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Everything posted by oldogy

  1. Go with the Monster. Look here. www.cincinnatipowersports.com Tell Lawrence the old man sent you. I'll even carry it to Nashville for you at no charge. oldogy
  2. The kind of restaurants that I patronize want my business. Wife and I just got back from a restaurant trip. I don't know for sure but I have a strong feeling that the owner carries. oldogy
  3. Welcome to TGO. Drag up a stump and sit a spell. What kind of shooting do you do? Sounds like your political ideology will fit right in. oldogy
  4. oldogy


    Welcome to TGO. Lots of good conservative folks here always ready to enlighten those on a different path. Yeah, most of us have the commonality of liking TN and our guns. So what kind of guns do you have and how do you use them, target, skeet, trap, self defense, other? Do you have any firearm training, ex military or such? Shoot competitively? As a general rule most of us don't believe in the term "As----t", as it applies to guns or weapons. So find a comfortable stump and sit a spell. oldogy
  5. oldogy

    Go LSN Warning

    So does he know it was actually the sherrif's dept? Did he get a call back number and contact or is this just more scam! oldogy
  6. x=======x=========x============x==========x========x ???What about executive order? This guy has the most liberal record in congress. Couple this with the ultra liberal ilk of Pelose and Reed and the majorities in their respective houses! What about the ability to ram the unread stimulus package through congress in record time. Scares the he!! out of me. H.Obama is the perfect symbol of what America is NOT. JMHO, yours may differ. I'll stick to my guns but debate is welcome. oldogy
  7. This type thing has been around for many years. Glad to hear you did your research. oldogy
  8. Kin I just cut and save that to include with my return. I've been a frettin' 'bout what I was a gonna say. oldogy
  9. oldogy

    TN State Guard

    Too old. oldogy
  10. So we tighten our gun laws because Mexico has a problem? Isn't that like opening the door to the hen house when the fox is just outside Typical liberal drivel. See signature line below. oldogy
  11. Lets see, parts missing, we don't know what, we know nothing about it. A decent operating square baler will bring $1000.. Unless you want to research the actual condition of the baler and the cost of parts to repair it may be in your best interest to take the money and run. There is a lot of parts interchangeability in some of the old balers but do you want to go there? If it were an old Ford tractor I would comment farther:D. Scrap prices are half what they were six months ago so I doubt if it is worth more as scrap. oldogy
  12. If those government clowns had a border policy with any substance the Mexico problem would not be ours. IMHO, our policy should be that anyone who comes across the border illegally should be DOA. Sure would be cheaper for the UUSSA. oldogy
  13. Done 1,2,3 oldogy
  14. My signature line says it all. oldogy
  15. Interesting. What range, hundred yards? oldogy
  16. Enjoy the class. I tried to get my wife to take it when I did but, no. I wish you both luck and may neither of you ever need what you are carrying. oldogy
  17. It would really be bad if you could not hear well enough to understand what they were questioning you about. Yeah, I've been on the grand jury trip before but I could hear then. oldogy
  18. Guys and girls, Let us not be too hard on Bob. If the folks of TN were dumb enough we could have someone like Dirty Harry Reed or UpChuck Shumer representing us:D oldogy
  19. What is there to discuss that has not been hashed over and over millions of times!! What more do the pushers of the minority agenda want? A large percentage of government is minority, both elected and bureaucrats. Is there is money to be made and jobs to be created by stirring the pot? Not to mention legislation to be enacted on. Could he mean that we are all politically correct to the point we are cowards for not speaking out? oldogy
  20. Got the same form letter. Thanks for posting for those who did not voice their opinion to Bob. At least he knows we're out here. There are probably just as many folks who praise him for voting the way he did. oldogy
  21. When I decided to move out of the swamp several years back I stumbled across this bit of history. Made me want to live in the area with such patriots. Will history repeat itself:) oldogy
  22. No one has still answered the question way back from page 1. If you killed a dog to defend yourself what charge would go on your record? I you killed someone in self defense what charge would go on your record? Correct me here, but if the local DA decides not to press charges then your record should still be clean. Your fingerprints are already in the system so if they print you again in your 24 hours in jail so what. Anyone? x===========x===========x============x==============x===========x===== Tn law allows you to put down an animal that is threatening you or your family. Call the cops get a report on a visious dog. They will try and identify the owners but if you have to defend yourself you will have a record. x=========x==========x============x=============x=========== If this is the question from page one I think it was to report the animal as dangerous so you have a record of reporting a dangerous animal, not you getting a record. This is my take on the thread, anyway. oldogy
  23. I would think it is more how his numbers and their numbers work together rather than who is living with him. Suggest run the numbers using Turbo Tax or another on line program and follow the questions. Sounds like he may need a little guidance. oldogy
  24. Just printed and hung on my "sign door" oldogy


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