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Everything posted by Wingshooter

  1. looks like you can even do grits and shrimp...
  2. Grits... mmmmm.. liquid toast
  3. I have an insulated pair and a non-insulated pair. I have never worn the insulated ones in TN. I usually wear a sock liner then a light or heavy pair of wool socks depending on the temps. That has always kept me comfy.
  4. I like to put butter and jelly on my waffles
  5. Nice, I might get a pair of those when mine wear out. I wear rubber boots year-round as well.
  6. I know, shame on me. Cell cameras are made for stuff like that. I think I was just in shock. I still laugh when I think about it.
  7. Or during a full moon.
  8. I guess it is possible for cottonmouths to expand their range eastward. As far as snake boots, I don't wear them.
  9. How bad of a problem is moisture when you're hunting with a flintlock? Can you keep the pan covered in light rain, or do you have to call it a day?
  10. Recently, I saw a guy in Walmart pushing his full-grown wife/girlfriend who was crammed into a shopping cart (not teenagers). He was pushing it fast and then hoping on the back for a ride. Rebels Funny part was she was not that small, and he couldn't push it that fast
  11. I have not hunted with a flintlock. I think it would be fun because I really enjoy hunting with my side lock percussion .50cal. I like the primitive aspect of it.
  12. Hmmmm. Maybe i should scan my machine with something other than AVG to see if t has missed anything.
  13. I have free AVG on two laptops. One is XP, the other is Vista. No problems yet
  14. I would recommend a climber for sure. Get something light that can be carried as a backpack. Some climbers are better suited for bowhunting than others. If you bowhunt, then make sure you get one that will allow you to face away from the tree (most new ones do these days). You also want to make sure that the stand does not get in the way when drawing a bow. Summit climbers are the best I have used. I like the Viper or the Razor. Cabela's -- Summit Viper SS Treestand There are pros and cons to climbers. It gets annoying to have to pack it in, set it up - hunt - pack it up, and pack it out every time you hunt. On the other hand it's nice to have the mobility that a climer offers. I've packed mine into some pretty remote swamps in Eastern MD and Souther GA. Another option is a ground blind. I use one sometimes during the bow season. Some can be easily carried on your back and pop up easily. I've had deer walk within arms length of my blind before - kind of freaky if you're not expecting it. I just have a cheap one from Wal Mart - The "Dog House" by Ameristep. It is not the best, but it works. You just shoot right through the camo mesh windows.
  15. It's frustrating, I know. Appearently he would rather the robber's stray bullet kill his wife or child. Sounds like he has the misconception that the HCP will try to stop any robbery (like a cop). I wish these anti's could understand that the HCP should only draw a gun to save a life (or limb ), not intervene in a robbery.
  16. I think I might have encountered one a couple of years ago while in a tree stand, but I let it go because I thought it could have been one of the land owner's dogs. It was mostly black but kind of mangy and wild loking. Is there any way to tell coydog from dog? I've heard the ears and tail are the distinguishable feature (?)
  17. I voted. Chattanoogan.com Web Poll Should local cities ban guns in their parks? Yes 55% No 45% 1249 votes
  18. Looks like the record typical was taken in 1959 (a lot has changed since then). 186 1/8, but it doesn't specify where it was taken. Southeastern Outdoors - State Record Whitetail Deer more recent article. Two are non-typical/one typical http://www.tennesseesportsmanmag.com/hunting/whitetail-deer-hunting/TN_1208_01/index.html
  19. Having lived in many other states during my life, I can say that very large deer can and do thrive in the wild. The states that had the biggest (and healthiest) deer had antler restrictions.
  20. Good job! If all the private property owners would voluntarily implement a QDM program, it would make a huge difference. I agree that a point restriction is not the ultimate answer. As the deer herd improves, hunters will just be killing 2 year olds with better antlers. I think a point restriction would at least make an improvement in the herd, though. Maybe a sincere drive on a state level to educate TN hunters that don't know any better and to strongly encouage them to pass on certain deer might help....? It just seems like a point restriction in the only way to effictively start a QDM program on a state level.
  21. This is how I make mine:
  22. I have hunted deer like this most of my life. Shoot does if I want meat and meat alone... shoot only what I feel is a mature deer if I am hunting meat & antlers. The problem is, it gets very frustrating when you pass on a juvenile deer with good genes only to know that the guy in the next stand will shoot him. It only works if every hunter is on the same page and it is enforced. Good thought though, and you are right. If every hunter would adhere to this, we would have P&Y's walking around before too long.
  23. Page 26 & 27 of the 2007-2008 TN hunting guide has an article. If it represents the true feelings of the TWRA, I don't think we'll see an antler restriction. Here is a link to the whole guide. I will pull just the article from the guide and post that when I can. For now, the article is on pages 26&27. Hope you have a high-speed connection... http://www.state.tn.us/twra/pdfs/huntguide.pdf I don't 100% agree with the article. If every hunter would follow this advice - no problem, but they won't. I think eventually the larger number of bigger deer resulting from an antler restriction would "breed out" the inferior ones, but what do I know?


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