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About DaisyMae

  • Birthday February 3

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  1. Hopefully it turns up...that's the worst part, the waiting. Karma will show up
  2. I assumed it was fake so no worries thanks for your input-much appreciated! There are other pieces as well...no need to research any more.
  3. I see your point with the SN's but it is what it is. I doubt any dopehead looking to sell is going to post on a site like this. That requires brain cells. I guess what I'm looking for are responses from honest gunowners that may get approached by someone looking to sell. I still have faith in people. I have no problem using the word "hate". In fact I wish there was a stronger word. You have no idea the way I feel about these people, handling my dad's guns without knowing even an ounce of what they mean to me. Every holiday gathering included us firing off rounds with him..now there's nothing. If this would've happened while he was alive it would've killed him then. I am disappointed and disgusted but am hoping that just one person sees this and a light goes on, so to speak, and all the pieces come together.
  4. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I have to ask. Should I assume it's a replica/air-soft
  5. Thanks! 17 guns were stolen from my Dad's house just a month after he died. These were his life & legacy...and something that I can not replace. I've done all the obvious things needed to be done and have tackled as much legwork and investigating I can do At this point I will do anything I need to do to get them back and put these f'ers down. This happened in Overton County near Putnam County line but could be anyone's hands at this point 444 - sn# 71185077Marlin, gold(brass) trigger, bushnell scope with see-thru mount 222 - Remington 700, custom wood stock, Lyman scope 308 - cetme black with dark brown furniture .32 - Winchester lever, bushnell scope, custom stock - curved Mini 30 - SN# 189-58228 ruger 7.62x39, wood stock, blued Dragunov - sn# c224674 7.62x54, no scope, light wood "Skelton" stock Ak-47 - 7.62x39 dark wood and front grip Ak-47 - 7.62x39 dark wood, custom stock with pistol grip and butt as one piece Ak-74 - 5.45x39 light wood, bipod on front K31 - 7x55 Swiss "straight bolt" lighter wood, has ring on back to pull bolt 12ga - bolt action, older, Sears 8mm - Mauser, old long gun (tall), bolt action had beige recoil pad .22 - Romanian, darker wood, 3-flip sight on back .22 - marlin(greenfield), bolt action, lighter wood, animal carving in grip 7.62x54 - mosin nagant, shorter barrel, bayonet, darker wood, older, bolt action SA2000 - 7.62x39, ak style, all black with skeleton stock and muzzle break, had green sling Older Mossburg bolt action shotgun - missing bolt
  6. Hi! Just wanted to know if it would be ok to list some stolen guns I'm on the hunt for...no luck for months but hoping for just one honest person that may be able to help a gal out! Would like to add I'm a former Yankee (don't judge!) from upstate NY, but rebel born...Although finding my dad's guns is top priority, I am glad to be here and look forward to visiting this site more often in the future. Glad to be in TN where I am not judged for wearing a 2A tee shirt! Thanks!!


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