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Everything posted by Quavodus

  1. Ok. Gotcha now.
  2. I knew this about State Troopers but, police in general have this authority? I never knew that.
  3. Don't y'all know it's hot and miserable out? No, I'm just kidding. Hope you all have good luck.
  4. Some times theres warning signs but, you hear all the time where people will say after something happens, he seemed like a completely normal guy. That I think is where his neighbors and people he worked with didn't really know him.
  5. I've read that before the .357 Magnum came out, pretty much everybody wanted a .38-44 S&W.
  6. Well basicly it has to do with the terrain. Its steep rough country in east Tn. where most of the bears are. Its traditionally been done that way for a long time. Bear numbers are way lower too, than say some of the provinces of Canada. In Canada, baiting is popular and works good.
  7. I used to have a C&R too but, there just aint much available cheap anymore.
  8. They say those big punt guns would rock a boat back 10 feet or more. I read a story where a market hunter killed 80 or more ducks with one shot.
  9. Have any of you heard that you shouldn't eat the meat right away? A game warden told a guy I used to work with to put the meat in freezer for about a month before cooking and eating. Said it had more parasites than domestic pork.
  10. I grew up with some guys that used to hunt them a lot. They would chase them with atvs. The shooters waiting at the far end of a ridge or bottom would sometimes see some action that they didn't want. Woah!
  11. Garufa your the man. I had no idea that they made .38 S&W that late. I thought it was kinda obsolete for a lonnnnngggg time.
  12. Wow head shot. Lights out quick. I've never got the chance to hunt them. We don't have them around the areas I hunt. Would love to try it someday though.
  13. Yeah, its not a good stock wood at all. A lot of rifles from other Countries sometimes don't use good quality wood.
  14. My wife's cousin had one of those AMT Backup .380. It was a good little gun. I think it shot good and ran good. In my opinion a lot better than a Lorcin, Jennings, Davis, and probably several others. And this is coming from a Hi-Point owner. I've had no problems what so ever out of my Hi-Point.
  15. Elmer's rifle was probably in the biggest caliber he could find too. I bet he hunted groundhogs with a .375 Mag.
  16. I looked at it the other day online and it asks for your Social Security Number. I don't like to put my social online.
  17. I've shot 2 or 3 with a .223 and they didn't spray or at least I didn't smell it. Hit right in upper half of head.
  18. I'm pretty sure they were not in California. Lol. Well, pretty much everything is illegal out there.
  19. Ok. Is she dangerous or just looks that way? Is that a FN FAL or L1A1?
  20. Yeah I know. The Germans in WW2 and Russia both had weird marching techniques.
  21. Very nice setups. I have got to get my stuff set back up.
  22. That's some great stuff there.
  23. This could be a long hunt. Who knows.
  24. Yeah, its messed up. Guns freak people out. Its like when someone is mauled or killed by a bear or mountain lion. It gets a lot of attention on the news but, there's more people injured or killed by hitting deer on the roads.
  25. Quavodus

    Catch 22

    Well, when you know your crazy, maybe your not crazy. Crazy aint it.


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