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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Again, all I said was hello sunshine. I know that you are usually perky and optimistic. All of my conversations today were with OS, Springfield1911 and DaveTn. I never mentioned you. Your post mean nothing! Mindless dribble because you never say anything. I never notice when you are not present, but its not hard to miss your arrival. You are stuck in a time warp! Commie this, commie that. The difference between us is that I'm not looking for anyone to agree with me. You, on the other hand are constantly seeking approval with your stupid 1950s commie post. I'll bet that more than anyone here you will suffer the most when Obama loses, because you reek of someone on government assistance hiding out on a gun forum talking crap while not even who or what you are voting for. I'll stop and let you have the last post, because I can't do this all night. Goodnight sunshine!
  2. I only said hello. I guess that I should have said what a rotten day it is because the commie is still hell bent on world domination, but he won't succeed because our best and brightest here on TGO have him figured out. Naw, that don't work for me. You are silly, comical and pathetic spewing that same crap post after post. There is a world of difference between the nonsense that you post compared to the people that have legitimate and logical reasons to dislike Obama. I'm certain that the sun doesn't shine anywhere near you. YOU ARE THE MOST MISERABLE MAN IN THE WORLD!
  3. I've never been there. My wife and kids always brag about how fast they are.
  4. Hello sunshine. I hope that you are having a good day.
  5. It will never happen here. Too much ignorance/fear about guns.
  6. I just looked at the still shot again. I recognize it from the movie "BLWHIT". Good movie. Those politicians have perfected the art of lying.
  7. I also noticed that they changed the design of the card. Everything looks good except for my ugly mug.
  8. I have always admired the way that the Israelis handle themselves when it comes to personal and national defense.
  9. I see what you are saying. I was only counting the potential gun owners based upon Dolomites 10% of the population that would fight or hide their weapons. We will probably never know how many weapons are actually out there unless there is a real attempt to confiscate. Then it would still only be someone's estimate.
  10. That's sound reasoning. I think that the GOP continues to do itself a disservice by appearing to most Americans to be unwelcoming of anyone who doesn't look like Mitt. The recent 47% video simply verified what a lot of people already assumed whether its true or not.
  11. It would be interesting. The 10% that would hide their weapons or fight is almost as large as our military.
  12. OS we all have our opinions about the Lame King, but it was stated as fact that Obama is deceptive by nature. I just wanted the facts about how the gentleman arrived at that conclusion. I'm on my iPad now so I can't watch he video.
  13. That assumes that the SCOTUS bases its opinions on its members personal beliefs. I have long believed that, but I hope that it's not true.
  14. As much as I would appreciate it you don't have to obtain my approval prior to posting. I am still curious to know how Dr. Springfield1911 came to the conclusion that his president is deceptive by nature. Information is power!
  15. The verdict has long been that I'm a a*****e. Popularity contest are for little girls and scared old men. I simply wanted to know how you came to the conclusion that your president is deceptive by nature. I'll agree that the bogeyman stories are for the ignorant and blind among us. See, we are not that different after all.
  16. Good article, but I believe that everything that she described applies to politicians on the right and left. We, the American people are only puppets of the puppets.
  17. In Shelby county I have always used the Millington office in the past. This time I mailed my renewal in and got it back today. I was very surprised. It only took about three weeks.
  18. What makes Obama deceptive by nature? Are you his counselor? If so, you will come in handy around here. Otherwise, you are just attempting to use your opinion as another scare tactic. If you read any of the political threads you will find that the fear mongering market is already fully saturated on TGO. Now, if you are saying that Obama has been a bad president with flawed policy I'll agree with you, but please leave the bogeyman stories for the youth among us. Don't fall for the hype. Our choices in 2012 are a sh*t box or a box of sh*t.
  19. I've learned two things from these post so far; Romney is going to tell the truth and Obama is going to claim to be a victimized black president. Two things that have never happened. I expect a lot of finger pointing and out right lies from both of the clowns on display tonight. Neither will produce results. Its all about claiming a title. Either way half the country will pretend to be happy for four years and the other half will start a new 48 month cycle of bitching. Good luck !
  20. Eye luv dis plice? A guy could get a complex around here.
  21. Great place to visit. You and your family will have a good time. Disregard the post about the African Americans. Most normal people have gotten accustomed to their right to exist. As mentioned earlier enjoy the aquarium and lots of good food. Crime is about what you would expect to find in a major American city. As for me, I always carry where allowed. Enjoy


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