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Everything posted by forty5cal1911

  1. Sounds great! Looking forward to it.
  2. Registered on practiscore. No online match payment?
  3. Happy Resurrection Sunday to all! In this season of trial I hope all will remember that HE IS RISEN AND STILL ON THE THRONE! Psalm 91: He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.a 2I will say to the LORD, “You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” 3Surely He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the deadly plague. 4He will cover you with His feathers; under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and rampart. 5You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the calamity that destroys at noon. 7Though a thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, no harm will come near you. 8You will only see it with your eyes and witness the punishment of the wicked. 9Because you have made the LORD your dwelling— my refuge, the Most High— 10no evil will befall you, no plague will approach your tent. 11For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. 12They will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.b 13You will tread on the lion and cobra; you will trample the young lion and serpent. 14“Because he loves Me, I will deliver him; because he knows My name, I will protect him. 15When he calls out to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. 16With long life I will satisfy him and show him My salvation.”
  4. Got a much more even finish on the beavertail. FYI if you use the caswell stainless blackening I found it better to not wipe it down but to use a card to scrape the gel off then gently wipe and apply oil to penetrate. Finish matches the STI bluing perfectly.
  5. Awww man! Just beautiful.... I absolutely love the USP line. USP Compact 9mm is just about the best carry gun period and definitely the best polymer, especially once you get it converted to variant 9. Of course I'm quite partial to 1911's.
  6. Man it's such a shame that everything has been shut down. Looks like Strategic Edge in Chapel Hill has pushed their USPSA matches out to June. But I just talked to Michael at MCTS and they are holding theirs this month. Woohoo!
  7. With all the time on my hands working from home in this quarantine, I've taken some time to do some smithing on this guy. I've added a steel grip from Lonestar Innovations, EGW slide stop and Atlas gunworks thumb safety. Glenn at LSI will mill your grip to your exact frame dimensions so fitting the grip was no problem. Only thing I had to do was lower the top of the inner grip bushing blocks to fully seat the grip. Needed to do a little blending to the frame and I had some hotspots on the thumb safety and the weak hand side had a good bit of overhang. I did some contouring and it is MUCH better now. This grip feels perfect now. I don't love the spolitchiness I got with the stainless blackening from Caswell but should be able to take care of it with another prep and treatment.
  8. Excellent! Looks good now Thank you @MacGyver And you did it with just a piece of duct tape a paper clip and a ball bearing!
  9. Thank you @TripleGGG
  10. Yes, when I look at my profile it shows an eye with a slash through it and says that I am anonymous and that others will not see me online and my last visited time will not be posted. As far as I can find there is no setting in Profile, Account or Notifications that can toggle this on or off. It has been several years since I've logged into the site and must have had this turned on previously or something? Honestly have no idea. I've sent TGO David a PM.
  11. I have somehow gotten my account stuck in anonymous mode and cannot find the setting in my profile or account settings. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks
  12. Thank you gentlemen
  13. Build this gun about 3 years ago intending to shoot it in USPSA Limited division. Of course life gets in the way (new child, building house, etc.) and kept me out of the sport another couple of years. Looking forward to shooting my first match in a decade next month. STI Tactical 4.0 DS Infinity Fiber front site & 10-8 unotch rear Infinity Stainless FLGR with Wolff 12 lb and CP Buff Infinity ILS trigger with medium flat insert Brazos Custom ultra light hammer and sear 19 lb mainspring Dawson Ice Magwell
  14. Kudos to you brother! I've seen some folks on forums absolutely butcher their firearms trying to do a stippling job. A+ work What range do you typically go to?
  15. Looks good. Did you use a soldering iron or air hammer to do the stippling? How's the "grippiness" on it? Like that undercut too.
  16. Getting back into matches after a decade absence. Looking forward to shooting with you guys next match. Wish I could have made it out today.


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