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About gunslinger_Griff

  • Birthday November 12

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    Washington County, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Firearms, aviation, motorcycles, SCUBA diving
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. Thanks for the response... So when they come out, often at night around here (from what I hear), I can't protect the livestock? Maybe I'll yell at them... Wrong answer... (not to you... to TN)...
  2. Glad this came up... I ASSUME (we all know what "assume" means) I can protect my livestock on my property from coyotes at night though, correct?
  3. Cannot emphasize this enough. Their people lie...all the time... even saving the transcript may not help you if there's a problem...but save it. There's a reason they are consistently ranked as one of the most hated companies in the country every year...
  4. You're going to talk to a person one way or another... Even online orders will have you "chat" with someone and then you'll get a call from someone independent to confirm the order.... So you might as well speak with someone up front... My suggestion (call me a racist pig if you want) is that whomever you speak with... if they don't have any command of the English language... hang up and call back... I do that hen calling anyone for service... And I am just not referring to foreign born people who don't speak English well... When I called and ordered I was made aware of a promotion that wasn't available online... and some online offers aren't available when you call.. It's just the way it is... There are some very good Comcast reps... but most $uck sweaty monkey b@lls... (I hope I don't get banned for saying that)...
  5. A piece of history worth keeping and preserving....
  6. In my SHTF bag is now a M4 and 5.56... but for 30+ years it was an M14 and the 7.62/.308.. I only switched over because I've gotten old and aren't as strong as I used to be and strategically 5.56 will likely always be the easiest rifle round to find in the US. But damn, I think the 7.62/.308 is the most versatile round out there... If I was ever knowingly going in to the sh!t, I'd take nothing less than a 30 cal round... downrange energy on target...
  7. Just a few minutes ago I posted something in a thread about dry firing and listed a few of the debates that will never end, such as Red vs. White (wine), Dark vs. Milk, Ginger vs. Mary Ann... and I completely forgot about Open vs. Concealed.. Honestly I am shocked this one even goes on... I am all for open carry... I'll be the one concealed... so when you are OC and are shot first, I will have time to draw my firearm... A few have mentioned that we're giving too much credit to the Bad Guys to see the open carry... Really? It's human instinct to take out the threat.. If ever in a bar fight, you don't worry about the 98lb weakling playing Pokemon Go, you worry about the 225lb monster who pisses fire... Open Carry makes you a threat to a BG and thus would be eliminated... It's like the people who brag about their concealed carry... Really? Although I'm pretty new around here I've met a few of you and I think they'd agree I am a pretty social guy.. I'll talk to anyone... and I've talked to a few folks who OC (usually because I was interested in what they were carrying)... and the VAST majority of them were OC because they had the right to do so.. not because they felt they were at a tactical advantage.. Now this was primarily in Virginia, and of course I wouldn't say the same thing about my fellow Vols... but for the most part the OC folks were untrained mall ninjas... Yes, you can draw and be on target about 2 seconds faster than I can... got it.. and I will take that 2 second sacrifice in order to not be the first perceived threat in a bad situation. If your OC makes you a deterrent for the BG.. awesome... and I am sure that happens more than we may be aware of... if your OC makes you the first perceived threat and thus a target when the SHTF, thank you for allowing me the precious few seconds to draw my firearm because my firearm is going stay concealed if a weapon is pointed at me... but when it's pointed at you?.... Again, I respect your right to OC.. I think you're wrong.. but that's OK because you think I am wrong... we can still have a beer together... OK, my thread hijack is over and I'll step off the soap box... So no, that wasn't me in the Co-Op or Tractor Supply or HelMart... but that lady's slippers were pretty sexy!
  8. Gotta agree with DaveTN... A while ago someone likened it to swinging a hammer... pretty easy when you're hammering a nail... whether you hit the nail or your thumb (which of course I have NEVER done) is irrelevant... that act of hammering (the firing pin) when it connects with the nail (primer) is easy... Now swing that hammer at nothing at and try to stop it where the nail should be...... it get's a little harder... there isn't anything stopping it where the hammer (pin) wants to stop.. basically isn't that what dry firing is? That instructor probably made it an overly simple analogy... but I am blonde and I have earned it and am likely a part of the reason why there are so many blonde jokes... but the analogy worked for me (and a few others)... Is dry firing OK? Dang.. that goes down with the forever debates including Ginger or Mary Ann, Red or White, Dark or Milk, Yankees, Red Sox or Everyone Else, Amsoil vs. Synthetic vs. Dino oil.... Some things there will always be differences of opinion... so as long as this debate goes on... that means there isn't a definitive RIGHT answer... so why take a risk of weakening the firing mechanism of something that one day may be called upon to save the life of you or your family? So snap caps for me... Oh, and Mary Ann over Ginger, Dark over Milk and Red over White.. . (so I must be a smart blonde! )
  9. Absolutely correct to both of you.. Some of us sound like cranky old curmudgeons. Maybe we are. But our cause needs her generation and her generation will listen to her more than they'll listen to middle (and above) aged while males....
  10. That's just a really bad visual.... So... Great (awesome) demo.... Has anyone used the stuff?
  11. You're right....but they don't and won't. If people minded their own business, Facebook would have stayed what it started out as (a way to reconnect and stay in touch with people).....instead of what it has become.... a drama filled instigator of depression (people comparing their real lives to other people's "highlight reel" on FB). They should have known not to post those photos.... They probably have some disposable income to their name (big $$$ hunting trips).... so I'm guessing they're naive as hell and not stupid....
  12. Ok... ALMOST any name...
  13. You're respectfully wrong... Chuck Norris, or more specifically his beard, can...
  14. Un-effing-believable. How about we combine BLM with ELM (Elderly) with WLM (white) to make ALM (All)... How about we raise LEO pay so we get a better applicant pool? How about we start training them better? And make anyone who enters the academy who has never handled a firearm before go through extra training? There are departments in this part of the country where their academy is 11 weeks... 11.. Another friend's academy was 28.... I'll make a friendly $1 wager that this LEO was not a "gunner" before he/she went to the Academy and thus the "every firearm is loaded" hadn't been ingrained for many years...
  15. Absolutely agree, overall... ISIS, probably not.. They're here and will make the world a worse place until they are aggressively obliterated... But they aren't interested in yours or my neighborhood... Thieves / meth-heads and such.. different story. LJack nailed it... Someone suspicious in a vehicle? At most call the LEOs. It's probably nothing, and the lady in the OP should probably be commended for pulling over to take the call. She might have picked a bad location, but she pulled over... safe driver discount... The guy (Zimmerman Mall Ninja wannabe) approaching a vehicle on a public street with a rifle that isn't slinged was pretty much asking for trouble... or to get shot... And if he was shot, the story would have gone like this, "I was pulled over to take a phone call so I would't be a distracted driver... I was pulled over on a public residential street... then this man came up to me with a rifle pointed at me.. Damn straight I was scared for my life... " The chances of it even making it to a grand jury (let alone a prosecution or trial)??? Pretty slim..


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