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  1. Caster I believe you are correct, I would also bet on a .270 :pleased:
  2. I have a 9mm Luger with a DU MOND custom barrel, vey nice job. Looks like a Heavy Luger Carbine Barrel, with custom rear sight. Never seen another like it. Any weapon with a Custom DU MOND Barrel should be treasured, Can't make any more, he passed away in 1943/44.
  3. The "DuMond" barrel is a very rare expensive Custom Target Barrel, they had to be custom ordered from the Du Mond Manufacturing Co. (1930-1940) The only other reference to DU MOND barrels that I have seen was in 'Pistols, a Modern Encyclopedia' by Henry Stebbins. His co-author Bert Shay describes ordering a Dumond barrel and sights for a 1903 Colt .32 ACP in 1945. Mr Dumond was deceased by the time that book came out in 1961, so information on the Gorenet will be lacking.   Here is a video of a 1903 Colt w/ DuMond Barrel, found it interesting. "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LnTxQg-5fM"   Mr. Dumond barrels were custom order only and I believe JACK O'CONNOR spoke of having a Springfield barreled with one. Elmer Keith mentioned liking them. Dumond died in 1943 or 1944 and the business was sold to someone, but they couldn't make a go of it. I have heard he made the majority of his barrels for pistols.


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