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Everything posted by Wingshooter

  1. I just saw the OP video on Youtube. I was gonna post it but did a search. I figured someone had already posted it. Yep. Lol
  2. Haha. At least they didn't kill a T-rex. Those are really rare. It's scary to think about some of the people we share the planet with.
  3. "Don't need to ask tea to be sweet".... so true. Why can't states north of KY and west of TX understand that tea should be sweet? It seems to confuse them when you even ask for it.
  4. There used to be a required Walmart visit after receiving the TN HCP... something about buying ammo and nachos. Is that still a rule?
  5. The airline I was flying for on 9/11 furloughed huge numbers of pilots. 9/11 changed my world and my career, but it is nothing compared to what so many experienced. I want people getting screened that sit behind me at 40,000'. Sure it could be done more efficiently and be less of a pain, but it is what it is right now. I don't agree with all of the changes to government and policies that have developed, but the fact is we live in a different world because of islamic terrorists. 9/11 opened the world's eyes to an evil that still seeks to destroy us, and we must never forget what they are capable of. It bugs me that some people want use 9/11 to bash our own county. It is a day to reflect, remember, mour the loss of life and take account of whether or not you would be ready for the next attack.
  6. Wow. I guess you think they've really been milking that whole fourth of July thing, too. Do you still shed a tear for the redcoats?
  7. They closed the store http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/09/09/texas-mattress-store-under-fire-for-911-twin-tower-sale-commercial.html
  8. I think it's true that many millenials and younger crowd just think of 9/11 as something else that just happened in history. The problem is that the attacks on 9/11 are vastly different than say Pearl Harbor. I have tremendous respect for those that lost their lives in both attacks on America, but young people need to understand that the enemy that killed us on 9/11 has not been defeated and is still trying to kill us. It is important to teach our children about all of the threats to our great nation (foreign and domestic), and we must truly never forget.
  9. Nice "cans" ? That's certainly better than the alternative that was suggested Oh... those cans.
  10. I build my own arrows. I enjoy getting them tunned and balanced just the way I want them. I use a Bitzenburger fletching jig, but there are many different models out there. I also use feathers just because that's what I like. My setup is a Gold Tip arrow shaft crested white with three white-barred feathers nocked with a lighted NockTurnal nock. Gander Mountain has a really good selection of arrow building supplies. They are not as cheap as ordering online, but I would stop to see what they have. Fletching your own is not hard, and it allows you to experiment with placement and amount of (or lack of) helical. I enjoy it.
  11. I prefer a tree stand, but I have shot nice bucks from the ground. One of my favorite was in Western Maryland. I was hunting near the top of a ridge (sitting on the ground) when I had that feeling. I turned slowly to see a nice 8 standing only 20yrds behind me! I was sitting behind some large boulders, so I turned SLOWLY (seemed like forever, lol) and shot him broadside at 20yds with my rifle. He ran down the hill and died on the trail. A couple of years ago, my dad and I went bow hunting. It was around mid-day, and I was helping my dad get up his tree with his climber first, then I was going to head off to my tree with my climber. Well, as he was hauling his bow up the tree a big doe walked to within 20 yds of me standing right there! My bow and gear was a few dozen yards back on the trail. I just stood there helpless wondering if this doe was going to try to stomp me, lol. She walked up, stood there, looked at me for a minute then bolted. The whole time my dad's bow was dangling by a string halfway up his stand. Made me feel a little stupid, haha. I think if you are still enough and the wind is right, hunting from the ground can be a lot of fun. I still prefer a tree for the visibility though.
  12. Stupid idea. Idiots.
  13. A continuation of the Tac Sac thread...
  14. Looks similar to a pin I've seen on a Winchester 94 ETA: http://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/PROD/U344100180
  15. A trailer j/k Looks like a good list for a small space. I also always like to have a small blanket and a bottle of water in my kit in case I get stuck somewhere for an extended period of time in hot or cold temps. Small vice grips? Duct tape?
  16. I have the Viper SD also. Great stand. You'll appreciate the difference the first time you have to carry it a distance. The lighter weight sure helps me.
  17. I need to re-string my bow this week. Once that happens I'll start getting more excited about the season. I also need it to cool off more to really get pumped about it.
  18. What happened? Someone was giving plans to the Rebel base over the airwaves?
  19. Well, at least somebody finally found something he is good for.
  20. Thanks. Good luck with the transfer case. Maybe you'll get lucky and it just needs fluid.
  21. The only problem I've had (so far) with my PF9 was it started dropping the mag after every shot. I was confident I wasn't bumping the release, so I called Keltec. They said it was common with the older ones and sent me an upgraded release button and spring for free. It's worked perfect ever since.
  22. I have a gen 1 P3AT. It was a single-shot when I first got it just like @alleycat72 describes. I did the fluff and buff 3 times. The last time I got pretty aggressive with the dremel, some jewlers ruge, a sanding block and some fine grit sandpaper. I called Keltec and they sent me new extracter and other small parts for free. Didn't even ask for receipt or S/N. It runs great now, but I'm still leary because of my initial problems. I would pick the Ruger if I had it to do over again and have thought about getting one anyway. The little P3AT disappears in a Disantis pocket holster. Looks just like a wallet in my back pocket even in dress pants. It's super easy for those times when you can't carry anything else. Mine's actually pretty accurate for what it is.
  23. Mine have been getting better but still not furniture-making good. I think I'll give it a try though. I mght also make a crude and non-fancy version that will tuck up under my workbench that can drop down once unlocked with a magnet. Just what I needed... another project to add to the pile, lol.
  24. You need both. Ruger for the woods... Smith for around town.
  25. That's awesome


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