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About mhyoung

  • Birthday September 6

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    IT Auditor


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  1. Is that muzzle device pinned and welded? I am looking for .22 LR rifle to host a suppressor.
  2. Bump for final price drop.
  3. Bump for lower price.
  4. Lowered to $400 firm. I have for sale a Canik TP9SFx for $400. It comes with the original box, 2 20 round mags and 2 18 round mags, various plates for mounting an optic, and a FreedomSmith trigger installed, that is literally the nicest trigger setup I have ever shot. I cannot find the original trigger. I got this four or five years ago for competition shooting, but lost interest in the sport. I shot it in one Shoot-n-Scoot and have taken it to the range a couple of times. It's clean with a low round count, though I am not sure of the exact number of rounds. I even have a left-handed OWB holster if you want it. Thanks for looking.
  5. The Glock 19 is sold. Two low-round count Gen 5 Glocks for sale. Both come with boxes and three mags. One of the G19 mags is pretty gnarly so I will add a G17 mag in its place. Both come with factory boxes, factory sights, cleaning rod, lock and additional backstraps. G17 is $550 and the G19 is $500. I'm in Hermitage but willing to drive a little on a pretty day. Thanks for looking!
  6. Well maybe. I’m looking for an Eotech sight and a ruger 10/22 put a suppressor on…
  7. Bump for final price drop - $700 firm.
  8. I am sorry I did not see that you had replied. I'm unavailable til Friday. if you still have them then, I'll take two, maybe 3.
  9. PM sent.
  10. Would you be interested in splitting those up? I'd like to buy two or three of the eight-rounders.


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