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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. [quote name='TMF' timestamp='1352035994' post='838780'] Ahhh! Blood in the streets! [/quote] At least you are joking. I'm not so sure about these other heros.
  2. [quote name='zort' timestamp='1352000636' post='838704'] im more worried about a natural disaster hitting me than a riot over which clown is elected president. [/quote] I agree. Different clowns...same car.
  3. [quote name='gun sane' timestamp='1352006037' post='838732'] I firmly believe that God loves righteousness and hates evil, therefore I pray that He will reward the man with the character most like His to be given the office for the next four years. [/quote] So, the office will be empty for the forseeable future?
  4. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1351994173' post='838607'] Actually, quite a few on Fox over course of day are calling for Mitt to win, just not any of the anchors, unlike MSNBC where there's little difference who's doing the proselytizing and raving. I think it's healthy to get a dose there once in awhile, or you lose track of just how vile the left can be. But all in all, I'm doing media blitz through the election -- as I've said before, I just don't know if even my love for day by day history can override the daily depression of four more with BHO. I've gotten where I can't hardly tolerate even [i]seeing[/i] or [i]hearing[/i] The CiC. - OS [/quote] If that is to be the reality you will get over it quickly by just sticking to your daily routine. I thought that it was the end when "w" won a second term.
  5. That crap is not a Tennessee thing. Even in Memphis.
  6. That's just stupid. If Obama wins in a land slide, the people making those post still won't take care of their own affairs. Obama won't acknowledge them again until he is campaigning for the next democratic nominee. The belief that people allow themselves to have in politicians makes my head hurt.
  7. [quote name='SlapChopDonkey' timestamp='1351990269' post='838568'] Because at the township / county level, at least years ago in Indiana, many of the local republicans were well entrenched incumbents who couldn't even spell conservative. A lot of great young candidates were able to run under the local democratic party in an effort to unseat them. They mostly failed due to lack of money to campaign with. But, they had good, community instead of govt. based approaches to our problems. I don't care which party a candidate belongs to, I care about their ideas and policies. Voting solely based on party just doesn't make sense to me. [/quote] Lemmings?
  8. [quote name='Glenn' timestamp='1351914672' post='838184'] I'm sick of seeing Colin powell endorsing Obama too [/quote] Que se la va hacer? Powells endorsement and a dollar will get you a candy bar. Means very little.
  9. [quote name='TripleDigitRide' timestamp='1351911568' post='838143'] We have the Bush administration to thank for that. They could have pulled Hitler from the grave, stamped "Democrat" on his forehead, and he would have beat any Republican candidate. There was no wa in hell this country was going to vote for a Republican after the **** Bush got us into. [/quote] Yep!
  10. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1351911764' post='838146'] Of course he's dead. That was the whole point of the story. I'm gonna miss him too. I hope he left that 1911 to me [/quote] It's like Bruce Willis in "The Sixth Sense". The wife is inside the house grieving and he's outside jacking around and talking to himself. I like this thread.
  11. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1351911764' post='838146'] Of course he's dead. That was the whole point of the story. I'm gonna miss him too. I hope he left that 1911 to me [/quote] Dibs on the Glock 26.
  12. [quote name='dralarms' timestamp='1351911718' post='838145'] None, he left his wallet home. Now even as dumb as I am I see that this is one of those wandering "what if I left without my gun". Good one Dennis, had me going all the way to the end. [/quote] I think that we all "got it". It was just weird and funny.
  13. I would love to have one of those lying thieves put the interest of his/her state above all of that party sh#t.
  14. [quote name='Glenn' timestamp='1351911569' post='838144'] He thinks he can trust Obama's promise to pay for everything. Good luck with that. [/quote] I know that this won't play well around here, but i'm certain that those in need right now don't care how it's paid for. For some reason, i'm going to assume that lots of tax payers were involved in this disaster.
  15. [quote name='TrickyNicky' timestamp='1351911227' post='838141'] Damn shame, I didn't know him well but... I'm gonna miss him. At least his spirit will remain with us in, well, spirit. [/quote] I feel bad that all of that tater salad had to go to waste. At least the catfish got fed. I wonder how much loot those shark eyed guys took off of him?
  16. Christie is looking after his state. That's what the people elected him to do. Anything else is bs.
  17. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1351904722' post='838066'] There's way too much drama played up in this race. Obama's support is way down, also. [/quote] Waaaaaay down.
  18. [quote name='DaveTN' timestamp='1351898076' post='837999'] Thumbs down. They are good guns but I don’t buy foreign made when I have an American made choice that is better. Smith & Wesson M&P. Support your country’s economy with your purchases when you can. Oh yeah, and go vote Obama out of office Tuesday. [/quote] M&P is a darned good pistol. I've owned five of them. I Still have three in the safe that I would trade to get a few of my old Glocks back. Those dang Glocks won't let me carry anything else. They simply work for me. I'll support the economy by continuing to buy Glocks from the local gun store and TGO. I'll buy ammo from Midway USA and Dicks, but i'm a junky for the Austrian crack.
  19. You're going to hate this post when that buzz wears off.
  20. Thumbs up on the G19. It's one of my favorite pistols. The other two being the G30 and Les Baer1911. I just picked up a Gen4 G19 with TFO night sights on Tuesday and I have no doubt that I will like it. I can't say if it is better than the Gen3, because the Gen3 is as good as it gets. Unlike the other glocks, I'm going to leave this one bone stock.
  21. Check Mr Gores internet. Lots of news over the summer. The USPS pre funds its retirement per Congress since 2006. That's one of the items that the PMG was requesting to stop when he was lobbying to cut Saturday service. I think that we are one generation away from privatizing the USPS. We still have a few people that remember the mail. Kids like my 25 year old and younger could care less. My wife has worked for FedEx for 27 years. The USPS could learn a lot from that operation.
  22. These issues are why I do ftf or ffl. I hate any kind of hassle. I have shipped one rifle thru UPS with no issues. I painted the box black, told them that I was shipping to a ffl, got a good rate and was satisfied with the transaction.


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