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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I think responses like those are always cherry picked, but regardless of that you should not be getting those responses.
  2. It's nothing sensational. I'm certain that every first term president makes these preparations. After all there is a fifty percent chance that he will lose. I don't think that he will lose. There are still some freedoms that he hadn't taken and lots of country left to be destroyed.
  3. Sounds like a plan. Maybe I can sign up with G. Beck.
  4. After Obama wins the election I see four years of open borders at which time millions of Mexicans will come here and have three babies each per year. Obama will have a public celebration and burn The Constitution while declaring martial law and a gun ban. After the second year with all of the blacks and Mexicans having babies, white people will become a minority. At that time Obama will decide that there is no need for affirmative action and make all white people have to qualify sh*tty for jobs. People too old to work will face a Death Panel. If that's not enough, Obama will implement a ban on talking about memories of 1950s America. The punishment will be mandatory diversity training in Memphis, Atlanta, Detroit or Oakland. Difficult cases will be referred to South Central Los Angeles. Obama will declare himself king and all Kenyans will have dual citizenship. Jerimiah Wright and Ellen Degeneres will be named to the Supreme Court and last,but not least Obama is going to take everything that you have worked so hard for and "Redistribute" it to the 47% so that they can buy Cadillacs, cigarettes, pigs feet and 40s. WELCOME TO AMERIKENYA! (Trademark Pending) I'm certain that I left something out,but someone will be along shortly to remind us. Oh, that's it. The "THOUGHT POLICE". How could I forget them? Enjoy your last 46 days! If Romney wins everything will be "marvelous". IT'S A JOKE! JUST LIKE THE OTHER FANTASIES MENTIONED IN THIS THREAD.
  5. I agree, but think of the fun that you'll have telling these horror stories for Halloween.
  6. You are correct. It's just someone making a buck.
  7. Guys, can't we just go back and read the other 7000 page thread? Just kidding! For some crazy reason I was thinking about his case the other day and found myself hoping that it would be resolved around the week of the election and quietly go away.
  8. Of all the things that you mentioned, this one bothers me the most. I hate hearing others talk about what "WE" should do to our enemies if they have never or have no intention of putting some skin in the game. I know that some of us veterans and our current warriors volunteered, but it seems that some people don't fully comprehend the sacrifices that are being made by individuals and families when they say things like "WE should JUST go over there and kick some butt". Sorry if this rubs someone the wrong way. This is just my rant. For very personal reasons I hate war and I believe if everyone has skin in the game our leaders would utilize diplomacy to its limits before unleashing the best fighting forces in the history of the world on the poor fools who would threaten our freedoms. As you were!
  9. I agree with your statement. From what some people have told of themselves, there are a lot of 47 percenters on TGO. Luckily or as some would prefer, thanks to my hard work I have not been in that category for over twenty years. I guess it's pretty easy to agree with Mitt if you think that all of the takers are someone else. Case in point. I'm always puzzled by some of the contractors that I deal with that don't have health insurance either because they say that it's too expensive or their employer does'nt provide it. They have their valid reasons for being against Romney/Obamacare. Yet they have no problem going to the emergency room for any illness that they have and leaving the tab on other tax payers. This person falls into the category that Romney was talking about. This person thinks that Romney was talking about the fat, black welfare queen that was mentioned earlier and this person will definitely vote for Romney in November to keep the boogeyman Kenyan from world dominance.
  10. I'm glad to hear that. She will remember that forever. Uncle Willis If I let you teach me to shoot will you buy me a NHC? Thanks in advance Uncle Willis, Links
  11. I hope things turn around for you in November. Its not good to be that uptight.
  12. If that floats your boat. Won't change a thing for me. Maybe if you had done a few things differently in your life Obamas presence wouldn't be killing you.
  13. So, a politician is going to determine whether you are happy in this country?
  14. Maybe I just have a little more faith in this country than you do.
  15. Your daily gloom and doom is sickening. The chicken little routine gets old.
  16. You are just roses everyday aren't you. The life of the party. This country has displayed a level of toughness and ruthlessness beyond compare thru out its history. I have no doubt that it will survive your boogeyman Kenyan.


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