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NotYetGecko45 last won the day on August 24 2016

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    Central Ohio/Dubai
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    Sig M11-A1 Desert
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  1. Too busy fighting space chechens from my couch to go. It is not hate at all, thats unhealthy as you say and a waste of my time. However, as a dude who runs arguably the largest social media platform in the world and goes on lengthy talks and appearances about free speech and acceptance he has spent a lot of time fighting voices he does not like, shady business practices and selling social information aside...if those rumors are to be believed. I have spent a lot of time around self rigtheous and self aggrandizing people - I dont like his methods or his ideologies but to hate someone over their own opinions, no matter how hypocritical, is dishonest. Perhaps it is you who needs counseling for trying to tie negative emotions to another persons satirical/sarcastic take on current events and his opinion on someone whose opinions he disagrees with? Or not. This is a forum, I forget people get prickly.
  2. Mark Zuckerberg...the totalitarian dbag who runs FB (henceforth referred to as Cuckerberg) who has waged war against right-leaning groups and gun rights was apparently trying to launch a Sat via SpaceX that would provide "feee internet to Africa" Never deployed there or went as a contractor, not sure if they even have computers unless you can setup a FTP server on a RPG (sarcasm). Im not even sure what the logisitics of a MANET via Sat would be, sounds cool in theory. Anyway, bleeding heart goals and self righteous ego stroking aside SpaceX [inconceivably] had a massive prelaunch malfunction that caused it (and other sources mention an Israeli Satt) to explode...there goes $200M of Big Data and Target Advertisement down the drain, wonder if his stock takes a hit. Tinfoil moment: sounds like a load of horsedung that it is just some free internetwebz and dank memes for the Africans - maybe spy sat? Maybe its an extraterrestial MIRV to destroy us? (Sarcasm warning) Link: http://www.businessinsider.com/facebooks-mark-zuckerberg-deeply-disappointed-by-spacex-explosion-2016-9 I am mildly amused if you couldnt tell, sorry there Cucks - no soup (satcom) for you
  3. I make too much money to leave here (that sounded too douchey) my job is amazing I couldnt force myself to leave. Only lesson I learned is that my mailbox needs hesco barriers
  4. Ill just make sure to ram him with my golf cart and swat his Subie with a baton as well
  5. Our mailboxes are just rows out in the open, no cover or concealment except a rain sheter and very well lit at night - Id be dead if he wanted me to be.
  6. I didnt stop him after he drove off, that is a dumb idea. The car is pretty easily distinguishable and saw a dude getting into it a few days later - it didnt occur to me that it was actually someone who lived there, figured it was some retard with the guy. He even admitted to being drunk and it being a real gun (my complex is pretty well lit - I was 96% sure it was a gun initially) Like I mentioned he is some sniveling wannabe soldier, I wasnt even being violent or crazy when I spoke to him - just wanted to know who pointed a damn gun at me and he admitted it was him and panicked about his career and it was wrong and the typical excuses.
  7. Long thread title, I know - this is something that happened to me last month or so ago, and it pissed me off more than it scared me. I live on the outskirts of Columbus in one of the "suburbs" and while Ohio is a pretty pro-gun, especially with our laws, most people in Cincin, Cleveland and Columbus from my first hand experience do not like guns. I tried OCing once, and got the cops called on me - they were cool after they stopped pointing their guns at me, and said "while it is legal we strongly discourage it"...I was working on my damn truck. So I just shove it in my waistband now (that's hyperbole) So I figured everyone was a silly liberal or gun-sensitive until one night Im checking my mailbox and I see a green laser dot on the boxes next to me...and lo and behold some [vulgarity intensifies] hanging out his car window and flagging me with his pistol/rifle...damnit. I pull my gun, he (or she/they) speed off and while I should be filled with adrenaline and panicking I was just pissed. Found out the dude lives here, is a ROTC cadet (shocker) but is one of those Oathkeeper/III% dudes. I guess the moral is just because someone is a gun owner/2A supporter doesnt mean theyre cool/good people - all these stupid talking heads like Vickers and Yeager (I have my own reason for disliking Vicky) and sketchy crime dramas and movies showing dudes shooting stuff up and going bananas does not help at all. I guess safety and not being a retard is lost on people. I found the kid and managed to explain to him without raising my blood pressure that "pointing guns at your neighbor is bad, mkay" his excuse was "he was drunk"...so another PSA: dont drink and drive/ride and brandish your POS weapon with a laser at dudes. Guess this was more of a rant than a PSA. I feel like I reacted underwhelmingly but having a wife/kid and getting into bad stuff with bad people who are more dangerous has tempered me. What would anyone have done? Im not going to shoot at a car that might have kids in it or call the cops on someone who drives away; talking is the best/most legal course of action I coild have taken and he seemed more like a sniveling fatboy than a felon.
