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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. [quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1352287594' post='840884'] Republicans running a liberal candidate didn't work in 2008, or yesterday. I guess they'll try it again in 4 years. [/quote] Romney stated that he was a "severe conservative".
  2. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352307183' post='841056'] Yeah...right...the Repubs lost because too many people talk about gays and rape. All the Republicans need to do is to look just like the Democratic party and all will be well with the world. [/quote] Robert, I can't fight with you guys for the next four years. Obama didn't win a great victory last night, but he won because even with the bad leadership and poor economy people are tired of the scare tactics. There are actually some adults out there that want real straight talk about the big issues. The voters know that things are bad under Obama, but crazy talk, scare tactics and clicking your heels are not a solution. So,what do you do? As I mentioned in another thread, the demographics of the country are going to continue to change. If the GOP remains the party of the angry old white man it is DOOMED.
  3. [quote name='TrickyNicky' timestamp='1352291528' post='840901'] I do think we're in it bad but have to agree with Erik88 here. The only way through this is with our chins up. [/quote] And keeping the real issues in front of the people. Keep the druken uncles off of the television talking about gays and rape. More time was spent on those issues than talking about the economy, energy and the dead ambassordor.
  4. [quote name='Erik88' timestamp='1352290960' post='840895'] We can sit here and bitch and moan for 4 years [/quote] You can count on that. Have you been reading the threads he last six months?
  5. [quote name='D3vo' timestamp='1352268352' post='840837'] I feel the price of guns & ammo in the TGO classifieds going up in the morning. [/quote] TGO was the only place that I found fair prices during the last scare.
  6. [quote name='Batman' timestamp='1352268259' post='840834'] Isn't there already a path to citizenship (besides amnesty). Lots of young hispanics become citizens now. If O gets his way, he will get amnesty and the dems will win every election from now on growing more progressive each time. [/quote] I believe the GOP can win back hispanics, but it will have to be done with sugar and not hostility.
  7. Remember this. Obama got 69% of the hispanic vote. Obama offered a path to citizenship for young hispanics while Romney offered them an opportunity to self deport. Something to remember the next time around when the numbers will be even higher.
  8. [quote name='TN Outlaw' timestamp='1352267092' post='840824'] its Bush's Fault Obama Quadrupled the debt?? [/quote] It is Bush's fault that we got Obama. I have said that since I joined TGO. There is no way that we get Obama if Bush had not been a massive screw up.
  9. [quote name='Batman' timestamp='1352266848' post='840821'] Oh, my bad. How could I have forgotton that it's all Bush's fault. Guess what... it's obama's economy now. He just inherited it. [/quote] Yes, he did. He has no more excuses.
  10. Anyone watching Rove attempt to explain why his strategy didn't work?
  11. [quote name='personDJ' timestamp='1352266518' post='840818'] I can't understand why so many seems to have forgotten who got us in this mess and as some say who brought us to our knees. Hint Hint it was not the dems. It was 8 years of BUSH. [/quote] Shhhhh! Selective amnesia.
  12. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352264964' post='840794'] No. Their demos are gonna die off. Has nothing to do with libs (tarians or tards). [/quote] You have vision.
  13. [quote name='ThePunisher' timestamp='1352264655' post='840788'] Congratulations, and enjoy your JD. [/quote] Thanks, but I only made a prediction based upon Romney's actions and words. Obama is still a disappointment and the people still have work to do. I hope that we can do it without being ugly to one another. This country deserves better from our leaders and representatives.
  14. [quote name='Peace' timestamp='1352264147' post='840781'] So,.... Will there be a run on ammo and ARs again? Man, I hope not... Thoughts? [/quote] No doubt about it. I'm just a few G30 mags away from being satisfied. They got me the last time round. I still won't purchase anything from CTD.
  15. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352264022' post='840779'] Yeah...because all the somebody elses got 1/4% of the vote, the Republicans are going to take notice and suddenly become the libertarian party the libertarian party wanted to be. I don't know what you are drinking but I'd like to have some; it must be really good stuff...all I've got here is JD. [/quote] That's all that I have. Enjoy!
  16. You gotta give it to Rove. He is still working it.
  17. [quote name='pfries' timestamp='1352262881' post='840757'] Got em now what? [/quote] Eat them and shoot them. Go to work on getting reps that you want.
  18. [quote name='jtmaze' timestamp='1352262448' post='840742'] ITEOTWAWKI!!! [/quote] Nope! We'll be fine.
  19. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352262169' post='840737'] Y'all give it a rest. Obama won. Enjoy [/quote] Good point. Now, the GOP has got to examine itself. The demographics are going to continue to change and the GOP is going have to make women and minorities feel welcomed into the party. I'm not saying give up core beliefs or values. I'm saying make all Americans feel welcomed into the party, stop the gay bashing, hate only those who warrant hatred, and stay out of a woman's bloomers. ECONOMY, SECURITY AND EDUCATION will equal PROSPERITY!
  20. [quote name='Jonnin' timestamp='1352262043' post='840729'] AP has obama at 230 with 55 coming from CA soon. BUT the ap at least has called several states that have less than 5% difference and less than 75% counted..... Its not over, but its not looking good. [/quote] It is over....he already has California, Iowa and Oregon.
  21. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352259834' post='840664'] The country deserves what it gets. [/quote] I've always said that. You have to fight for the big issues. Side tracked again by gays, race and vaginas.
  22. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352258877' post='840637'] Well, put the riot gear back in the safe. - OS [/quote] Does that mean that I get to eat candy and popcorn, cover my property in plastic so that I watch all of the exploding heads?
  23. [quote name='Chucktshoes' timestamp='1352258977' post='840642'] [/quote] My Milt Sparks VMII Or my pj holster kydex is my daily wear.
  24. [quote name='Mykltn' timestamp='1352257946' post='840617'] I still own an uncle mikes. [/quote] Me too, along with a drawer full of other brands. I still grab that nylon for a quick trip out in the yard or to the atm.


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