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Everything posted by netmindr

  1.   I can see that now that I've watched it a third time. For some reason it just didn't look like it would carry a baby. Maybe they tried to fully cover it so they didn't actually have to shoot the scene with the baby.   I also counted the graves at the end and there is indeed 5, 2 of them being new. I thought it was odd that they had one specific shot of the cross with the shoes though. I was wondering if it had some significance.
  2. Somehow I missed what happened to Judith. Tyreese was holding her before Carol went out with Lizzie, then there were 3 crosses, one with brass baby shoes hanging from it. I rewatched it from DVR and still no clues. At first I thought the shoes were for Mika, but it didn't seem right, then I realized there were 3 crosses and they were not carrying her at the tracks.
  3. Congrats on your first match! Once you watch a few shooters go ahead of you and get that first stage out of the way, the nervousness you might have had before goes away. Then you can't wait to come back.   Pretty good turn out last night. They do a really good job of setting this up and keeping it moving. The stages are always fun and challenging too.
  4.   Wood is definitely more attractive, but also shows wear worse. Like CM1021 says, it tends to move as well. However, laminates almost eliminate that and can be pretty to boot.
  5. I would say see how many days you can take pics or video of the same guys just to make sure it is the same ones every day. If so, then post that to the forums with links to YouTube. They have no standing to complain about being recorded in a public place. Like others have said, only the store reps can ask you to stop.
  6. More legislation from the bench.
  7. Currently Kentucky allows open carry and vehicle carry without a permit.
  8. Awesome! Thanks.    Guess I could have done that myself. Doh!  :ugh:
  9. I don't see this on the Nashville Armory's Event Calendar this month. Will there be a match this coming Tuesday?
  10. I know you said you prefer a semi over a bolt and something that is designed to be carried, but unless you're gonna want something to pop off rounds quickly, I would recommend a Savage Mark II bolt gun. They are inexpensive so you can carry them in the woods without worrying about scratching it up. Plus they are as, or more, accurate as anything else costing 2 or 3 times more. CZ's are arguably more accurate, but to me, they are a little too nice to bang around. Full disclosure: I own 1 of each and they are both wonderful bench guns, but I wouldn't hesitate to take the Savage out in the woods with it's synthetic stock. I'd kick myself for marring up my pretty CZ 455 American tho.
  11. I've had minimal problems with Comcast in the past couple years. Just went in to the customer service center to upgrade to hd a few months ago and they offered me a 12 month deal with pretty much all the channels for 110/mo. Then it only goes up to $170 after that. Try going into the customer service center. They have different offers than the web site or phone. Plus, I'm sure if you threaten to switch they will give you their best deal. Of course, that may do little to help if they can't provide decent service.
  12. Betcha if something did go down he would be thanking you for having the bug.
  13. What are the stages going to look like tomorrow night?
  14. I just sent the flyer to a friend in Springfield for him to keep an eye out. We're all praying for a quick and safe return. Hopefully you will hear something soon to ease your worries.   BTW, I have not yet received the email from TGO.
  15. Thanks to Nashville Armory for putting this on. Very cool stages. I really enjoyed shooting indoors out of the cold. I'm still learning the IDPA ropes but everyone was very helpful. I highly recommend this event and am already looking forward to coming back and hopefully bringing a buddy or two.
  16. What are the fees for the match? How closely do they follow IDPA rules on concealment, equipment size, weight, holsters, etc? Do I need to have a current IDPA membership?
  17. Buddy of mine calls it my Ruger MkII rifle.
  18. Hole size and terminal energy notwithstanding, ask a bad guy which one he'd rather be shot with and I'll bet he'll say none of the above every time; including .22. I don't think you can say that any pistol caliber has guaranteed one shot stopping power. Therefore, my thought is that you should carry whatever caliber or gun you are comfortable enough with to get off multiple shots accurately. Then with as much capacity as you either think you need or can accommodate with your method of carry.
