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Sp guns

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Everything posted by Sp guns

  1. how much increased pulses effect accurasy..??
  2. Make your own subsonic slugs..!!
  3. IIs water bulletproof..??
  4. homemade rubber slug..!!
  5. Shooting my cast 410 slugs..!!
  6. How much energy can kill a pig..??
  7. Chrono the fx indy bullpup 25 cal..!!
  8. airgun pellets buckshots..!!
  9. 12g bang stick..!!
  10. Rubber buckshots..! It works..??
  11. Yukon photon xt night vision scope..!!
  12. Easy homemade landmine..!!
  13. Will a 25 cal airgun pellet go through a house door..??
  14. Oil filter silencer vs bottle silencer..!! What is better..??
  15. Thank you so much my friend..!! You just make me happy..!!
  16. Airgun bullets..!! Worth it..??
  17. Tree vs slugs..!! Who wins..??
  18. Can a lighter save your life..??
  19. Water balloon silencer..!! It works..??
  20. Can bullets ignite gasoline..??


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