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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. [quote name='rebeldrummer' timestamp='1352175052' post='839834'] Overall changes,,,,nothing dramatic. [/quote] I agree. At the swearing in ceremony in january the winner is going to thank all of the suckers and get down to business as usual.
  2. [quote name='Batman' timestamp='1352174738' post='839831'] I'll be jumping for joy that O is on his way out! [/quote] Then? What are your expectations? Will you except crap from Romney simply because he is not the "Lying King"? The one thing that I respect about the TEA Party is that in a short amount of time they have put fear into politicians. Politicians should fear and respect the people that they work for. I hope that we are reaching a point where politicians can no longer expect to remain in office simply by telling the people what they want to hear. NO ACTION, NO JOB!
  3. [quote name='gjohnsoniv' timestamp='1352174468' post='839824'] Uh yeah, just going to go on like nothing changed. [/quote] It won't, but it will be funny to hear Romney blaming everything on Obama. What's going to change for you?
  4. I'm so jaded that it will be just another day for me. Work, chat with my loved ones, read some threads on TGO and prepare for four years of vinegar from the losers. How about you?
  5. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352166279' post='839728'] I see very few are interested in the real threat to this country. One day, maybe. [/quote] I'm not thread crapping. I just wanted to say that this info is not new about Jarrett. I thought that conservative red flags would have gone up about her years ago.
  6. [quote name='Lester Weevils' timestamp='1352172895' post='839813'] I hope if Romney wins he turns out a fabulous president. Suspect him being brighter than Bush, Gore, or Kerry. But have been fooled before. And smarts isn't the same as judgement, leadership, or having a knack for "doing the right thing". Carter was a pretty bright dude ferinstance. Lots smarter than some other presidents. Which didn't prevent him from screwing it up. I personally have a very low opinion of the native intelligence of Obama, though he was smart enough (along with his minions) to sell the USA a bill of goods in 2008. However, as best I can honestly estimate, the most likely outcome is that Romney will screw us just as bad as Obama. Merely in a different fashion. Mistakes equally egregious as democrat mistakes, just in a different style, causing things to screw up in a different fashion. Given that I can't realistically develop confidence that Romney will make it any better, I'd rather avoid embarrassment having to admit I voted for the fella, a couple of years from now after he starts screwing up. I voted G.W. Bush against my better judgement in 2004 when I should have voted libertarian as is my habit. Or possibly I should have even voted for that clown Kerry. Kerry would have been a screw-up, but on the other hand G. W. Bush hadn't managed to single-handedly destroy the republican party by 2004. If Kerry had won, there would have been an R president in 2008 and no President Obama (yet) unless whichever R would have beat Kerry in 2008 would have screwed up enough by now to give Obama a chance in 2012. Just sayin, not only did I vote the perceived "lesser evil" in 2004, I contributed a bunch of money to elect the lesser evil in 2004, and it was a mistake and a waste of money. And kinda suspected so at the time, but got fooled. So here's hoping Romney turns out fabulous if he wins, but "it just don't feel right" and I'm voting libertarian as is my habit. Romney and Ryan say some good things, and then they say some stuff that rubs the wrong way if not slightly "frightening". It could go either way once they are in there, insulated from reality by an army of like-minded butt-kissers and yes-men. [/quote] You should post more often. The emotional parrots have been killing me.
  7. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352167471' post='839744'] It's easy. Need to get into casting too. I figure we'll have some teeth to melt down when it's all over [/quote] That was funny. I almost choked.
  8. I'm not taking the bait tonight. I don't like Romney or Obama. Regardless who wins tomorrow, we lose. They both suck!
  9. [quote name='kieefer' timestamp='1352170828' post='839792'] Funny, I haven't heard Romney discuss these issues you mention. [/quote] I'm speaking of the voters and the media. However, I'm certain that if you check around the internet you can find Mitt talking about these things out of at least one side of his neck or you just have not really been paying as close attention as you think you have. Read post #33. ...more "PEOPLE" are talking about...
  10. [quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352168928' post='839772'] 0bama is the ticking time bomb. Re-election will give him the opportuniy to do whatever he likes, that will be the bomb going off. It will cause mass destruction. And we've already been taking a whipping for the past 4 years. If that wasn't enough to wake most people up, then may God help us! [/quote] I'd like to agree with you, but I don't think that this country has reached the point where we want real leadership or politicians that do the will of the people. As I said earlier, as long as we get pulled into the gay issues, race baiting and worrying about womens personal issues every election cycle we will keep settling for the lesser of two evils. Because of this, you have more people talking about vaginas and gay weddings than he economy and national security. I've survived a lot of life threatening situations. I know pain and I'm willing to endure more to stop the madness.
  11. [quote name='xRUSTYx' timestamp='1352161711' post='839662'] This is where I differ from many ... The ticking time bomb NEEDS to go off before anything of substance will happen. Until then (1-5-10 years) -- Everyone will continue to live in a false *utopia* [/quote] Yep, sometimes you need a real good spanking to straighten out your behavior. Our whipping is long over due.
  12. Anyone have a kid that plays for Ensworth, Baylor or MBA? If so, what do you like about their team and their chances of winning state this year?
