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Everything posted by Mindless-Focus

  1. Congrats! My father told me that anything in your life worth having will not come cheap nor be easy. Marriage is no exception. My wife and I are trying our hardest. We've been together for 11 years. We've been married for 6. The biggest lesson I've learned is that communication is key!
  2. So that's about 70 days for the last one.
  3. Yeah, I'm 4.4 miles away, but it's a straight drive. Dunno if I'll be able to park near there.
  4. My thing is, if Killary wins, she'll put one or more SCOTUS judges in. That will change the face of our rights. Sure, the House and Senate is in the Right's hands, but what if that changes? She'll be unstoppable. We've lost control of both before, and it can and will happen again. The way I see it is this: abstaining from a vote is a vote for Killary. Voting for Killary is a vote against our rights and remember, she is running on a gun control platform for presidency. A vote for Killary is a vote against the 2A and means you are an enemy of the 2A.
  5. Lol, I know the feeling. I always say I'm gonna spend $xxx on a rifle and then end up going well above that. Always tell myself: "well, I tried." Looks great! Love to see an AAR after you get it in the field.
  6. Who all is going? Where is everyone staying? What's everyone planning to do at the show?
  7. Too bad they haven't had Dead Air can for a while.
  8. One has the take down and pivot pin holes way undersized. I use CMMG kits on all my builds. You can put the pins up to the holes and see how undersized they are. Conversely, the trigger pin holes or over sized. Again, I use CMMG kits and those pins about freely drop through. I suspect this one, which was bought from an online retailer, is probably an earlier lower from when tolerance issues with them ran rampant. The other has a "wobbly" mag well. Mags won't drop freely but otherwise it's okay. I've built 20+ rifles, both for myself and for friends and family, and usually its Anderson I see more of an issue with. Now, I'm not sure if they were from the earlier days or current. One of those things that if I get burned by, I tend to remember. Edit: yes, I also realize the issue with stacked tolerances. I've just never had issues with other sets.
  9. Not a fan of Anderson. I have two lowers out of spec that I'm trying to correct.
  10. It's July 13th is the deadline. That's what's been solicited.
  11. I stand corrected. Personally, I do really like Classic. Just feels more homey. I'm biased. It's my favorite shop.
  12. Now THAT sounds awesome!
  13. Sad thing is, California is usually a test bed state. If it passes there, other less free states try to emulate it. Can we seriously wall off California yet?
  14. If you do get them back and you want a great gunsmith who is super communicative, I'd suggest Civ Tactical out of CA. He's quick and sends photos of the progress and finished work along the way. Great guy there.
  15. The Tavor in 300blk. It's supposed to be out this year and I preordered/paid for it. It is as supposed to be out in April/May but I hear it's been delayed. Also have a suppressor on order too for it.
  16. Welcome! We do have several gun shops here. The 4 I can name off my head are Guns & Ammo, Classic Arms, Fair Arms, and Range USA. There is also Medic Arms but I've never been there personally. Guns & Ammo is our oldest and is well established. Classic Arms is my favorite hang out FFL. They are very friendly. I go there often just to shoot the breeze. Range USA is our indoor pistol range. They have a cafe inside and is a great place to go for pistol shooting. Fair Arms is our NFA shop. There is a new one called Richard's Arms or something, but I have not been there yet. There is a outdoor gun range/club called Midsouth Sports Shooters Association or MSSA. It's a membership range, but has all the ranges at all the various distances you can imagine. Thry also have cowboy action and skeet ranges. You've come to the right forum! I'm new to the forum, but in my short time, it has been a great resource. Glad you were able to join us here on the forum and in the free states! Glad to have you!
  17. Too close. shoukd have bought locally from Fair Arms when they had one. I held and played with it. Hemmed and hawed. Finally just said screw it.
  18. Doesn't account for shipping either.
  19. I have a Dead Air Sandman S on order. Tried getting it from a shop here in state. Called 7 NFA shops all over the state. All were out of stock or waiting on a shipment but didn't think it'd be in before July. So I ordered from Capital. From when I was notified that the Form 3 was sent to July 13th, is 77 days. Gonna be really close if current lead times are 60-80 days.
  20. That's what I'm saying. I have the serial myself. Don't think this NFA shop near me will.
  21. I'll be coming down to the wire. From the time the form 3 was sent to July 13th is 77 days. Hope it's in before then so I can start the process. I really don't want this to go past the 41F deadline. The guy I spoke to at ATF said that with the background checks, the lead times for Form 1/4 will be 9-12 months. Do not want that.
  22. All my windowed pmags are 300. All my gen 2 or gen 3 non-windowed are 5.56. I have about 6 each.
  23. Anyone know what the current lead time with a Form 3 currently is? Or knows a resource that communicates its current timeframe?


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