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Everything posted by oldogy

  1. From what I can find out about that convoluted piece of garbage known as the stimulus package not too many folks, including those voting on it, actually know what it contains. What a sham. oldogy
  2. What does the business owner say? Might be a word to the owner would correct the problem. The animals may be just acting protective of the place, the area. The dog owners may not be aware of the problem. Might be a larger problem than just yours. Too many unknowns here. I would make it known starting with the business owner and go from there. If a report goes to authorities and some day you have to put the dog down at least there will be a report filed of a dangerous animal and you would be somewhat justified. JMHO, oldogy
  3. Looks to me like the data base is corrupt where some of the content is unreadable or inaccessible. oldogy
  4. You are so right. Just look at how the feds handle air quality issues. oldogy
  5. I suggest you have a long serious talk with your knowledgeable insurance agent before getting any kind of animal like this. Many insurance companies do not like the idea at all and will cancel you in a heartbeat. Another thing to consider is what happens to the dog in the event you can no longer keep it. FWIW, most of the 'wolves' you see in the movies are actually sable German Shepherds. oldogy, who has lived and been around many GSDs. Current companion and family member is Chelsea, a 90 lb black GSD.
  6. Just to chime in and reiterate what others have said about protecting your hearing. I shot for years private life with no protection. When I was active duty Army we used no hearing protection on the range. I worked around aircraft with no protection. I like auto racing and years ago no sound reduction was enforced. One of my favorite toys a few years back was a boat with unrestricted through hull exhausts. I have a few years helping me along but I now have moderate to severe hearing loss and it aint fun. Take care of your hearing, guys and girls. oldogy
  7. :DYeah, I like number 8 oldogy
  8. oldogy

    Kel-Tec PF-9

    I like mine so far. I've put only a couple hundred rounds through it. One of the first clip, no 5 or 6 round failed to eject but it has been fine since. I find it reasonably accurate. IMO, hard to beat for a cheap gun. oldogy
  9. I just re blued my old Winchester 69A, not a shotgun but a cheap 22 rifle that I've owned for about 55 years. It had been abused, neglected, wet, dropped and showed it. It had some light rust, almost to the point of pitting. I used #600 grit paper and 0000 steel wool. I was able to take the surface down to bright metal with not much work. I blued it using Brownells Oxpho-blue creme formula. I was impressed with the results. I tried the same product on an old pistol where the bluing had worn thin. Same results, very pleased. Disclaimer: I am in no way connected with Brownells, just satisfied user of the product. oldogy Now on to the stock.
  10. You're so llluuuuuccccckkkkyyyyy. So what engine, 300 I-6, the FE series V8, or replacement? oldogy
  11. Within the past month I've ordered from two different on line suppliers, 9mm Luger and 6.5-52R. Both received quickly. oldogy
  12. I would not leave home without that document and any other that would support your right to carry in TN. The burden to support your position will be on you. That said, I would remain squeaky clean and choose my friends and places I frequent very carefully. I would make a concentrated effort to refrain from printing. Not that I really care but I can not help but wonder what kind of encounter you had with a LEO that brought up the subject. ray, the oldogy So, who is Saul Alinsky
  13. I can not fathom any thinking person watching any news lately and not being terrified. ray, the oldogy So, who is Saul Alinsky?
  14. Not me but I have a friend who rides a sport bike and pocket carries a KelTec all the time. ray, the oldogy
  15. Excellent thread discussing the bureaucratic nightmare of laws. But I do have a question or two. So I, with a TN HCP travel to a different state with X number of my sidearms in my possession, all legal and non registered and packed for legal transport. A relative and I have show and tell and throw a little lead, non sanctioned event, at his club. I return to TN with x+1 handguns. Again, all these handguns are unregistered, no paper trail as these guns were purchased before all the gun haters got their panties in a wad and passed a bunch of silly :screwy:laws that infringe. Who is to prove the +1 gun has not been in my possession all along? Anyone see a problem doing this? It could just happen. Comments welcome. ray, the oldogy
  16. Welcome to the Un-united Socialist States of America. ray, the oldogy
  17. oldogy

    My new Jeep

    Needs a minimum of 33s and a little more lift. ray, the oldogy
  18. Just got back. Fair, not the best by far nor the worst. Pretty good crowd and some were buying. I came away with as much money as I went with. ray, the oldogy
  19. See y'all Sat morning. ray, the oldogy
  20. What is so hard for these government clowns to realize that government does not create real jobs, meaningful jobs that grow the economy!! :rolleyes:Take some of the regulations off business, quit draining business with taxes and grow the economey. Businesses create jobs. Government spends money. ray, the oldogy
  21. When I started deer hunting in the early 1950s the high camp hunters in the area just about all used model 94 winchester in 30-30. It was a poor area and many hunters could not afford a rifle so we always thought more deer were killed with punkin balls or buckshot. My dad bucked the crowd with a model 94 winchester in 25-35 cal. I still have that gun today. Yep, it has killed a few. ray, the oldogy
  22. A slight inconsistency here between your signature line and your statement:D ray, the oldogy
  23. 12 ga Lyman modified with 00 or #1. ray, the oldogy
  24. Since this seems to have evolved into a wildlife watching and appreciation thread I'll post my observations of this Tuesday, 20th am. Wife and I were sitting in our usual morning positions, drinking coffee, watching activity at the bird feeder and looking down through our open tree grove. There was an inch of snow on the ground, perfect for wildlife watching. There were probably a dozen various birds feeding, including four dove on the ground below the feeder. Suddenly something went through our line of vision so fast we could not tell what it was. I expect it was a hawk of some kind as we do have red tail hawks hanging around a lot and I believe I've seen a Cooper's hawk or two in the past but could never make positive ID. The smaller birds scattered away to safety while the dove sat motionless on the ground for a full five minutes, we timed them. I looked for the hawk but could not see it. As if by command the dove started feeding and one by one the smaller birds returned. So far as watching birds of prey, the eagle is the most fascinating bird to watch. At our FL property we had a 20+ acre pasture with a small lake thereon complete with eagle's nest in a tall pine. We have seen eagles turn egrets into a ball of floating white feathers as they catch them in flight. And on the foxes, we have a family of red fox that lives on our place here. It is neat to watch the young come out and play. ray, the oldogy


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