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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Baer fan boy here. Very good choice if its true.
  2. You can...become a Mormon! Ba da bing! Just kidding. It's hard trying to be a good guy in this world.
  3. I'm not going to pick a winner or loser for a charity event. However, Romney was very funny. I have a co-worker that has similar mannerisms as Romney so I could really relate to him. I loved the joke about how he and his wife dress at home. Obama was standard banquet Obama. He was funny as usual in that setting. Two thumbs up! Now back to business!
  4. No sir, I would never think that. There is a lot of knowledge on TGO. I frequently gain invaluable information in these threads. I enjoy the debates and even the differing opinions. What I can't stand are the daily rants by Uncle Fester when he is off his meds. That does not work for me and I think that grown men should be ashamed of behaving in that manner. Also, there is nothing wrong with batsh#t crazy as long as it's in moderation. It should'nt be a lifestyle.
  5. I agree. I'm also glad the word "rational" still has a place in these threads.
  6. They aren't my friends. They are coworkers, associates and one holy roller. I thought that they knew me better than that. I'm always outspoken about making good decisions, so maybe they were checking on my integrity.
  7. I can't go into details but I recently had a opportunity to do something that would benefit me financially and materially if I told a lie. I decided against the action. The thing that's infuriates me is that everyone that I could discuss the situation with not only encouraged me to do it, but also suggested ways to improve upon the deception. All that I could think about was that I tell my kids to always try and do the right thing no matter how unpopular your actions are. I also believe in karma. My refusal to lie may cost me some money, but I'll sleep well at night. I'M SO DISGUSTED WITH THESE PEOPLE THAT I COULD PUKE!
  8. How does the 238 compare in size to the LCP? The LCP is the last pistol that I want to carry, but it works for pocket carry at dinner, weddings and other places where I really want to go smaller and lighter than a G26.
  9. Is there a easier way to improve the trigger on the LCP other than shooting the crap out of it?
  10. I hate to say it, but I'm not opposed to riots if they are directed towards all politicians. It's time for politicians to stop taking the people for granted.
  11. I doubt that riots will occur if the "Lying King" loses. Hell, I'd bet that he is ready to leave and move on to the rubber chicken circuit to stack some cash. Obama was never interested in leading this country. It was all about the title and his ego, just as it will be with Romney.
  12. Links2k

    M&P Shield wait

    IIRC I got mine about six weeks after making a deposit. I paid my money and forgot about it until my dealer called.
  13. Don't knock your work. You did it yourself. I say good job.
  14. Thanks. That should be perfect. I may give it a try. I have managed the G26 in a Nemesis, but thinner is always better for a pocket pistol, and I'm certain that the trigger is ten times better than the LCP. Plus it's a .45 caliber.
  15. How does the size compare to a G26 for pocket carry?
  16. You all have my prayers. Wives make us better people.
  17. I hate that crap. It's at epidemic levels in Memphis. I have issues with giving a man anything. It's worse on Sundays. You can't even get thru a red light because of all of the guilt giving after the churches let out.
  18. IRRC Rangemaster offers a pocket pistol class.
  19. The first movie is already on Netflix.
  20. I agree. I am always baffled at how some people assume that the poor enjoy receiving table scraps and are living high on the hog using food stamps while driving around in luxury vehicles. I've heard a thousand stories about someone using a ebt card then driving off in a luxury car. I am willing to bet that what you are seeing is someone illegally using a ebt card that they have purchased for 50 cents on the dollar. The card owner gets cash and the buyer gets discounted groceries.
  21. You stole my thunder. I was actually waiting on that.
  22. It is a nice little pistol. I hope that you continue to enjoy it.


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