Not wanting to hijack your thread, but here's a funny Comcast story. A few years ago, I was having an issue attaining anywhere near the speed I was paying for. Had a comcast modem and Blast speed. The answer from the offshore rep was that I needed to upgrade the package I had to a faster package. I tried to explain that I wasnt getting the speed i was paying for now, so why upgrade to a faster speed i wouldnt get? I simply could not make him understand the issue. Well fast forward several months and even more CSR folks til I finally got one who was a tad smarter than the average bear. He figured out that the modem/router that Comcast had rented me in my package simply wasnt fast enough to get the higher speeds. Unbelievable. He arranged for me to get a faster router/modem, and presto, i got the speeds I was promised in the first place. Comcast is one of those companies that I hate but keep using because the service generally works better than their local competitors.