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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. [quote name='Chucktshoes' timestamp='1352257902' post='840615'] Is this where I mention that it was for a 1911? [/quote] You were just a regular Mitt Romney weren't you? I'll bet it was nice having that 1911. I didn't touch my first 1911 until I joined the Army MPs.
  2. [quote name='Chucktshoes' timestamp='1352257584' post='840608'] Nope, my first holster was a Don Hume. [/quote] Elitist! Jk
  3. I think that he nailed everyone with the Uncle Mikes first holster.
  4. [quote name='peejman' timestamp='1352238206' post='840319'] I haven't read this whole thread and I'm not gonna... but I had a neat idea. If Obama wins, I want to see a bunch of middle aged, over-weight, balding white guys looting the Quickie Stop on MLK Blvd. Kicking in the windows and stuffing the back seat of their bimmer with cases of frappuccino and Gardetto's. Some others gasping for breath on the verge of a heart attack about a block away because that's as far as they could carry the case of diet coke. That would f-ing ROCK! That is all. Carry on. [/quote] I'd like to see Will Ferrel in that movie.
  5. [quote name='ThePunisher' timestamp='1352243429' post='840395'] It's just a matter of time before another luxury will be given to the deadbeats, and we will get to pay for that also. Probably one of those gummitt owned Chevy Volts that don't sell on the free market. [/quote] So if I quit working I could keep my home, get food stamps, health care, two Volts and a couple of phones for me and the wife? Pardon me, I have some thinking to do.
  6. [quote name='atlas3025' timestamp='1352154691' post='839581'] I watched it because I dig Hell On Wheel's Anson Mount (from TN!). I didn't get very worked up over political messages in it. I didn't really detect any. If it was a campaign piece for Obama, I didn't pick up on it. They had Obama speaking in his voice of the political ramifications if it turned out to not be a baddie in the compound, or if the op was botched...but I didn't get the impression of Obama kicking ass and demanding we get Osama. It portrayed him as hesitant for good reason. I don't think this show will change anyone's mind...and I didn't get the impression it was trying to. [/quote] Good review. Lots of bad acting.
  7. [quote name='Mike.357' timestamp='1352131589' post='839376'] not sure why I should care about profit metrics of a tv channel. At any rate it was not much of a movie. Glad I dvr'd it and was ablel to fast forward through the abundance of commercials. [/quote] It was terrible!
  8. [quote name='ThePunisher' timestamp='1352224361' post='840108'] I will refuse to attend any Black Panther Party member funerals. [/quote] No sir, I was speaking of TGO members. There are very serious issues at stake in this election, but we must breath and focus to deal with the threat properly. Ranting until we bust a blood vessel is not a good thing.
  9. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352221786' post='840074'] Amen...anyone who things "it's over" if Romney wins would be a fool. Restoring and protecting our republic is a job that never ends nor is it a spectator sport - we can't let up on the pressure just because Obama gets replaced. Individual people CAN make a difference but ONLY if they engage themselves in the process. [/quote] That's more like it. Our work will never be done as long as we breath, because the politicians will get comfortable and return to business as usual.
  10. [quote name='DaddyO' timestamp='1352163319' post='839685'] I've heard stories of people being pulled over for traffic violations and when the LEO was informed that there was a weapon in the vehicle, and it was there legally, he did nothing about it except to ask the driver not to touch the weapon. [/quote] This has been my experience
  11. [quote name='Mark@Sea' timestamp='1352183319' post='839892'] If you don't have someone to vote for, you surely can find someone to vote against. [/quote] Like others have said, if nothing else there are other local issues to vote on.
  12. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352214063' post='839986'] He campaigned on repealing it. I expect that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk [/quote] He has also said that there are some good things in Obamacare and that he would tweak it. That's my problem with him. I hate searching for links, but after I finish my honey do list I may search for one. Don't hold your breath, I would rather be wrong on this.
