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Everything posted by oldogy

  1. oldogy

    Any diesel guys

    I've owned the Cummins 8.3 and the Navistar in the Ford. I do not tow much any more so gas does just fine for me now. I do own a diesel Deere, though. oldogy
  2. Oh my goodness gratious, late to the party again. All this and now even the race card. What can we do to stop this slide to socialism? What, nine days on the job and the nomination? The peace prize just got cheaper. I must go take a shower. Any more of the one and I'll throw up. oldogy
  3. What an idiot. Show him what we think of such actions. Someone like that could wind up with a broken arm, taken down, who knows what bad stuff could befall him. oldogy
  4. Bluegrass Junction XM Sunday am @11:00 Balsam Range performing and interview. oldogy
  5. Yeah, 70 plus%. Gravel roads and street bikes are not a good combination. My drive is about 1/4 mile gravel and I always dreaded that first ride out on the Sportster after a hard rain. The old Honda trail takes it in stride. oldogy
  6. Love it. From the mouths of babes. oldogy
  7. I define liberty as the absence of restrictions. oldogy
  8. I feel for you. Definitely one of the hardest things a person can do. One of the greatest losses. oldogy
  9. Probably a spin off business of our current leaders? oldogy
  10. Three inches accumulation here in Monroe Co. oldogy
  11. Awesome offer. Too far for me but I feel certain someone will jump on it especially if they know what lease buy ins can be. I hope they treat you right. oldogy
  12. There are grades or levels among brands. The big box machine is probably not the same as what you get from your friendly independent dealer. A good dealer can be your friend. Just do not buy an elcheapo and expect it to work right when you need it every time. Beware of plastic start mechanism parts. Spend a few dollars more and get a name brand like Stihl, Husqvarna, Echo. Either run a preservative in the gas and start the unit monthly or drain and burn all gas from the unit when finished using it. oldogy, who has a commercial grade Echo that has worked through four hurricanes and cut firewood every year for 10 years. Repairs have been spark plugs, air filter, chains and one bar.
  13. I sure am not going to hammer on you. I believe that many of us who have carried for any length of time have at some time, some place probably broken some obscure or other law through our ignorance. oldogy
  14. That would be just so wrong to cut out the prime and let the rest spoil. I wish there were enough deer around my area that I felt I could harvest a doe. Between the die off and or poachers we are way down in local deer population. A couple years back we had a dozen doe and several bucks that I would see. This year I see two regular does and three fawns visit my place. I see one small buck with a nice 8 point rack come in. So I really don't think I will take a deer this year, at least off my place. And oh I do like venison. Wish we were a little closer, I would help you out with one of those 100 does you can kill. oldogy
  15. No argument from me. I saw this mess coming and believe it will get much worse. Simple fact, you can not borrow or spend yourself out of debt. There will be an adjustment and it is going to hurt. oldogy
  16. I have a Dell laptop running Win 2000 pro. The administrator password is unknown and has me locked down as what I can do. I need to install a new application and change the communication device. Is all password storage in CMOS as I suspect? Do Cmos clearing programs that are available on ebay work? Twenty years ago I knew my way around DOS fairly well but I do not remember much of it. I've never had any formal Windows training after Win 95. thanks, oldogy
  17. Yeah, the phone line to my Direct TV was unhooked soon as the installation tec left. I worked for a company that was purchased by AT&T in the early 1990s. Talk about a culture shock. I could not imagine such a management bloated company as AT&T. The technicians were union and we from the old company could not believe how little work the tecs actually did compared to our tecs doing the same job. Makes a feller with any kind of a work ethic want to scream and some of us did. Oh well, I got a fair retirement package out of the deal. oldogy
  18. Do not get a female unless you get her spade. That will stop the bleeding and unwanted offspring. Dobies can not stand the cold. Shepherds, GSDs, shed a lot. Our granddaughter crawled all over our last GSD and stuck her finger up its nose. It understood and was loving it all. A large dog is expensive to maintain. I estimate our current 90lb GSD is costing us well over $1,000. per year, food, meds and vet bills....She does eat well. No 'Ol Roy'. Just last weekend I paid an emergency vet bill of $869.00 when her stomach flipped, she bloated and required emergency surgery. Dogs, especially large dogs are not for everyone. Our last two dogs, both GSDs have been rescued dogs. The dog prior to that was a Dobie. It is more the genetics of the animal, how it is raised and how it fits into the pack as how it behaves. Remember, these are pack animals and they will not be happy in a cage or pen. Consider a good alarm system if you plan on keeping the dog outside and forget the dog.. I can not stress enough that they need to socialize and become part of the family pack. Again, If the dog must stay outside forget about getting a dog. It is not fair to the dog. oldogy
  19. Plant a couple rows of fast growing trees. Put up a couple sections of privacy fence to block the view while the trees are growing. This is exactly why I love living in the woods. I can't see any neighbors and they can't see me. I did catch a fawn looking in the front door yesterday am. I would avoid anything that could be construed as a violent act. oldogy
  20. I've heated with a small boxwood stove with room for a couple three pots on top. Works great, heats well. Cheap at a couple hundred dollars. oldogy
  21. Yeah, I got the same letter from Corker. Dear Mr. Txxxxxxxxxxxx, Thank you for taking the time to contact my office to share your concerns about the nomination of Cass Sunstein to be Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget. Your input is important to me and I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts. I agree with you and voted against Cass Sunstein's confirmation for the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, where he would be responsible for reviewing and providing guidance for draft federal regulations at most federal agencies. As a general rule, I believe in allowing the President wide latitude to choose the people he wants to serve in his Administration. However, I share your concerns that some of Mr. Sunstein's past statements regarding our 2nd Amendment rights and other issues are extreme. Thank you again for your letter. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me. Sincerely, Bob Corker United States Senator A few need to read the letter. Careful what you wish for when it comes time to change Senators. We could do a whole lot worse.......We do not want to be victims of dividing the troops and wind up with some true liberal. JMO, oldogy
  22. You certainly have a tax advisor when you're talking that kind of money. oldogy Obama doesn't lie. He implies, he misdirects, he misleads -- so fluidly and incessantly that he risks transmuting eloquence into mere slickness. Dr. Charles krauthammer
  23. I believe the OP leaves no doubt about what he is looking for and where he stands. As an old timer I've been around and hunted with some that I would not do so again. Nothing spoils a nice hunt than sharing it with someone who is completely out of step. Good luck in your search, OP. oldogy Obama Doesn’t Lie Obama doesn't lie. He implies, he misdirects, he misleads -- so fluidly and incessantly that he risks transmuting eloquence into mere slickness. Dr. Charles Krauthammer
  24. The majority of the illegals are in the economic level where they pay little or no income tax but get tax credits and a bunch of freebies. Do the research. Ike deported them, why can we not deport them now!!!!!!!!!!! oldogy Obama Doesn’t Lie Obama doesn't lie. He implies, he misdirects, he misleads -- so fluidly and incessantly that he risks transmuting eloquence into mere slickness. Dr. Charles Krauthammer
  25. How to put a rubber on a banana and why it is ok for Bob to marry Joe. oldogy Please, no offense intended to the Bobs and Joes on here


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