I am totally convinced that people who have no practical knowledge of guns have no business commenting on them because every time they show their ignorance.
This guy is right, but not for the reason he thinks. Totally misguided. If you've gone to an HCP class you know D_mn well that you don't draw unless you intend to shoot, and only with your life in danger. Some J_ckass pushing you in the bar because you cheered for the wrong team is not sufficient reason to draw. But of course idiots like this think that HCP holders have never attended such a class, and have no idea that they aren't supposed to be drinking either. This is the same misguided logic used by the media as well. They just feed each other more ignorant information on a daily basis.
The real sad thing is that when you tell them these facts, they get defensive and emotional, and even more illogical (always yelling). They are a real studies in illogical argument presentation. None of their arguments hold any water. They defy logic, processes, law, and always are based on knee-jerk emotions.
Done with the rant.