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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Legalize weed and tax it like cigarettes you will cut down on crime and generate revenue. Enforce the law just like you would a DUI.
  2. What you just described is Memphis crime in a nutshell. I only disagree with the part about the people being distrustful of the police. I think that it is more a fear of the retaliation that is certain to come after the police leave. Think about it, the reason that most of us carry is to defend ourselves and our loved ones. In a bad community if you talk to the police the next time that they return will be to put up crime scene tape around your home. If you are poor, can't afford to move or can't purchase a weapon to defend yourself the best way to have any semblance of safety is to see nothing, hear nothing...say nothing. The police are not personal security.
  3. Good answer, but I hope that you are wrong about the end results. I've always thought that it was a given that the U.S. would support Israel in her time of need.
  4. It's unreasonable to think that the two major parties are criminal? If you believe that, I'll double down on my comment.
  5. I know that you asked Mike, but for me "W" was the worst. Many have said Carter, but I use the same reasoning for Carter that people use for Romney. Carter was a good man with good intentions. He just wasn't presidential material.
  6. I'm for stopping all foreign aid, but that's another matter. Given our historic relationship with Israel, what does Obama stand to gain by snubbing Isreal? Just curious.
  7. I would be surprised if Obama kept his mouth closed. Romney is doing everything in his power to throw Obama the election. All Obama has to do is keep his trap shut. By now Romney should have had this thing wrapped up.
  8. Now, now, no personal attacks. Flat out nuts have feelings too. You defended Obama! According to flat out nut logic you may as well vote for him.
  9. It is, but many people are very passionate about their criminal parties.
  10. You are correct. This country has some very serious issues to face, but people telling bogeyman stories is funny to me. Beat the hell out of Obama for being a failure, but in my opinion some people are being overly dramatic. Bad policy, inaction where he should be acting and vice versa, but please spare me the "funny" horror stories. I'm not expecting any better from Romney or from whoever takes over in 2016.
  11. Four more years of Obama will bring hundreds more of these funny threads. It's funny how some people will relax a bit and take the screwing that the government and politicians dish out as long as its their guys giving he shaft. This thing that we are in is not an Obama problem. It's an accountability problem. The American people have to start holding their guys feet to the fire as passionately as we do to the opposition. We let our guys do all kinds stupid things while turning a blind eye, but if the opposition sneezes we accuse them of spreading the plague. As long as we continue to play these games we will continue to have crappy leaders and a declining civilization. It's our fault people. The snakes are just being snakes.
  12. I always liked to meet in the Bass Pro parking lot. They used to have a mobile cop camera there. I always carry, but I figure if the buyer/ seller is not legit they aren't going to be too fond of conducting business while possibly being recorded. I know that this method is not for everyone ( privacy issues and all), but the buyer/seller always understood my logic and never had problems with it. What I always laugh about is you have two paranoid armed guys conducting a transaction with their heads on a swivel attempting to be cordial, but being prepared to shoot if things get ugly. After That first meeting I always wonder if the other guy thinks that I was as squirrelly as I thought he was.
  13. That's the ticket. Lol At Chucks age you would have to lay on your stomach for him to left his leg that high.
  14. I carry a .45 instead of a 9mm. That is the only change that I make. Hornady Critical Defense is my defense load all year long.
  15. Add to that the war that is still being fought.


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