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  1. saw this article and it supports my thoughts above. The article is about growers, but does talk about where the retail market is going. https://hempindustrydaily.com/opinion-hope-is-not-a-strategy-so-stop-tolling/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=HEMP_20210208_Daily&elqTrackId=16861E96AD510C3B7DB05A164FAC724F&elq=e1a7ca2a30ad40e9b98300a124f1c074&elqaid=4544&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=3308 if you don't want to read the article: Let’s start with the positive: CBD consumer packaged goods is a profitable market sector, though today, it’s far more of a high-margin, low-volume specialty market. Still, over time, we anticipate that while some products will continue to command high premiums, the mass market will move to a much higher volume at lower consumer prices.
  2. I had been looking to start a processing center to extract CBD due to the incredibly low prices for raw materials. The insane amount of farmers jumping in the past 2 years thinking this was going to be an instant bump in profits caused prices to bottom out. I had heard it was mostly due to a lack of processors, but looking more into the data, there's a significant drop in demand on the retail end. Surprisingly, retail prices haven't come down yet. I believe retail could drop prices 20% or more and increase sales significantly. I also believe the biggest reason for the drop was the FDA crushing any advertising on products where the benefits were listed. If its not in the name, like "soothing salve" or similar, most folks don't realize what the product could do for them. Further, the FDA prohibits any information as to amount required to achieve effects the customer needs. I'm not talking about sensitive people getting high on trace amounts of THC, but the effects of the CBD. So when someone walks in to try a CBD product, like edibles or tinctures, they have 10 different concentrations to choose from. The staff are not supposed to say which amount to buy or how much the customer should take. Customers have to figure out that on their own. That makes it sound like snake oil to just about anyone that hasn't done a lot of research, and the price is prohibitive to trying it out. There is a pharmaceutical drug on the market that is just CBD. It's listed as for seizures. The concentration is over 1000mg per dose. If you get a 1000mg bottle of tincture at a shop of a reputable brand, expect to pay well over $100. And you would have to consume the whole bottle to get the 1000mg dose. I'm not saying you would need that much to affect your ailment, but you may. I have heard that other countries, especially those where THC is legal, has a higher demand since most farms are dedicated to THC production rather than CBD. If you can get into exporting, your friend may get his sales back. I'm not sold on topical treatments where oils need to be absorbed through the skin and into the affected areas. I tried one once, i did not notice any affect other than the menthol. That's my opinion based on my research. just my 2 cents.
  3. Why does this conversation continue between "I'm scared, everybody allow the gov't decide what's best for me and everyone must comply" and "eff the gov't". Should be simple. If you are scared of the virus, stay home and protect yourself. Order delivery or pickup instead of going into stores/restaurants. Its not that hard, but it does suck. Not everyone needs to do this. Survival rate still in the 99%, right? We don't need the authorities making mandates punishable by fines or jail for this stuff. If you think we do, you are OK with tyrants. Don't be a by demanding others live as you do. you are in charge of your own safety.
  4. Saw a report of a guy in Arkansas planted seeds he received. plant looks like a squash. in the video, there are other types of seeds going to different folks. type "man plants seeds from china" into your search bar and it should pop up. This could be a huge deal for agriculture down the road for multiple reasons. time will tell. I have a hard time understanding why anyone would plant seeds from an unsolicited package from out of the country. Especially china right now. If it was a chocolate bar, would this guy eat it?
  5. interesting info if you are interested in cutting vs tearing grass when trimming.
  6. I think some context is necessary on the numbers you posted. The time frame for the flu is around 7 months, and people routinely know that warmer months bring fewer cases (hope). Also, we don't know the total number as most folks get the flu and ride it out without going to the doctor. H1N1 numbers are from 9 years combined data. Last, these numbers are from cases that have made full recovery or those that have died(completed cases). I think they are giving an incorrect evaluation of numbers, in part, to reduce panic. You should not assume all current cases of CV will recover. As of right now, the US has had 919 deaths and 361 recovered patients (70% mortality). World wide, the mortality rate of "completed" cases is above 15%. Those are significant. Johns Hopkins has a running number map that could be worth a look, which is where I viewed these numbers. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 The other side of this is communicability. You can spread this virus from day 1 of contact with someone else. No symptoms required. Symptoms may not show for 14 days (so they say currently). The flu incubation is 2-4 days and is difficult to spread without active symptoms. Natural immune response hasn't been established, either. are these numbers accurate? probably as much as any others out there. the CDC numbers are quite different, but they also don't list mortality for the US and are from 4pm yesterday. Should all this require the response and panic? That's up to somebody else. I'm not a political or health professional. But i am concerned about the panic, the high risk folks, and the economy.
  7. posted on their facebook page on 03/13 TWRA HUNTER ED CLASSES CANCELED AND SHOOTING RANGES CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Due to the Governor’s declared state of emergency and for the health of the public, all TWRA hunter education field day classes are cancelled. All Traditional hunter education classes are cancelled beginning Monday, March 16 until further notice. Agency shooting ranges staffed by TWRA will also be closed until a decision is made to re-open. Unmanned ranges on WMAs are open.
  8. hope your's came in. i'm mid way through month 14 on a form 4........
  9. congrats!
  10. Full breakdown and cleaning when purchased. Fair amount of gunk buildup, but not terrible. I filed down the washer, works great so far. Trigger seems to be the disconnector spring not getting solid contact for trigger reset. Looks like browning made a few minor changes with the modern buckmark versions, but i may be in luck for the disconnector spring. Little stinker is mighty accurate.
  11. missing lock washer for sight base. not able to find the part anywhere. anyone know who may have this part? browning directs to a couple of websites for parts, but none have this listed. M4 external tooth washer fits the screw, but just a bit wide for the slot. also having issue with trigger reset. have to click trigger forward to get reset. anyone have this happen?
  12. I agree with Peejman- but too much push back jeopardizes your job. Specifically like dirtshooter describes where management doesn't realize the workload you are carrying. Businesses will push that position as far as possible until the work is crappy or doesn't get done- sometimes after a couple rounds of employees. Rarely they will concede some responsibilities to others or hire another person before you would be gone. Then they will adjust. Just like your belt this time of year- you push and push to maintain the same notch, but eventually you'll go to the next one out. Then adjust your diet and get back to the old notch. How to fix it- that's a tough one- especially without gubment like europe has done, or unions which have nearly as much negative impact as positive. The people already have the power to make it change, if they are willing to sacrifice while bouncing around to multiple jobs. The market system will change when no one goes to work for that company of slave drivers, or buys those new fan-dangled items for 1000% more than they are worth. The big question for the original post is what level of cash flow do you require to achieve the family life you want. That may open a world of other options.
  13. 10/22 feddersen threaded barrel, brimstone worked trigger, overmold stock- 10/22 bone stock- the littl'uns future S&W m&p compact savage 6b .22 silencer now that i list em, time for another.... Dang- stupid boats. guess i'm going shopping...
  14. thanks guys- i ordered 380 rounds to test out. after that... Anyone know of any shops with powder/accessories around? found a small amount at bass pro, but most gun shops i checked carried even less, or no, black powder supplies.


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