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Everything posted by PC7

  1. PC7

    H&K USP .45

      Yep, until 31 Dec; which is a really good deal.   OP, you should also check out the HK45 and HK45 Compact.    As far as full size or compact in either the USP or HK45, I would say that would depend on the weapon's primary purpose.  If it is concealed carry, get the compact; if its use is primary home defense and/or range use, go with the full size. 
  2. Who is Harris Teeter? Is this his company here? https://teetertv.com/index.php   That thing would be cool to have in an IDPA stage!
  3. The classroom, testing, and range requirements allows the TN HCP to be recognized by more states. 
  4. Looks like they will have matches the 4th Sunday of the month. Click on "events"   http://www.idpa.com/clubprofile/1720   I hope they get a sanctioned match put together. 
  5.   I pre-ordered it through one of the HK dealers on the HK forum 2 months ago. He is maxed out now, no longer taking orders.  It was $550 shipped, the other $37.50 was transfer fee and TICS.   I think the price on these will settle around $500 to 550 after the initial rush on them is over.
  6.   If you don't realize  what the VP9 offers over a Glock, then I won't be able to enlighten you.   But I can help you with the cost aspect, because the VP9 is actually cheaper than a Glock.  I got my VP9 for $587.50 out the door, that included the TICS fee as well.  So by the time you replace the barrel, slide release, mag release, put a butt plug in it, and change the sights on a Glock, you will be out well over $587. And we haven't even got to the trigger yet.    Additionally, even with all of the above modifications to a Glock, it still will not be the equal of the VP9; however it will cost more than a VP9.
  7. FYI, an HK dealer on the HK forum is taking pre-orders for $550.00 shipped.  http://www.hkpro.com/forum/gmp-parts-company/201217-wts-heckler-koch-vp9-starting-price-550-00-free-shipping.html   So it will be cheaper than a Glock, that is factoring in the additional cost needed to get a Glock up to speed (trigger, extractor, mag release, butt plug, etc).
  8. This pistol looks very promising. The internet has been abuzz about this pistol since the info was released yesterday. I think I will give one a try.   BTW, sell your Glocks now boys and girls, while you still can get something for them.  :pleased:
  9.   Bummer, I was really looking forward to that one.
  10. Thanks for the info Spiffy and Hognut.   The 4th Saturday of April is when the NRA Convention in Indy happens. So that leaves ORSA or Nashville Armory.     What date is David doing the Classifier at Nashville Armory?
  11. It is one of the best pistols on the market. Guns and Leather in Greenbrier has a great selection of P30's and P30L's.
  12. Like an idiot, I missed the recent classifiers at MCTS and Gallatin Gun Club.   Anyone know of an IDPA classifier in middle TN (or within a 2 hour drive of middle TN) within the next 2 months?   Thanks
  13. Good stuff, thanks for sharing.
  14. Just one of the many reasons I don't watch the games of the National Felon League. 
  15.     http://www.cbsnews.com/news/99-weeks-when-unemployment-benefits-run-out/
  16.   99 weeks is nearly two years. 
  17. So their first priority is to extend "unemployment" for people who have been on it for years.......but no concern or mention of the cuts to military retirees pay. Wonderful. 
  18. Put the LEM trigger in your USP; that will be the ticket. 
  19. Go to Bicentennial Park, it is a state park so you are good to carry there. It is over by the Capital and it is pretty nice.
  20.   That makes 3 of us! We NEED another rifle match, please! I would be happy to help if need be.
  21. I'm really happy to see that Morse guy go. He is the one who said gun owners are a "sickness in our souls" on the Colorado Senate floor. Then he tried to sue to have an ad of him saying that blocked during the run up to the recall election.   I love how the liberal media is downplaying this victory. However, they do concede it was a litmus test for all gun control. One of the ousted Senators, Giron, even said, “For Mayors Against Illegal Guns, if they lose even one of these seats, they might as well fold it up. And they understand that.”
  22. http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_24066168/colorado-senate-president-john-morse-recalled-angela-giron   Both the dems that did not want to hear from their people and pushed through stupid gun control were kicked out of office! Way to go Colorado and the NRA!!!   This was a huge blow for bloomberg.   I was watching the polls on the Denver Post site and jumped for joy when it was done!   Gotta love their whining editorial.   http://www.denverpost.com/opinion/ci_24064796/time-move-past-colorado-recall-elections
  23. My LWRC has been flawless. As mentioned above, spares are a good idea regardless of the platform. LWRC has all the spare parts you want available on their web store. The only thing proprietary on the LWRC is the piston system and bolt carrier. The piston system is easy to disassemble and very durable. Also, the SPR’s that are being released now have fully ambidextrous lowers.
  24. If a weapon is “presented” it is to use deadly force, and nothing less. It was my understanding that you were asking if it was wrong or right to use deadly force (“Yes, I was carrying. If I had presented it, would that have been more wrong?”) against the driver of a vehicle coming down a road. Is this not correct? Please clarify if not. Yes, a vehicle can be a deadly weapon, but using deadly force against a vehicle on a major road because that vehicle didn’t move over into the other lane is going to be a hard sell. Should have the driver moved over? Of course they should, if they are able. But not doing so, in my opinion, does not warrant deadly force if you are standing in a major thoroughfare. You state “He was HEADING for me.” I assume you were in the road? Then of course he would be heading for you. By this logic, what if a person was to stand in a lane on the interstate? You would have vehicles “heading” strait for you. Would it justifiable deadly force to shoot at vehicles if they didn’t move into the other lane? Yes, I read the other replies; most said it would be wrong to draw your weapon, and one mentioned it would be aggravated assault.
  25. I will offer my opinion of this situation, since you asked, as tactfully as I can. Let me see if I understand this correctly- you were standing on or near a major road and when a vehicle came down this road, you felt like you may need to draw your weapon and shoot and kill the driver of said vehicle? With all due respect, I think you need to reevaluate your carrying of a firearm for defense. Or at the very least, reeducate yourself on the laws regarding the use of deadly force.


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