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Scorpion Equalizer

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    Middle Tennessee
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  1. I just got the Extang Encore that folds open from the tailgate or from the cab where you unlock it with your truck key to open. After folding back to the cab, it can easily come off by unhooking on each side and then lift up. Got it at Hunter's Custom Automotive in East Nashville on Trinity Lane close to Ellington Pkw. Free installation.
  2. It really doesn't matter whom the NRA elected president, all the liberal Democrats would still have a hissy fit. Good job NRA.
  3. Briley won't get my vote for mayor.
  4. He just needs the RINO's support for his bills to pass. He will probably make a deal with the RINO's.
  5. Again, this is where the ACE comes into play, he has the veto power. He might try to make a deal to get his healthcare and tax reform bills passed.
  6. I don't believe Trump would sign any legislation unless he gets his health care and tax reform bills passed. Trump knows most of his base are pro 2nd Amendment, and I don't think he wants to lose any of his base supporters. This may be where the art of the deal comes into play. He is holding the Ace. If you've seen any of his rallies, he always reminds his audience of how important the 2nd A is to our country.
  7. Deja Poo: The feeling that you've heard this crap before.
  8. Colin Kaepernick's protest of minority oppression may have had more credibility if he had not highjacked it with his display of Marxism. He is simply a commie who hates our country and values. His commie advisers and his stupidity cost him millions by thinking he could opt out of his contract, and that some other owner would sign him to bigger contract after his protest antics stirred up the ire of patriotic fans. An NFL owner would have to be stupid to sign him to an NFL contract. Like others have said, your actions have consequences, and I believe these protests will have very long term detrimental effects to the NFL. I'm another ex-fan that will not support or watch the NFL any more. APB for Colin Kaepernick.....
  9. Yeah, like you can really throw high heat!
  10. Congrats. You should be very proud.
  11. You could've fooled me, for a moment there, I thought it was a new TGO startup aerobic class.
  12. The greedy liberal democrats would steel the nickels off a dead man's eyes. They love the death tax.
  13. I watched it opening night and I was not disappointed in the action movie at all, but I agree the first one was better overall because of the opening storyline. Can't wait until the third movie.
  14. The liberal leftist Democrats are not exactly a bunch of bright bulbs. Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Hank Johnson, and even Hildabeast don't shine a bright light on the Democrat party, and there is without question that they wrote the book on how to lie.
  15. Went to see John Wick 2 tonight and there is one word to describe him - " Badass ". Superb action movie.


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