  13. [quote name='TLRMADE' timestamp='1352157830' post='839606'] [img]http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/11/06/esu9a3un.jpg[/img] Look at the very bottom of picture....still funny though! [/quote] I immediately knew that Tebow didn't tweet that. He has class!
  14. [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1352157006' post='839597'] What has happened is that it was given out to some, those who really needed it. And it slowly went from the poor needy people who are actually in need to those who don't need it but just want it and are willing to lie to get it. It is the entitlement generation that believes they are entitled to the prosperity of those who worked hard before them. I have actually heard one of them say that someone else worked really hard so they didn't have to. There are several things that need to be done to weed out the fat. First, require them to take a drug test when they apply and then at least once annually. If you are so poor you need public money then the public has a right to ensure that money is not supporting illegal activities. 1st offense you lose the funds for one month. Next time is six months. A third time would remove you from the rolls indefinitely. Second, they need to require them to perform some sort of public service. I know our highways could use a good cleaning of litter. Paint or clean up buildings or empty lots in their neighborhoods. Or maybe answer the phone of a government office to answer the most common question of all "Are you open". Third, publish a by name list of those who receive public assistance. Nothing more than a name and the town in which they live. People should be embarrased to receive public money in lieu of working. Fourth, get rid of the automatic renewal system. Make the recipients come down to have their cards refilled and maybe take a drug test. And remove the ability to get unhealthy foods when using public funds. I was in a fast food restaurant the other day that accepted EBT cards. Fifth, set a lifetime limit of say 4 years. That is you can only receive 48 months of public assistance during your life. If you choose to use it while you are 18-22 then you can never get it again. Everyone gets to a point in their life in which they could apply for governement assistance. And that is what it is for and not for those who receive it their entire lives and enver work. And finally, require an ID proving citizenship in order to receive anything. If you are not here legally you get NOTHING. Dolomite [/quote] I agree. The system is being abused.
  15. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352154603' post='839580'] Can I have your brass? [/quote] It's yours for now. If we survive, I plan to try my hand at reloading.
  16. I'm preparing for both ends of the spectrum. If Mitt wins, I get to play plinko from my roof top. If Obama wins I have candy and popcorn to eat and plastic to cover my electronics while I watch all of the heads of Obama opponents spontaneously combust.
  17. With the impending riots I was surprised that the range wasn't at full capacity today. Everyone must have been at home fortifying their fighting positions.
  18. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352152232' post='839544'] Dumb me. I didn't know there was a gen 4 G30. I need to try one of them, now. See what you did, Links? [/quote] You mean that you have to buy one of them now. You know how it goes. If you touch it, you own it.
  19. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352152447' post='839547'] Haha! I probably will, but it depends on how much of a reminder needs to be shouted out. When I picked it, I really thought someone else would have picked it. Novel and creepy, hmm. [/quote] For the last few years, every time that I read one your post the voice in my head sounds like Obama. Good Jedi mind trick with the avatar.
  20. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352149127' post='839508'] What a screwy poll. [/quote] I thought the same thing. That's why I didn't pick a option.
  21. I don't care for either of them and I suspect that the winner will attempt to implement some type of gun tax/control over the next four years. We get what we deserve. Every election cycle the people get suckered into talking about gays, race and abortions while the larger issues take a back seat. I am one of the few that really don't think that it matters whether it's Mitt or Obama. Neither will have any power. They have been bought and paid for. The big donors aren't giving just to have that warm and fuzzy feeling. We will see in another four years.
  22. My son was out of school today for teacher in service so I decided to take him shooting. I took my latest Glock purchase with me. We put a couple of hundred rounds thru the G19, M&P22, M&P Shield and HK MP5-22. It wad a good time and the boy loved it as usual. The G19 did what glocks do. It performed without any issues. I got it with my favorite night sights (green/green TFO). I guess I'll try the Gen4 G30 next. I was afraid that they might have messed up a good thing (Gen3 was "perfect"), but I like the little changes so far. Thanks for reading and have a great day, Links2k
  23. [quote name='TMF' timestamp='1352049323' post='838909'] From what the Internet said about Memphis, you won't be able to tell that things have descended into anarchy. [/quote] Sadly, that's becoming the case. My wife mentioned moving to Florida again and I'm actually considering it. My mom moved to Clearwater about seven years ago.[quote name='Erik88' timestamp='1352052761' post='838933'] I agree but what leads you to believe they will be cut off anytime soon? It was take a major collapse of some kind before you start to see these programs scaled back. If anything, I expect them to continue to rise. [/quote] I can see that happening. The only thing worse are the people they take the benefits and then get in forums and complain about the government providing them.
  24. [quote name='TMF' timestamp='1352049323' post='838909'] From what the Internet said about Memphis, you won't be able to tell that things have descended into anarchy. [/quote] Sadly, that's becoming the case. My wife mentioned moving to Florida again and I'm actually considering it. My mom moved to Clearwater about seven years ago.
  25. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352047377' post='838891'] At least we won't have to do much killin', since others are even more prepared. I'm worried about Link though. Being in Memphis, he could easily be killed and eaten before he can reach for his Glock . [/quote] Living on the wild side baby!


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