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    Franklin, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. Texas de Brazil is posted.
  2. Ah ok. So do they automatically run you every 4 years with a lifetime permit? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Just did my application with a DD-214. You have to pay the background check fee ($72) only. The permit is good for 4 years. The 4 year permit is the only option you have unless you want to pay the normal rate for a lifetime or the other options. I don't think you have to pay renewal unless they do another background check. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I did the DMV visit and fingerprints yesterday 2/26. Didn't take the class and submitted an army alternate pistol qualification (DA 5704-R) instead. The people at the DMV were a little confused about it, but it's listed on the TN state website as an acceptable form of proof. The lady that did my fingerprints said she had a 10 day turnaround time for her HCP. That's pretty quick. Reading back 2-5 years ago it seems like it could easily take 60-90 days. Will post back with an update
  5. Hey folks, I'm John, live in Franklin. I was poking around looking for local classified ads and found this forum. There's a lot of information here on the forum so it'll be a great resource. I do a bit of hunting, but mostly like to get out with other hunters or by myself and do wildlife photography. My familiarity with guns started when I joined the military about 12 years ago. I did about 8 years longer than expected and am in the reserve currently. It's been a great experience. I look forward to talking with you guys and learning!


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