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My wife and I were up that way yesterday and we stopped by Dead Zero Shooting Park. I am mainly a clay target shooter but my wife and I do enjoy pistol shooting. They are still building facilities and their 1,000 yard rifle range is not ready yet but it is the whole facility is quite impressive. You do not have to shoot paper targets in their pistol bays as they have reaction targets also. They have skeet/trap overlay ranges, wobble trap, 5-stand, two sporting clays courses, pistol bays (15-, 25- and 50-yards), 3D archery and a 1,000-yard rifle range. Everything is new with clubhouse with a pro-shop, a classroom, a covered pavillion, etc. I live up off Highway 111 about 30 miles from Dead Zero and am seriously considering becoming a member.
Come on Jimmy Haslam. Tell Currie what to do.
Thanks for the comments. Just what I needed to wake up my old mind. I have a pre-lock 4-inch 686 new in the box. I am interested in having a 686 with a 2.5-inch barrel. I may have another pre-lock 686 4-inch that is like new that has had an action tune-up rebarredled. So many decisions. Again, thanks for your input.
Is what you gain in features/action smoothness on a particular model S&W revolver worth it to pay the extra money to get a Performance Center revolver over a similar model that has not gone to the Performance Center? Or are you just as well off to buy the standard model and take it to a gunsmith that can give you a good action tune-up? I am considering a 686. Any help is appreciated.
I recently had to find a new barber after the one I had going to unexpectedly passed away. I found a barber in a one man shop closer to home who does a much better job than my previous barber. Only charges $5.00 for a burr cut. I give him $10.00 for a burr for the great job and being a nice person. He deserves more than $5.00 for a haircut.
The football program is a real Dumpster Fire. The Haslams sure are doing a good job of running the show. Maybe Tennessee Football should be called the "Cleveland Browns South".
It is sad but I know several church deacons/members at my church discreetly carry pistols in Sneaky Pete, etc. holsters. And we are well away from a metropolitan carry.
Our feeders were attracting 25-30 birds a week ago. All of a sudden the feeders are being "swarmed" by too many hummingbirds to count. I wonder if it has anything to do with upcoming bad weather from the hurricanes.
I am thinking about purchasing a Sig Sauer 225-A1. Does anyone own one of these pistols? Looking for the good and bad on this model 9mm. Any information is appreciated.
We live in the woods on a mountain top and have 25-30 birds on four feeders. My wife fills the feeders every day. She will only use clear sugar water as it has been reported that some of the store bought "red nectar" is harmful to the birds. The feeders are on an elevated outside staircase about five feet from our den window. She goes out with her flyswatter anytime a yellow jacket shows up.
Cruel Hand Luke: A question. We read on the Roger's website that copper plated or frangible bullets were to be used. Copper jacketed bullets were not to be used. This is understandable with the close ranges that some shots are taken at on steel plates. They list CCI Blazer as being acceptable. I wondered if it was just CCI Blaser or is CCI Blazer Brass acceptable. I did call CCI and talked to one of their technicians. I explained the situation and he said my grandson-in-law should use CCI Speer Lawman 124 grain TMJ. The technician said if he used CCI Blazer there could be lead/jacket separation. Did anyone have any issues using the ammo they brought with them? What ammo did you shoot when taking the course? Thanks, A5
I want to thank everyone for the great information. I am giving my granddaughter's husband a copy of all of these replies. One question. Is there anything he needs to take to the training besides his handgun, ammo, holster w/belt, ear protection, eye protection and magazine holders? I want him to have the best experience possible. He is a fine young man.
Has anyone attended or know anything about the Rogers Shooting School? It is run by a former FBI agent who invented the Kydex holsters and several pistol retention holster designs. Eventually sold his company (Rogers Holsters) to Safariland. The husband of my youngest granddaughter, a police officer, is scheduled to attend this school next week. What I have found on the internet indicates this is a very intensive school. Any information is appreciated.
I also don't like electronics when eating. Really dislike the on table credit card/perpetual advertisement screen device. Always turn it around (and have told management so).
I wish you well with your surgery. I had my right shoulder done three years ago. Had badly torn rotator cup, detached bicep, all tendons popped and a broken piece of bone the size of a quarter floating around (never figured out where it came from). You won't be in a sling for four months and then therapy. You will be in a sling and passive therapy will start quickly. I am primarily a shotgun shooter. Surgeon told me after 9 months I could shoot a shotgun off the shoulder. I decided to wait 12 months. Have been using the shoulder with good results ever since. Now it is time to replace two knees. Getting old is tough. Good luck with the surgery and do your therapy exercises at home.
I worked as a fisheries biologist for TVA. In the early 1980's, myself and three other fisheries biologists were riding down the "Trace" in LBL right at dark. Right at the TN/KY state line we had a charcoal big cat cross the Trace in about two bounds in front of the vehicle and was observed in our headlights. It was definitely a cougar. It had a long tail and was definitely not a house cat or bobcat. At that time LBL was under TVA control. We stopped by the headquarters and told the LBL wildlife biologists what we saw. They said they had multiple reports of sightings of this cat in this area by campers, etc. but we were the first biologists to see it. Had friends that live in Cannon County on a farm. Their grown daughter was crossing a high grass field and came face-to-face with a cougar. Fortunately, she ran one way and the cougar went the other way. The cougar was seen in the valley where they lived for about a week. This was about 25 years ago. The farmers that raised sheep had a constant battle with coyotes. From the time the cougar showed up until it was no longer seen not one coyote was seen or heard in the valley. When the cougar moved on, the coyotes returned. Not one sheep was lost that week the cougar was there.
Prayers for both of you. Congratulations on the great results. My wife is 2-weeks into recovery from a double mastectomy. She also got great news and is now cancer free. She has about 6-months of recovery between the initial surgery, reconstructive surgery and healing time. I can truly say I know the worry and tension both of you were under. Had many sleepless nights. We are getting wary of the month of January. Last January (2016) my wife had surgery for an aneurysm the size of a peach on her aorta. Thank goodness a very good doctor fixed it before it burst. GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME. ALL THE TIME, GOD IS GOOD.
Bought a RTIC 65-quart roto-molded cooler for my son-in-law for his birthday in April. Total price with free shipping was $139.99.
My wife and I are 70 years old. Both of us have been going on vacations to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge for over 60 years. We have many fond memories of these trips with relatives (many who have passed away). We have reservations in Pigeon Forge for 4 nights right after News Years day at a hotel not affected by the fires. We can't decide whether to go or not. It would be really depressing to see so many places that we have visiting for over a half century gone. Can't decide what to do.
Does anyone have any experience with either the Sig Sauer 226 or 229 Legion series pistols? Are the extra features worth the extra cost? Any help is appreciated.
Always vote on election day. Our little polling place on Flat Top Mountain never has more than one to two people in line. But could still smell the stench of the two main party nominees for POTUS even way out here.
Multiple fires on Signal, Montlake, etc. mountains as I type this. I live on Flat Top Mountain north of there and we had a woods fire 3 days ago about a half mile from our house. Please pray for rain.
Biltmore is a great place to see. Also Helen, GA (Bavarian atmosphere) is a great place to visit around the holidays.
Move to Chattanooga and get EPB Fiber Optics. Great TV, Internet and Phone service. Great customer service.
I know for a fact that the Gander Mountain in Knoxville will price match within a certain distance with other stores. My stepson found a pistol he wanted at GM and they price matched it with the Bud's store in Sevierville. Other than that their prices are generally way too high.