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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Good luck. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished products.
  2. The USPS does not receive tax dollars.
  3. Wow, you said a mouth full. Seems like everyone gets to choose the POTUS except the citizens. Vote! The auction ends in ten days.
  4. I don't need one. I get most of my fantasy in the political threads.
  5. I understand. My point is that at this point nothing matters more than voting. Having only two weeks left prior to the election, smoking guns aren't going to change anything. Anti Obama people are going to support it as usual and Obama supporters are going to see it as de lo mismo. Also, in my twisted mind, politicians are so crooked that Romney will probably give Obama one of those get out of jail free letters like Obama gave to Bush prior to Bush flying out of Washington.
  6. I find it difficult to believe that probably the most disliked politician in American history could be hiding anything after all of this time. Anything that could have been used to keep the "Lying King" out of office would have been exposed long ago. The only real weapon that can be used against Obama is a vote. Everything else is just crazy talk.
  7. It will only make him look like Trump if he takes the bait.
  8. It's a little late in the game for these antics. People should be voting and expecting the best for this country and economy.
  9. Naw, that's kind of lame. People are already upset because he his not taking care of business. Now you want to have him address every school yard dare that attention seeking reality show host come up with? I would prefer that he spend his time packing or fixing the economy. Let Trump go and play with what's left of his hair.
  10. You make a good point. If Obama had any sense he wouldn't have done any of those things that you mentioned.
  11. No president in his right mind would acknowledge this nonsense. More Trump marketing Trump. Hey, look at me!
  12. Well, we did elect " W" twice. I'm just saying.
  13. Mobile camera with live feed. We have several in Memphis. I would do most of my transactions in front of the one at the Bass Pro Shops. I figured if things went south there would be video evidence and people up to no good don't want to be anywhere near them.
  14. Very good responses, but my reply is that it is always #5 when you are the opposition. Otherwise, there would only be one political party and we would all coexist in harmony. While everyone else is stocking up on guns and ammo I'll be stocking up on Splenda. It's going to take a lot of sweetener to help me digest the next four years regardless who wins. By 2016 I hope that everyone is so fed up that they will actually vote for a candidate with substance and realistic policy.
  15. I've had two tows and two flat repairs so far this year. I figure that I'm even.
  16. For me the 200 miles towing is worth the price alone if you travel frequently or travel with kids. Two hundred miles could get you to your final destination, home or to your favorite shop and save you the cost of a rental.
  17. I have the AAA super duper platinum plan or whatever ($150 yr for the family) and it's well worth it to me. If I'm tied up they will come and fix a flat for the wife and it also provides up to 200 miles towing and lock out service. I have four SUVs and those tires get mighty heavy. Also, I have never had to wait more than 15 minutes for one of their guys to arrive. The plans that I have had thru my insurance plans always cost you extra money. I pay nothing extra with AAA. I don't even have to sign anything when they finish. They thank me and leave. Good service.
  18. I told a guy the same thing yesterday. Crap can happen anywhere, but you reduce your odds of becoming a victim if you stay away from shady people and places.
  19. You are correct. There are good people everywhere. It only takes a few pecker heads to ruin almost anything.
  20. That voter i.d. crap really eats at me. Even if someone were using voter i.d. as a means of suppression, how difficult would it have been to get a freaking state issued photo i.d. over the last four years. Even If the cost were $100, the lazy, irresponsible bastards have had four years to save $100. There is no excuse! Some things are just too stupid.
  21. Man, I'm so happy for you!
  22. FInal guess. LB Police Special.


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