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DL126 last won the day on April 9 2019

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  1. Retailer for AP & BA. I've ordered from them many times. Good to go so far. https://www.armorally.com/
  2. If it's a free float you're after .... Remove gas block. Remove old front handguard ring. Remove delta ring with this. (Or similar) Install new free floated handguard barrel nut with a small amount of blue loctite. (It'll come with a wrench from these guys) Torque to 45'ish foot pounds. (Torque wrench positioned 90* to wrench opening) Finally, reinstall gas block, (tiny amount of blue loctite on set screws), then the new handguard. Then go to the range and let freedom ring! pew pew ETA: I've run into one rifle that someone built themselves and they had put something on the gas block set screws stronger than blue loctite. I had to use a propane torch to heat the screws enough to turn 'em.
  3. Never used those. Notice that they are 34 mm tubes. Actually just got one of these for a hunting rifle. Have a look at the reticle. I use Eotech and Holosun reflex sights quite a bit. This scope has a reticle that kinda mimics those of the reflex sights and though it's FFP, even on low mag in low lighting it's usable with illumination turned on. Good hunting reticle IMO. The Ares models are on my more precision oriented rifles. ETA: deerslayer didn't give you any inaccurate info in his post above. The only thing I'll add is that you can shoot, and hit, from 7 yards with a scope on 4x. It gets a bit "squirrely" but I've done it. I don't think I could do it on 5x. If that matters to you.
  4. Athlon ... I prefer the Ares BTR Gen2 series Helluvasale going on here ... EuroOptic
  5. Similar story here OP ... I have the core series of AR stuff to the point that every time I built something else ... in the end it was like "Why?" So I sold off the "Why" versions and quit. This year I have switched to bolt guns. Now it's like starting all over! I suppose after a while I'll be forced to switch to lever guns. Or maybe we should just stop .... NOT!
  6. If this doesn't sell soon, my lame ass subconscious is gonna make up some kinda excuse as to why I cant live w/o it, and then convince my conscious brain to spend money on another 22LR that I never needed to start with! Then I'm gonna have to buy another safe just to hold 22's. And I'll have to buy another building to hold another safe cause I'm outta room. Lastly ... I'll have to deal with my wife's questioning and side eye glances for the following month. OMG somebody buy it already. Great guy to deal with. Buy with confidence! (Please hurry)
  7. Volts x Amps = Watts If you know any of the 2, you can decipher the third. A 15amp breaker in your box is rated for .... 120VAC x 15amp = 1800watts Same formula works for DC.
  8. https://holosun.com/products/reflex-sight/510/he510c-gr.html Have one on a VR80. Good combo. Turn the center dot off for pellets. And on for slugs.
  9. I have a couple of Ares BTR's. Very happy with them. I've bought new "whiz bang" scopes at lower prices since getting them. Disappointment ensued. https://www.eurooptic.com/Ares-Scopes.aspx
  10. Same here. Latest one used this ... https://www.armorally.com/shop/ballistic-advantage-223-wylde-fluted-premium-series-20-dmr-barrel/ 3070 FPS with Hornady 55gr
  11. https://athlonoptics.com/product/ares-btr-gen2-4-5-27x50-aplr4-ffp-ir-moa-hd/ Notice 1st Focal Plane A lot of folks that have never used one find out they don't like it after they buy it. I have 1 of these on a 6 ARC, and the lower power version on a .223 SPR. https://www.eurooptic.com/Ares-Scopes.aspx Cheaper place to buy it. https://athlonoptics.com/product/heras-spr-6-24x56-aplr7-sfp-ir-moa/ 2nd Focal Plane I don't have heavy recoiling rifles so I can't really speak to that part. I'm testing a new Arken Optic scope now on a .22LR. So far, it ain't looking promising.
  12. Xtra barrel to go with it?
  13. Same here. She does her thing(s), and I do mine. Sometimes we even do things together! Even maintain separate finances and split expenses on most things. It's a partnership ... not bondage. Married 31 years.
  14. Warning ... opinion incoming ... Ballistics don't change no matter the optic. Fifty is still nifty.


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