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    Grafton, ma
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  1. That's the only thing they Excell at.
  2. That's disappointing but not surprising. I've been out of the game for years but then I saw the influx of Carcanos and said hey I need one of those. 240 bucks? Sold
  3. I've been bouncing around LGS in middle Tennessee and haven't seen a single milsurp in any of them. Are there any that cater to that sort of thing or should I just order online?
  4. I sort of had similar thoughts. I've found more than a few double wides on foundations with 20-30 acres for half a ready made home. The thought occurred to me to buy something like that and then build our dream home on the property after material costs become reasonable again.
  5. While it's not a overwhelming amont of properties for sale, its enough that I feel comfortable. 10 or 15 now, with the occasional new one every other day. We're flexible on location and housing structure so long as we are within an hour of work. If we needed to be inside of 30 minutes then we might only find one or two homes.
  6. Conservatively we're looking at 200k for a profit on this house. Might be more but I don't want to plan on it. My house will be the 5th to go up for sale in 6 months. The previous 4 all had a bidding war and sold in 1-6 days. Homes that suit our needs are in the 350 to 425 range. 5ish acres or more, 2000 square foot home and a garage/shop for all 4 of my project cars.
  7. The difference here is it just isn't worth fighting in Massachusetts. People here don't want freedom. They want to do as they are told. I would rather fight the wave with more people behind me than are against me. I know that just because I move there doesn't mean I get to stop fighting. It just means the fight changes. The trouble is there are lots of people as you point out that leave a terrible place like Massachusetts, NY, NJ, California, Cook County IL etc and bring their politics with them destroying a once great state with the same failed policies.
  8. I do go on there but I mostly only hang around r/gunmemes and libertarianmemes now that weekendgunnit is dead, even in its new location. With my budget, I'll be pushing to around 45 minutes away from work. I'm looking at properties that have around 3-10 acres, a garage/barn/workshop and near 2000 Sq foot home.
  9. True. I might get lucky. I am a cannonballer (This is me. https://www.roadandtrack.com/news/a37080863/back-to-back-cannonball/ ) so I reached out in the community to see if I could stay a little closer. Fingers are definitely crossed on that front.
  10. My thought on that was having a bit of company would be good. I'm used to living with my wife, 16 month old daughter and my dog. I'm imagining it's going to be really rough being without them.
  11. I wouldn't live that close anyway. I need a little bit of space. I know we can't afford what I really want for acreage, but looking at houses I think we can get a few acres. I'm a car guy as well as a shooter so I need space to work on my cars. One of which is currently bare metal. I don't keep any .25 on hand, but I think I have some .32 kicking around lol
  12. Munfordville. It's definitely less than ideal, but it's a free room and I just have to help out with expenses incurred by having an extra person living there.
  13. I am currently living in Massachusetts and have desperately wanted out for all the reasons you might think. Tuesday I got a verbal offer from a company in antioch and so now the stressful move is happening. My wife had been resistant on leaving MA right up until our daughter was born. After that the scales fell from her eyes and she finally saw what I did. Constant lockdowns, mask mandates and Vax mandates have helped too. I'm going to have to come down ahead of my family. It's terrifying to come by myself and live with an awful commute to work from Kentucky while I search for a suitable home. I also have very real concerns my dog won't handle me being gone for potentially a month or two well. She's extremely attached to me. Ultimately I know this move will be better for my family and we sure don't want to raise our daughter here. I'm a giant ball of stress right now, but wanted to say hello. Chris
  14. The thing I really care for for amenities is a place to grab dinner with the wife, and maybe a bar. I prefer to stick to a self sufficient lifestyle as much as possible so nothing else is really important


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