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Everything posted by oldogy

  1. oldogy

    Bad English

    i'm a free man to. and as a European immigrant i always try to improve my surroundings. ===================================================== It is important to write, speak any language you are trying to learn or learn better. So, strelcevina, stick around and post. The more you write, the more you read, the better you'll get. I've been told that American English is one bastard to learn so stick with it. I do not know how much time you have "under your belt" with English or what your native language might be but IMO, you're not doing bad at all. Focus on Caps, verb tense, the meanings of to, two, too-----their and there----your, you're and others, homonyms, I believe they're called. I really doubt if you'll get much agreement from TGO members with your political views but they're interesting. Hint: Do not come into a man's domain and trash it, in other words, do not speak badly about it. I subscribe to a few conservative news groups but also to some left leaning groups just to get an idea how the left leaning among us think. I would suggest that anyone who really gets upset with your postings just do the simple thing and not read them.....................But some folks feel the need to raise their post count. oldogy
  2. Dr. Sowell is right on target, as usual. oldogy
  3. Did you get what you paid for? If so, I would not worry about it. I would not stop payment without his knowledge. I would let it ride. I am in the same situation. I wrote a guy a small check for a gun related item on another forum. I got the item and left good feedback. He left good feedback. He has my business card but can not find the check and does not want another. I think he is embarrased. I told him that if he found the check, deposit it. This was six months ago and the check has not cleared oldogy
  4. "Daily Positive Thinking" Half of the country's problems will be solved in November. This freeranging dog will be castrated. oldogy
  5. Yep, you made the right decision. Deliverance comes to mind. It may have very well been their party spot:rolleyes:and I sure would not have wanted to defend it agains five drunks or druggies. oldogy
  6. Yep, Mike, there is nothing cuter than a fawn and momma------except when they're in my garden............And the cute way they look at me when I tell them I am going to eat venison if they don't get out ........and they know I'm fibbing. But this was all before the electric fence:D oldogy
  7. Yep, that is a nice looking one. He'll be pretty by time his rack matures and polishes up. I had two velvet bucks into my place this morning. One was very nice, a survivor, and the other was a quite lesser youngster although he will be multipoint. ology
  8. Next time try Ramsey Lumber Co on CR 961 in Riceville.
  9. Dug 23 holes in the ground 24" deep and 9" diameter.........Built fence. oldogy
  10. Remember, many of the qualifying shots for the HCP are taken at a lesser distance than 15 yards. I forget exactly what the requirements are but if this is an example of your skills at 15 yards you should have no problem with qualification for the HCP. oldogy
  11. Welcome to TGO. Sounds like you stay busy. oldogy
  12. Good read. I agree that what macville wrote would add clarity. I would also add something like " but do nothing to stop BGs from bringing a firearm into the property" Anything to wake up the sheep and educate them to the fact that all is not perfect in ba ba land. All in all, a good read. oldogy
  13. Amazing. I once saw a doe chasing a coyote but it was not a time of year when there would have been any young. I bet that dog went home with several hurts. Could not figure out if the cat was just curious or looking for a place to start chewing. Momma did not seem too concern about the cat til it swatted at her. Thanks for posting. oldogy
  14. Yep, I drove by that several times just last week. Personally I've always thought it was tacky, even when they were building it. oldogy
  15. Unless you have experience sorting out, determining what kind of feces you saw you have to consider it could have come from anything, possum, coon, fox, coyote, feral dog or coy-dog. I find on the trails on my property about every walk I take. I've seen all the animals mentioned around but very seldom do I see anything that appears to be a domestic dog. My concerns would be your dog coming across a very protective momma bear with some little ones this time of year. There was a woman killed, I believe it was just last year when her dog gained the attention of momma bear. This was near a campground just south of me. Sounds like your backpack dwelling dog may just be 'bite size' for many of the animals that are found in the woods today so I would keep it in the backpack or on a short leash. Have fun in the great outdoors. oldogy I'm NOT your attorney, and I'm NOT giving you legal advice:DJust the way an old guy thinks. Well, part of my reply was based on me thinking your two year old was a puppy dog. Guess that was a bad assumption. And peejman is right about the feces. Feces will be different depending on what the animal has eaten recently. And if it is your kid, consider keeping him out of poison ivy.
  16. Brownouts can be death to AC or other units that take lots of power. Motors try to run but can not with reduced power. I always turn power off to such units any time I detect a brownout. You may have saved your unit. The noise you heard may have been the refrigerant passing through the orifice. I would certainly turn all back on and see if it runs. Try throwing the inoperative breaker all the way off and on a few times. oldogy
  17. They are carpenter bees. There is a spray that does stop them from boring. They do not seem to be slowed by treated wood. A spent 45 cartridge fills the hole nicely. oldogy
  18. Information available somewhere to the left. oldogy
  19. Welcome to TGO. Post up about your handgun addiction. It is usually not fatal but it can be very expensive. oldogy
  20. I would almost drive down to be a spectator for the event :cool:although there is no way I would be competitive. I've never been that good with a handgun. oldogy
  21. I have a 442, same gun, with a set of Hogues. I took the Hogues back off and am using the stock grips. The Hogues do reduce recoil a little bit but do make it a little harder to conceal. Depending were in E. TN you are, I might let you try the Hogues. In fact, I would even consider selling the Hogues. PM if interested. oldogy
  22. Ahh, yes, Rachels........actually in Casselberry. Used to serve a mighty fine businessman's lunch. It just happened to be in my territory. oldogy Just a little bit of thread drift here
  23. I would vote to KISS for the non gun enthusiast and go with a small lightweight carry revolver. Weigh the advantage of a close range point and shoot with great probablility of reliability vs her being in an extended gun battle requireing mag changes. Smith J frame or Ruger LCR come to mind. They are not fun range guns but if she ever has to use it she'll never feel the recoil. JMO, If and when she gets comfortable with a revolver move her into a semiautomatic. oldogy, whose bride carries an LCR with CT grips.
  24. That is a good looking unit, Mark. I put a few off road miles on one back in 1959 and 1960 when I was active Army, TDY at an AF base. Real tough units, just don't plan on going anywhere very fast. oldogy
  25. ???????????????????????? Clean, dry, examine and shoot. oldogy


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