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Everything posted by gary_boom

  1. Be careful with gas. Years ago a co worker had yellow jackets near a culvert, poured gas and the fumes went up the culvert and when lit shot dirt and gravels out. Below the knees he looked like he had been shot with a shot gun. On second thought don't use gas for anything but the car.
  2. Didn't he have a child out of wedlock.
  3. Pretty much nothing
  4. I agree
  5. Eastman in Kingsport is doing pretty good, it's been good to me the last 38 years.
  6. Carson Peters who was on the Tonight show last week, Piney Flats Barry Bales ,bass player for Allison Krause, Green Co.
  7. H.Wayne Huizenga has a house in Piney Flats. Sometimes you see the Miami Dolphins jet at Tri Cities airport.
  8. No need for me to waste my money. They usually don't have very many guns and a local shop sets up there with the same prices as in their store. Most of the space is taken up with books, camo clothes and nylon holsters.
  9. Bring your swim trunks Kingsport has a new aquatic park across the street
  10. It's not listed on R and K web sight. A local gun shop has had shows there previously that had mostly junk but a lot of people still attend. The R&K show is at Meadowview Aug 3 & 4
  11. I just had Tele Optics out of Kingsport put in a new alarm system and my parents have had Fleenor security for 25 years. I would recommend either.
  12. Several boxes are from the 70s, Still have a few boxes that I didn't shoot up. I feel old!
  13. I have switch in my safe hooked up to the alarm system with it's own zone that has to be bypassed to get in to the safe without setting the alarm off. If you ever forget to lock your safe it gives another layer of security.
  14. I am looking forward to the match. Do any sponsors sell their products at the match? I may need to bring some extra cash .
  15. I have lately said I would like to die in my sleep at work. More insurance for my wife.
  16. Thank you, I will.try to make it.
  17. When and where is the gun show in upper east Tennessee?
  18. Very informative and inspiring, he is a gifted speaker.
  19. IDPAs web sight lists TAC2 as an affiliated club. I guess this makes the matches sanctioned per post #15. Dr. Bryant also teaches classes a couple times a year that are very good for a new shooter.
  20. Pm sent with info on how to call Steve Bishop
  21. I have been a member for 3 years and really enjoy it. You also get $5 off on matches and usually no one else is down there.
  22. I picked a business card for Shooters Edge and drove by their location in the Piney Flats Industrial Park. it is a huge warehouse with a office area built in the front. It looks like it will be a month or two before it opens. www.myshootersedge.com
  23. I have shot in Greenville, on the second Saturday and Bristol on the fourth Saturday when I can for several years. I am sure you and any new shooters will be welcome at both places. I believe TAC2 would be closer than Oak Ridge, it is off exit 30 I think.
  24. I have bought guns from Byrds in Jonesboro, Crowders and Mahoneys in Johnson City, Volunter in Bristol and GunRack and Gunslingers in Kingsport. I would buy from any of them again except Crowers, Last couple of times I was in there they didn't have much in stock. With that said if they can't get close to the price I have also bought from Gunbroker and Buds gunshop and had them shipped to Mikeys near Rockingham boat dock between Johnson City and Kingsport


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