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Scorpion Equalizer

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Everything posted by Scorpion Equalizer

  1. I got mine back within 3 weeks also after going to the driver center.
  2. I didn't advocate for civil disobedience or armed rebellion. I just pointed out what millions of Americans are preparing for. They haven't just been buying all those record number of guns the last eight years just to go hunting. 99% of them are law abiding citizens that believe in the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment. As for civil disobedience, you have been seeing it in our cities the last few years, and probably will see more of it coming to our cities. To me, panic buying guns and ammo is like having a sense that something is about to hit the fan and I better not be left unprepared.
  3. Barack Hussein Obama has already taken our country to the S### hole by design and purpose. I don't believe we will ever see the good ole days any more, and half of the country's people know it and are getting prepared for the days of civil disobedience.
  4. S&W 649 .357 and Desantis pocket holster a couple months ago, and then a Gun Tote'n Mamas Ipad/tablet case for my CZ 75 compact and Ipad.
  5. Voting for socialism has consequences.
  6. Do you have your resume in for consideration as press secretary in the Hillary administration? You will make a great press secretary, even better than Josh Earnest.
  7. Hillary will say we are all Islamaphobes for racial profiling. I guess we're (TGO) all in the basket of deplorables!
  8. There are lots of clowns in Washington, D.C.
  9. I am truly sorry for your loss. Prayers sent.
  10. Our society today just doesn't demand personal responsibility anymore, and largely due to the politicians.That's why we are seeing more and more people on welfare and food stamps.
  11. Take a look at Gun Tote'n Mamas Purses at Amazon. If she has an IPad, they have one for IPad and gun carry.
  12. Next executive order from either BHO or Billary is to redistribute those guns from super owners to the poor and helpless democrats.
  13. I've got the smaller case that I bought at Academy Sports for $69.99. Great case for the money, but I don't care for the yellow handle. I think I've seen them now with black handles.
  14. Maybe that'll be enough to scare the liberals living in Tennessee to move to Kalifornia.
  15. Guns and Leather in Hendersonville has them. Don't know for sure, but I would bet Outpost Armory in Murfreesboro has them.
  16. Exactly what Trump has been saying for over a year.
  17. Do they carry the "modern sporting rifles" or are they just like Dick's?
  18. You can sure spot idiot liberal DEM/RINO governors from communist gun control states. He was also father of Romneycare that turned into Obamacare where you can save $2,500.00 a year, keep your own doctor and insurance plan. That's why he lost in 2012 b/c everyone knew he was a RINO. And it looks like Hillary, another idiot liberal Dem/Socialist with an anti-gun agenda is gonna be elected in November.
  19. Hawaiian Sucker might be a good name.
  20. I respect the flag of the government we had before it was fundamentally transformed into the liberal/socialist/communist government of BHO and Billary. I arm myself b/c the Constitution gives me that right to be prepared against government tyrants.
  21. If you had Googled "Lucy Parsons" , you would have known she was an Anarchist Communist instead of a Marxist Communist. However you want to describe Lucy or Karl, they're both commies.
  22. A Commie is still a Commie no matter the degree of Communism.
  23. Karl Marx would've loved that ad.
  24. He might want to move to Cuba since he was seen wearing a Fidel Castro t-shirt. Looks like he might be an Marxist and possibly brainwashed by his liberal/commie professors in college. He's a fly in the ointment for the NFL.


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