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Jonathan N. Shooter Ready

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About Jonathan N. Shooter Ready

  • Birthday 12/08/1977

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  • Interests
    The great outdoors, hunting, shooting, camping, shooting, kayaking, shooting, fishing, shooting.....
  • Occupation
    I'm from the government and I'm here to help you! (relax Nancy... I work at a water treatment plant)


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
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  1. I have a Stingray Carry in 9mm. Only complaints I have is the main spring housing is slick. Added grip tape to the front strap and the main spring housing and it is good to go. Shot it in a small IDPA match last week and managed to take 2nd place overall.
  2. We have a set of the red OPS pattern Guuun Grips on my kid’s Tisas 9mm Commander. We like them pretty well.
  3. My current favorite is the Glock 48 with PSA Micro Dagger 15 round magazines.
  4. I worked and hiked around Glacier Park MT and backpacked in the Beartooth Mountains in MT a few times. While this is an unpopular choice, in addition to bear spray….. I either carried a Commander sized 1911 in 45acp or a Glock 17. Never felt under gunned with either one. I tried several ammo types out on hogs. 45acp I carried Remington Golden Saber 230gr ammo. Flat sharp edge of the hollow point seemed to have the least amount of deflection on head shots and none of the five rounds we put in the body of a 300lb pig expanded and resulted in complete pass throughs. In the G17 I carried 147gr truncated flat point FMJ for the same reason. Couple decades later my woods load of choice is Underwood 115gr Extreme Penetrators or Winchester 115gr Service Grade flat point FMJ in a pinch. Different strokes for different folks.
  5. .22LR will absolutely kill a coyote dead. Biggest thing is making a fast and humane kill. I raise and butcher my own livestock. I've killed a lot of 400 + lb hogs with a single shot from a .22lr. You know your gun's capabilities and hopefully your own capabilities as well. If you are confident in the shot when it presents itself then take it. If not dont. Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk
  6. I appreciate the input fellas! Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk
  7. Had a Shield and it is a decent enough gun but was looking for a single stack 9mm that doesn't incorporate the magazine floor plate as part of the griping surface which along with the trigger is what interested me about the BP9cc. I may have to compromise on that though. Gonna take another look at the LC9 and Glock43. XDs is not out of the question either as long as I can disable or pin the grip safety. Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk
  8. So after reviewing the bersa chat forum I think I'm going to pass on it. Seems like 75% of the threads there are related to trouble shooting issues with it. Really unfortunate as I really like the way it feels. Kinda bummed now. Oh well, the search continues. Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk
  9. Coll, thanks! Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk
  10. I did the search but didn't turn up much about the BP9CC. There is plenty regarding the Thunder but not so much about the BP9CC that I found useful. Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk
  11. Looking for first hand knowledge and opinions about the BP9CC. Been interested in it for a couple years now but have been putting off buying one to see what kind reputation/track record they develop. Handled it in the shop but haven't had the opportunity to shoot one as of yet. Hoping someone here can provide a little feedback. Specifically related to reliability with various types of ammo and overall function. Thanks. Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk


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