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Everything posted by 56FordGuy

  1. What would they charge them with? At the end of the day, the responsibility for the crime lies on the scumbag that pulled the trigger.
  2.   :wave:   This thread has been one of 'those' threads that seems to bring all sorts of folks together. :) 
  3. I laughed, choked a little and spit tea all over my laptop. Thanks bud. :lol: :lol:
  4.     Right here, this is where I knew the thread was going to get good. Not because of the flag burning, but because we can see we're dealing with real, live, big and bad 18 wheeler man! Or someone who's just trying to be a big bad 18 wheeler man with smoke stacks on his pickup truck. Either way, knowing now that his vehicle is obviously such a big part of his life that he had to work it into the post, it kind of makes me wonder if that's the case because there's nothing else to his life. Seems like the typical attitude of someone...eh, I'd guess 16-25 years old who just hasn't yet realized that life is a whole lot more enjoyable without 'rolling coal' and trying to stuff things in peoples' faces.    But what the hell do I know? I'm still on the lookout for another fluffy cow, could use another pair of wooly chaps...:)
  5.   Next one I take, I'll try and weigh it for you. These suckers seem pretty stupid; last two I got were bouncing around with a third one. I shot the first one, and the other two just sat there. Shot the second one, and only then did the last one start to hop away. I let him go- I don't want to shoot them all, I just want them to migrate off my land.    I don't know if they can cause cancer in humans or not, but having been warned that they're known to carry it I don't have any reason to take the chance. If you'd like, perhaps I can pack one in dry ice and send it to you? :) Might make for an interesting disection, anyway. 
  6. Eh, the last one I shot was every bit as large as my smaller dog that's 19 lbs. I didn't weight the rabbit, but the estimated weight seems right.    As for regaling me with tales, I'm sure there are far more entertaining possibilities than cancerous rabbits. We actually have real bears and mountain lions out here, no doubt there's plenty of opportunity to mess with the new guy there. :lol: 
  7. GT is GT Distributors, a gun shop located in northern Georgia just across the TN line.   I picked up an AR from them a while back, some of the guns they have come through at the prices they do are pretty impressive. 
  8.   The jackrabbits out here can get up to 20-30 lbs. I've popped a couple when I caught them digging holes in my pastures. A hole can mean the end of a horse, so those critters have to go. I've been advised by several locals that they're known to be cancerous though, so I haven't bothered cleaning any of them. Plenty big enough if a person was willing, though...
  9.   For a while, I worked with a contemporary Christian band that played in any church that would have them. After many years in and around various southern churches, I feel comfortable saying nobody does church like black ladies in the south. Even in my 'home' church at the time, I didn't feel as at home as I did in some of the black churches we played. In my experience, those ladies were almost always just genuinely happy to have you in church and wanted you to feel at home.    I'd recommend everyone, even if you have a great 'home' church you're happy with go visit an African American church once or twice. It's a pretty awesome experience, and if nothing else an opportunity to fellowship with some brothers and sisters in Christ in a way that you might not otherwise get to experience. 
  10.   Last weekend we worked just over 400 calves, vaccinations, ID, and castration when required. At one point, there were two gallon sized buckets full of raw "oysters". :lol:   Don't know where they ended up, but there was brisket for lunch. :)
  11. Thanks bud! I'll be around when I can, things have been pretty busy the last couple of months. Things are going well out here so far, just waiting on the house in TN to sell. I have a couple more round trips to make moving the last of the stuff, we're putting in fence right now out here so I can get the horses moved. I've about put more miles on my truck in the last 6 months than I have since I bought it in 2010. :lol:
  12.   They take the tires off, then someone puts it in drive while someone else jams a file into the rotor. :lol:   Over the years there have been a number of 'on the car' tools that worked well, including brake lathes and tire balancers. Some vehicles, an on the wheel balancer results in a much better ride because it causes you to adjust for unbalanced components in the drive axles, hubs, etc...
  13.     It's a shame I'm 1,300 miles away or I might be interested in the '97. I'm in the middle of replacing the struts on our '05 Subaru now. I really, really like Subarus...I just can't stand most of the people that drive them. :lol: Especially down around Denver, holy crap. Then again, I just don't care for Denver in general. :)   There are a lot of Subarus out here, but the further you get from Colorado the more reasonable the owners become. We were branding cattle Memorial Day weekend, pretty much every vehicle at the ranch was either a truck with a stock trailer or some variant of a Subaru. They're good cars, and nobody does AWD as well as they do.    Of course, this is usually a pretty logical state so it's no surprise good cars would be popular here. It's equally un-surprising that logic prevailed and no permit is required for residents to carry here, either. :) It isn't perfect, but that's a real fine start. 