  13. [quote name='JG55' timestamp='1352207321' post='839932'] If RR wins, I will be Very Happy and Thank the stars that at least enough of the American People have awoke from this Obama nightmare. If I Obama wins , I will be very unhappy and scratching my head asking how can the American people do this.. After that Life goes on and we all will have to deal with whatever comes our way and figure ways around /and work with government intrusion into our life. I think I will stop watching the news, listening to the Talk shows and reading Blogs. or not we'll see. [/quote] I felt that way after W won his second term. You will be miserable for a few hours, but if you have other responsibilities you will be amazed at how fast you can put it behind you.
  14. [quote name='Lumber_Jack' timestamp='1352206939' post='839929'] Exactly, and forever be the Liberal martyr that never got a chance because if those evil Republicans. [/quote] The republicans and democrats are in this racket together. If the people could work together half as well as they do we could elect better representatives.
  15. [quote name='TGO David' timestamp='1352206106' post='839926'] If you're Obama, you win no matter what happens in the polls. He'll be working the rubber chicken circuit, making bank, protected by the Secret Service on our dime, for the rest of his life. Honestly if I were him, I'd want to lose the election just so I could get started with that. [/quote] I've said that before. At this point there is no losing for Obama.
  16. [quote name='jughead' timestamp='1352194932' post='839903'] i will thank God that my prayers have been answered if the muslim is out of office. if not then i will just take life one day at a time. [/quote] [quote name='Garufa' timestamp='1352202331' post='839912'] I will log into TGO to see how many members are missing due to spontaneous cranial combustion. [/quote] If Obama wins we may have to attend some funerals.
  17. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352177384' post='839871'] That depends on how you define "evil". A lesser choice between two or more candidates doesn't by definition make it evil. That's the most incorrectly used cliche, especially around election time. But I'm not criticizing you, okay? I just don't understand where Romney could be considered "evil". He has succeeded his entire life. Is that evil? If so, that will beg more questions, like "is wealth evil?" What I usually refer to when comparing good and evil is "Whenever you compromise between good and evil, evil always wins". That's an approximate quotation by Ayn Rand. I was too lazy to steal the exact one. [/quote] I don't think that Romney is evil. I just don't believe that he is anymore a man of his word than Obama. With that being said, none of it matters at this point in the game. The point of no return is less than 24 hours away.
  18. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352175832' post='839845'] But what would you without hearing my voice? [/quote] There you go again!
  19. [quote name='S&WForty' timestamp='1352176497' post='839857'] Don't forget the UN poll-watchers. And Christie Brinkley, circa 1984, wants me to tell you she says hi to Leah. [/quote] Well, if we are going there, I'm going to look up Kelly LeBrock from weird science.
  20. [quote name='Caster' timestamp='1352176298' post='839854'] I wanna play! I could be Charlie Sheen; Pre Alcohol/blow/whore phase. [/quote] You would have to be like four years old.
  21. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352175960' post='839847'] Exactly! And if Romney doesn't get Obamacare repealed, he will have aided and abetted and will have sunk us. I will be his loudest critic. [/quote] I only expect Romney to modify Romneycare. He won't repeal his baby.
  22. [quote name='TMF' timestamp='1352176164' post='839852'] I'll be leading a group of high schoolers-turned guerrilla fighters against Marxists government troops on selective ambushes to undermine the efforts of a massive assault on free Americans. Oh, and I'll be nailing Leah Thompson, circa 1984. [/quote] There is nothing like a well executed ambush to build up pride and self esteem. WOLVERINES!
  23. [quote name='Caster' timestamp='1352176118' post='839851'] I've decided to not watch the news or listen to talk radio all day tomorrow. I guess I'll find out wins when one of you guys post it. I'm past the point of giving a [/quote] I'll be off from work and home alone so I plan to take in the news all day. Regardless how I feel about the options, I enjoy the stories surrounding election day.
  24. [quote name='ThePunisher' timestamp='1352175550' post='839842'] If Obama wins, the first thing Wednesday I'm going to order that Steyr Aug 3 CQC rifle, and get more ammo and mags. If Romney wins, I'll be ecstatic that the American people still believe in capitalism, and Constitutional law. [/quote] I've been more concerned about obtaining mags and ammo as opposed to weapons. I believe that the people have always believed in those things. We are just bad at choosing representatives.


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