Here's a fun game to play. Pick any random event it has to be common enough to happen, but uncommon enough to be unpredictable. Say a wrecked pickup truck...
After work on Friday, if you or your girlfriend see a wrecked pick up truck on the news, newspaper, or in real life. That is the catalyst. The triggering event if you will.
Upon seeing the triggering event. Implement your bug out plan. Which for this test is just a two night car camping trip at your local camp ground. Or pre-established motel.
You have 5-10 minutes to gather everything you need. If it takes longer than 10 minutes from the triggering event to get to your car... you lose.
Get in your car and head to the local campground. If you don't have enough gas to make it. You lose contest over.
If you don't have enough cash on hand to pay for the camp site. You lose contest over.
If you don't have enough food to make it till check out on Sunday. You lose.
If it gets too cold and you have to leave lose.
Its just a fun way to test bug out preparedness, and an excuse to get away for the weekend.
You can do the same thing for a shelter in place. Upon a predetermined random event, shut off the electricity and water to your apt and enjoy the silence...