  19. The Hendersonville show is definitely more open with more room between aisles. I feel crowded at the M'boro shows even when it's not. In terms of types of dealers and merchandise I would rate them about the same.
  20. I've made gun transactions in public parking lots out in the open where I know I've been seen. Heck, I even did one where a cop was about 50 feet away and never received any negative attention. I do keep on guard for it, and it try to keep it discrete though. I think it's a good thing for non gun people to see that we can be responsible and not just jump to conclusions and be afraid I will shoot up Wal-Mart if they see me in the parking lot with a Mosin Nagant. But I would never advertise it and shove it anyone's face, or try to make a point by OC'ing. I read a book my Massad Ayoob where he supports OC, but states (and I paraphrase) that there is no reason to "scare the horses" and cause a scene. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
  21. It's one thing to carry with confidence and not be concerned with someone noticing in passing. But it's definitely another to purposefully advertise, looking for a reaction. That gives us all a bad name and just furthers the public disdain and distrust for HCP carriers. If someone just happens to notice that I'm carrying, I would much rather have them see me as being a positive, responsible citizen and earn their acceptance and respect. It's much easier to make a bad impression. It only takes one bad apple and the impression lasts a lot longer.
  22. I've got the blued version. They are real nice shooters. I had no idea they had gone up in value so much. I'd rather have the stainless version as I'm always partial to stainless when given a choice. But I'm not letting go of mine any time soon. Used to be they would pop up every so often, but it looks like everyone who has one is sitting on it. Can't blame them.
  23. Definitely not complaining. Lord knows I've taken advantage of it many a time through Amazon and other retailers. I'm just making a point about govt meddling with free market. I know there's no easy answer either way and the governor did what he thought would be best for the state. A lot of people thought Haslem went to the middle, or even to the left, by taking away Amazon's preferred status. However, I'm wondering if it weren't actually a pretty conservative stance based on many entrepreneur's view that they would rather make it on their own merits without taking any special privileges. (Full disclosure: this is coming from someone who has never started a business. ) I can't blame someone for taking advantage of laws to benefit themselves, and I'm no economist, but it seems to me if you keep everyone on an even playing field, the best will naturally succeed and those that can't compete or offer value will naturally be culled. Government intervention changes that.
  24. I'm definitely not in favor of paying taxes where I don't have to, but the real problem I have with this is that the state gave favorable preference to one company (Amazon) over others by allowing them to not collect taxes. If you ran a Mom & Pop internet business in TN and got no such special privileges from the govt, would you be pi$$ed that a big competitor did? How could you compete with a behemoth that is allowed to not charge tax? I understand the ultimate need for taxes, though I will definitely minimize my exposure when possible. But ultimately, this deal cost the tax payers in other ways where the state had to make up for revenue it missed through Amazon while it played favorites. I understand that the deal did create a lot of jobs in the state, but that doesn't excuse using crony corruption to do it. Some may say that we HAVE to do it just to compete against states that do. That doesn't make it right and ultimately hurts local entrepreneurialism and the local economy. If everyone was on the same playing field in the state, I'm sure that would be an attractor in itself. Now we the consumers have to pay the price even though the effect of the "new" tax is merely perception based on not having to pay it until now.
  25. I just looked at my GP100 and it does not do that. I looked at the cuts on the cylinder and from what I can see in your video, your cuts don't seem to be deep enough to keep the catch from slipping out into the rounded area. Mine has the rounded cuts then it drops off sharply into the notch where the catch sits and keeps it from turning and as deep as it is, there is NO way it can come out until the trigger is pulled slightly. Having said that, I have seen normally functional revolvers do this until either the trigger or cylinder are worked a little bit aggressively to get the catch to fully engage the cylinder. Could be either a weak or dirty catch spring. I would take Graycrait's cleaning advise, but also call Ruger to get their opinion as even though they are both Rugers, the LCR is designed differently.


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