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Everything posted by netmindr

  1. They will produce light for a very extended period of time - probably even days - if kept in the freezer. That's what my kids do with them. Of course you do get diminishing returns, but still visible light.
  2. Like Jonnin said, a break action or pump will have more recoil because the action doesn't take up any - it is all transfered back to the shooter. But in general, the less gun there is, the more recoil also. And for a smaller person who needs a shorter, lighter gun, you are going to have to expect that. For example, a youth model Rossi in .410 may be more manageable size wise, but may have more perceived recoil that a full sized .12 ga because there is so much less mass there. The best way to find out what's going to work is have her handle as many as possible, probably in a store, to see what fits. Then see if you can hook up with someone that has something similar so she can try it live. It would be a shame to buy something because it felt right, then she never wants to shoot it because it kicks too bad.
  3. Saw 2 guys at the Murfreesboro show this past weekend that had them for $10. Of course they weren't new and has some minor rust, but you can't complain at that price.
  4. Problem is, all the leftist, pacifist utopians just eat up all that control. They would rather be herded and feel safe than have to work for it themselves. Disgusting!
  5. Same here. I keep Cor-Bon Pow-r Ball in mine. Same shape as FMJ but in a hollow point. Good for expansion plus they're not supposed to clog thru heavy clothing.
  6. Went last weekend for the first time and shot with my Mossberg 500 with only a 20" barrel. I also took along another 500 with a 28" barrel. The 20" had a cyl choke and the 28" a modified. Being a beginner, I shot just as well with either one. I can attribute all of my misses to myself, definitely not the guns. I'm sure as I get more experienced I'll want to move up but I can't see spending any additional money right now until I get good enough and/or serious enough to justify it. I'd say shoot what you've got for now and maybe borrow guns to try as you get more serious. Any decent gun will break clays and that way you'll save money and heartache by waiting and making a more informed purchase. Btw, I did use my uncle's Remmy 1100 and it is a pretty sweet shooting gun. With the wood stock and semi-auto action it had markedly less recoil than my Mossbergs.
  7. But make sure to be clear; that is completely different from "Registration". They like to say that just because they want to know who has what gun at any given moment, that they would never endorse "Registration". And we don't EVER need to worry about "Confiscation". They know using those words is still political poison - for now. At least until they can convince enough uninformed voters and non gun owners that it's for our own good.
  8. That's perfect liberal math. They'll make it sound like they've got it setup to help all of us hard working citizens when in reality, its the hard working, do the right thing producers whose money they are taking to give to those that can't or won't. How about this: let me decide to help those who can't. Then, let me keep the rest of what I earn so I can spend it as I choose, and those who won't can reap what they sow.
  9. What benefit would the billet be? To get one with an integral trigger guard?
  10. $.25 each is a darned good price. That's "normal" pricing or better as Walmart used to carry 50 round boxes for under $14.
  11. I'm in for 2 each.
  12. I got a handpicked one from SOG about 2 months ago right after they went up $20. Looks as good as any at the show.
  13. Seems every other table had them at the show in Hendersonville last weekend. Of course they all wanted $200 for them.
  14. Looks like they went to the LGS and looked at the rack and said that one looks evil, and that one and that one and that one......
  15. [quote name="Rightwinger" post="884670" timestamp="1358182209"]Sadly its still on order.  June 1, 2012 and counting. [/quote] Is RRA typically that slow? I just ordered a 5.56 upper from them right at the beginning of all this madness (right after a bonus check - terrible timing) and was hoping to maybe, just maybe get it before any kind of ban passed. I hope I'm not waiting for that long.
  16. [quote name="jaysouth" post="883106" timestamp="1358035175"] Maybe we could start doing a TGO swapmeet somewhere.   Put your thinking hats on fellow TGOers!  Where can we find a vacant lot where access can be controlled?[/quote] Probly have a better selection than most shows. This sounds like a great idea actually. I for one would love to attend something like this 2 - 3 times a year. Maybe once in each area in TN. I believe this is already an invaluable community, and having a get together that's also a formal members only swap meet would be awesome.
  17. When do you plan on stopping in Nashville?
  18. Check out UTG. May or may have what you are looking for, but great value for the price.
  19. My only real complaint about the TWRA range is you only get about 10 minutes per relay. So if you are taking your time trying to adjust a scope or anything that may take a few minutes it can get frustrating when you get partially through what you're trying to do and you have to go cold for 5 minutes every 10. Make sure if you go that you have everything setup the way you want it at home so you can just load and shoot while you are there. I've also noticed the range officers sweeping up brass behind shooters. They don't have a problem with you keeping it, but they can be a little over diligent on keeping it cleaned up - some more than others. Charlie's range in Spring Hill is great if you like or need to tinker at the firing line. I've completely changed setups and even hand loaded using my Lee hand press right there on the line. No feeling of being rushed and everyone I've seen there are just as safe and responsible. Just wish it were closer to my house.
  20. I would read at least 2 or 3 different ones as they all offer different perspectives. Not that any of them are wrong, but they are contradictory on some aspects and their specific point of view may or may not suit your needs. Also consider the Lee book as he offers some insight the others do not. Of course they all tout their products as the best and only ones you need, but once you go through 2 or more you learn to take that with a grain of salt and can pick out what is of real value. Also, once you read one, then get a little experience reloading, read it again. It's amazing the stuff that will jump out at you that you missed the first time because now you can relate more to it.
  21. To shine the brass like that I assume it has to remove material. Does using SS reduce the life of the brass?
  22. Boiled linseed oil from Lowes makes a good finish. It's oil based and does not leave a lacquer type finish.
  23. Looks like a zombie attack all over your brass.
  24. Cor-Bon Pow'r Ball is what I keep in mine. It's shape is almost identical to a FMJ so there should be no feed issues. It won't clog up with layers of clothing so penetration should be good and it will expand as well.


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