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Everything posted by Titansfan

  1. When the threat is gone (punk dropping the knife), I would be required to lower my weapon. I'd use my own cell phone to call the police.
  2. Key phrase is "intent to go armed ". A kid going to ball practice with a bat is not intent to go armed.
  3. You did the right thing.
  4. Tennessee Delorme map is very useful. Being a geocacher, I have topo maps loaded onto my Garmin 60csx. GPS is the way to go for me.
  5. Very cool video, will post it on facebook.
  6. Didn't pay any attention of the new AG. If I want to hear something about race from a black man, I will hear it from Walter Williams and H K Edgerton. I have personally met H K, it his an inspiration.
  7. I'm in there too. I'm with you, maybe I will get a present.
  8. After the July assaination attempt, all soldiers had to re-new their oath and changed allegenance to Hitler. Hitler never trusted the regular Army officers.
  9. During the election, I said the Obama-Biden team would not be good for gun owners and told don't worry about it. Now, we are seeing the rest of the camel, not just the nose. I will be emailing Rep. Tanner and both Senators to resist this new gun bills.
  10. I normally keep my gun in the side pocket of the door beside me whether driving or passenger. When we switch, I make the purpose to switch the gun location.


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