  8. I dont know brothers, I might have applied Tiger Balm to the family jewels and it actually felt good...
  9. As a veteran and an American I fully back and respect his right to not stand for whatever reason. The 1A is a beautiful thing, cannot be mad at him for doing it - but you can disagree. Now, he needs to put his money was his mouth is. $100M+, and he was adopted and raised by white parents, turned into a SJW and put through college/training...so not sure what he thinks HE is accomplishing other than galvinization. I would respect him more if he donated or volunteered, all that money can start advocacy groups or some other holloe gesture - that would make his stunt more believable.
  10. You will more than likely go through multiple holsters and belts before you settle on one - don't feel bad about it, its always good to have extras and you can start with some "cheaper" ones to get the style you like (AIWB, OWB, SERPA, leather, clipped, etc) but definitely do not skimp out on the final choice of belt and holster. Belts are essential for weight - dependent on what gun you carry it can get heavy adding a giant phone and case, spare mags if you carry any and tear your lower back up. Some are more sensitive to weight, you end up not noticing but for work I carried a bunch of heftier stuff on my belt. Lint and sweat (especially if your swest is super briny because all you eat is salted pork and pretzels) will get into your gun - so keep it clean and lubed. Most guns are coated with something nice but constant contact will start surface rust and discoloration. Practice realistically. Dont be a mall ninja either - practice drawing and dry firing at home. At the range practice in plains clothes - tucked, untucked, jackets, suits, sweaters, offhanded, moving, etc - crawl/walk/run that out but be highly trained and discriminately lethal. Hardly anyone will notice unless you like carrying a 50rd drum magazine hanging out your gun. Dont fidget or worry - even if someone does notice for some reason its legal and they can FOAD. Tell them youre thinking of their mom/sister/grandma/wife. As far as ammo train with it - people love citing coolguy tests like how many fat chicks/phonebooks/gelatin tubs it can penetrate...first off I hope you never have to shoot someone it sucks...second you probably wont have to...third: shot placement is more important than carrying some +P+P nitro teflon coated race gun high caliber 23mm rounds. .22 will kill you just as bad as .450 BM - but whatever you choose make sure to practice. Too many times people want to carry some HST/GDs or whatever the "larry vickers said dis is kewl ma ninja" flavor of the month is and never train with it - so get comfortable as part of you never ending firearms and humility training. You can also look into shoulder holsters or even belly bands if that works for you - dont buy into hypes do what is the best for you. And as always keep yourself legally informed - where you can carry, what states honor your CCW, if the state had a law for declaring to LEOs, and applicable self defense laws Have fun. Buy smart. Train smarter.
  11. I had the opportunity to test a few options at work, not really a fan - its almost like using ghost rings on a gun, but theyre definitely cool for dudes who have bad eyes. I tried them out on a Suarez slide and a MOS Slide. I know shops out there will charge you a ton for doing something you can do yourself with the right tools - not everyone has access/know how. The Suarez was cool since it had milled serrations and porting, and a sleek design so you kind of get your money's worth - Im not into the look Id prefer the MOS since it looks like a Glock and comes with different plates and adapters. The cheapest would be doing it yourself though, so between buying a whole gun, a slide or paying to have it milled Im sure youd go option 3. I couldnt speak to the feasability of carry - Id just hate to smash it on something and then you are out of your optics.
  12. Thanks for sharing that with us all, it hit me 'in the feels' as they say. Loved ones will live on for time immemorial in memories and thoughts, I definitely believe he was with you and steered your towards it. I have a feeling that is the same gun, no way you would have a feeling like that wash over you.
  13. Any ancillary equipment needing to be brought? Such as Dremels with cutters, sanding stones and wheels; files; sandpaper; shake cans or anodizing setups? Figure if everyone interested actually buys a kit and shows up - setting up multiple stations for a true garage-factory assembly line would slightly speed up the 3-4 hours per gun after we get down bending, welding, sanding, filing, demilling, drilling and test fitting all the pieces. And for tribute for using your tools - cash or beer okay? Feels odd to come into someone else's house I've never met and get down with a HK only to not pitch in my fair share.
  14. I am definitely in. Will send a PM.
  15. If velocity is what your after then Id start 10% under and work up and over max by another 5-10% in increments of .1grn. I would err on the side of extreme caution not to be a safety nazi but moreso because stupid stuff like a weak piece of brass or a bad batch of powder can/will happen. However you have said youve loaded a decent amount of rifle so just watch the pressure signs and look for unburnt powder And you should be fine. I wont get into the subjectivity of "stopping power" we can chalkboard all sorts of cool physics equations and harp about shot placement but if a grizz is about to Revenant me, Im just pulling the trigger until it goes "click" Hope that helps


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