I just casted my first batch o' boolits. 9mm from a Lee TL356-124-2R using wheel weights. They weigh in at 127gr
I think most of them need to be redone due to imperfections, but I was getting better results the more I practiced. I am most concerned with the bases. How 'perfect' do they need to be? Some of my first ones are obvious, but others just have a small rough place on the base. Is any imperfection of the base a no-go for leading?
This one looks worse in this close up photo under light, but should I re-melt something like this...
I need to get a little better 'feel' for how long to let them cool before opening the spru plate. I also need a better ladle. I got the $5 Lee, and I got what I paid for.
I think my wife thinks I'm crazy, but I'm having fun with this. I haven't tried my Lee C309-150-F yet, and I plan to add a .44 mold next.