s, Daniel Defense, LaRue, Ed Brown, Noveske, Les Baer, Remington, Sig, and Kimber for a start. I’m sure I left a few off if you need more.
  16. Yes, Smith & Wesson is anti-Second Amendment. It is one of the many reasons I don’t buy their products; also I don’t buy Colt or Ruger products for the same reason.
  17. Let me help to end this argument by introducing you to the pistol that surpasses them both….
  18. PC7

    .357 Sig ?

    The 357 Sig really offers little to nothing over the 40; the 357 Sig even performs inferiorly to the 40 through many test media. See for yourself, click below to compare the 357 Sig to the 180gr 40 in Winchester’s Ranger line. http://www.winchester.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/flash-SWFs/law_bullit.swf Or look at Federal's HST and Speer's Gold Dot performance. http://le.atk.com/pdf/HSTInsertPoster.pdf http://le.atk.com/pdf/HSTInsertPoster.pdf
  19. I love all the democrats’ comments on YouTube crying it is not a correct analogy. I’m sure all the democrats on TN Gun Owners will be out soon saying the same thing.
  20. This is national news? This is what CNN has to talk about? All while more guns from Operation Fast and Furious are turning up on crime scenes, and the ATF supervisory agents directly involved have just been promoted. Guns From 'Fast And Furious' Sting Linked To 11 More Violent Crimes | FoxNews.com Senator Blasts ATF I guess Bachmann mixing up her dates is more important, and I guess it is ok that the President doesn’t even know how many states are in the nation he is supposed to be leading…
  21. Thanks again for your hard work on this!
  22. Fallguy, You have inspired me. I just emailed the Mississippi Attorney General’s office regarding Mississippi HB 506 and Tennessee HCP holders; specifically, if we are allowed to carry in the additional locations allowed by HB 506. I will let you guys know if I hear anything from them.
  23. Awesome! Thank you for your effort on this.
  24. Is this what you are referring to? pistol-training.com » Blog Archive » The Press-Out
  25. I just read the proposed training requirements and they are extensive. It looks like basically a LE qualification course, at the end of day 2 of the class. The instructors, none of which are approved yet, are required to compile/keep a lot of paperwork. DPS is starting to take a lot of heat for this. You can read more of the training requirements and the discussion here: http://www.freelandshull.com/site_content/attachments/0001/3569/11.7.11_MDPS_Endorsement_plan.pdf House bill 506 update All my family lives in Mississippi and I travel there a lot, so I’m really interested in this. I’m thinking of emailing someone in MS to ask if out-of-state permit holders, specifically Tennesseans, with training qualify for the expanded benefits now. Who would I email, the state attorney general?


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