  14.     Diesel pickups are the new ricers. Years ago it was cool to be 'Fast and Furious" in a lowered Honda, now all the kids (and the mid life crisis guys) want to be 'country' in diesel pickups with semi truck stacks. This too shall pass, as soon as some new fad comes along.    A properly tuned, properly built diesel truck won't smoke. That's why the diesel pickups of...heck, let's say 10 years ago so nobody can whine about new emissions equipment preventing it; those trucks put out far more power than diesels of the 1980s and early 90's, but none of them were smoking when they pulled off the dealer's lot. So much for the "more power means it will smoke" theory. Now, Bubba who bought a big bad tuner chip off and plugged it in with 'expertise' he heard from friends, found on the internet, or read in a magazine is a different story. Big chip, then big injectors, then "YeehawNascarBarbecueFourWheelDrive!" Dump all the fuel you can into the cylinders with the airflow to support it, and you get partially burned fuel in the exhaust, aka black smoke. If the engine could actually burn all that fuel it would end up with more power than the smoking one, but it wouldn't look as 'cool'. 
  15.   For nearly ten years I drove around Nashville at all hours of the day (and sometime night) in a service truck out fixing equipment. Nashville traffic can be miserable. If I was south/ southeast of town at the end of the day, it would take me almost two hours to get back to Gallatin regardless of the route I took. 65 North to Vets meant sitting in traffic, basically all the way from Briley to Indian Lake Blvd. 840 to 109 meant sitting in traffic on 109 due to too many cars trying to get down a two lane highway, and then for the last few years the construction has done a number on it. If there's a wreck on the two lane (which happened fairly often), just forget it. Put it in park and maybe take a nap. 
  16.   That's the case outside of TN as well. The market out here in the $200 and below, even up to 250 is booming.   Unfortunately, the market for not-so-starter homes in TN is a little slower than I'd like. In fact, supposed to have a chat with the realtor tomorrow about that very thing. 
  17. They're not the only ones.
  18.   I know a fair number of gay folks, and you're right. We're not all flaming liberals, in fact a lot of us just want to live our lives, protect our families, and be left alone the same as anyone else. I've introduced a number of gay friends to firearms and shooting because as they say, "armed gays don't get bashed". We're just like everyone else.    The right has traditionally bet on the hard line traditionalists to be a larger number of voters than right leaning gay folks, and by the numbers they're right. The most optimistic estimates say that gay/ trans people make up 10-14% of the US population, and some surveys are as low as 2-3%. When you break that group down further into active voters, then conservative active voters, the right has had a much larger well to tap by toeing the traditionalist line. They can bark about how 'the gays' are trying to destroy marriage and hate Jesus, and it's easy to motivate everyone that claims to be a Christian to the polls because they think Jesus may not love them as much if they extend some grace to the evil gays.    The left is just as bad- they scream about how the right is just out to get gay people at all costs, and they make it sound like we're about to be the victims of some type of horrible ethnic cleansing which drives every Subaru driving, tree hugging, granola munching liberal gay or not out to the polls to 'protect' us poor, stupid queers that can't stand up for ourselves. It's insulting, but this is the place modern gay people find themselves. We're a convenient political football that neither party really wants to take care of, they're both too busy kicking us back and forth to pump up their own fans. 
  19. I believe a lot of folks on both sides of the aisle would be surprised at how many gay people are conservative or libertarian.
  20. Wow. It went all the way to 27 posts until someone brought up gay marriage. :lol: Considering that Bruce Jenner isn't gay, I think that may be a forum record. Personally, I think the gays that want to get married because they love each other have more respect for traditional marriage than all the straight folks who just need the government to okay them for sex.
  21. He is. Like most modern country stars he's shooting for the teens and twenty something kids that just want to thump and bump some nonsensical trash about girls, beer and trucks. The handful of them that are even aware of this will forget all about it when his next single, "Girl in a beer truck" comes out. Unfortunately, I suspect Mr McGraw's career will be unaffected by this and it will be forgotten by most in a couple of weeks.
  22. We had a '96 Tacoma, I loved that truck. Sold it when we moved, still kick myself for it. Two wheel drive, manual trans, great little run around truck for everyday stuff. 
  23. Big lathes aren't cheap, most shops don't buy them to sit around and take up space. Odds are any shop equipped to do what you're wanting already has contracts for parts that keep their machines running, so working in a 'one off' job means slowing production on an existing, probably regular order.    Lots of folks know how to do it, it's just a matter of having the equipment. Most hobbyists and home shops don't have the machines to turn a 4' long piece.    I have a shop in Gallatin that I've farmed some large jobs out to in the past, but they're not taking any 'extra' work right now. You might try Industrial Resource Group on Polk Ave in Nashville. 
  24. We've had three male dogs, all have been neutered. No noticeable personality change in any of them, I can't see any reason not to have it done.  


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