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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. [quote name='TripleDigitRide' timestamp='1352605803' post='843557'] Anyone who believes anything other than what this man said has their head buried in the sand. Times are changing, like it or not. Only if they'd change enough to give 3rd part candidates a fighting chance. Or better yet, do away with party affiliation altogether. [/quote] I agree, but Didn't you get the memo? That would turn the GOP into the democrat party. The GOP has to stick to its guns and have a even more far right conservative nominee the next time around.
  2. [quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352665477' post='843868'] I agree with all that you have said. Let me interject this - (While I am not saying this is a blanket statement, it may sound like it, but I have experienced a LOT of it over the past 30 years...) I have managed several fast food chains over the past 30 years. I was the only white person working there (as the GM). My employees were always saying crazy stuff like, "You white. You rich." I would try to have conversations with them and explain that no, I'm not 'rich', and I'm certainly not 'rich' because I'm white. I work hard and will work 2 or 3 jobs if I have to. The employees meanwhile, would never show up for work when scheduled the day after they got paid. They were out getting drunk, spending their money on court fees or hookers. I had to bail a few of them out on several occasions, give updates to their parole officers, give them rides home after work, etc. One time, I'm pretty sure I naively drove one of them to a drug deal when giving them a ride home from work. They have their own underground lottery. They have their own secret language. They have no aspiration to get ahead, just to barely make enough to buys cigs, booze, video games or whatever. One day I had two employees go at each other out in the dining room and try to kill each other. I had to call the police. Then one night another employee was showing me all of the oversized rings on his fingers. He was explaining that one (a big dollar symbol) stood for "money", and another (which I forget what it was) stood for "power". Wha????? 0bama has blown the race card, I'm not playing that game anymore, just telling the truth like it is. What I have said above is just a drop in the bucket. [/quote] Are you really going to blame Obama because you have given up on the state of Americas race relations? Secondly, i'm glad that you had that disclaimer, because your post sure read like a blanket statement. It occurred to me that someone had to tell those young people that foolishness about white people. If you go around sharing your none blanket statement views with impressionable minds we will continue on a merry go round of negative stereotypes based upon someone else's bitter feelings.
  3. [quote name='Mike.357' timestamp='1352607414' post='843573'] i need a case of tinfoil for a better hat after reading the previous post. Maybe I can sneak off by myself and find one before the chinese find me. [/quote] Be sure to low crawl to avoid detection. Commies have excellent vision. Why would the chinese invade us instead of our weaker neighbors to the north and south, ehh?
  4. [quote name='Mike.357' timestamp='1352600783' post='843486'] someone needs to go to prison assuming the accusations are true. Holy crap [/quote] Several people need to go to prison. I'm assuming that nurses and others were present.
  5. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352587734' post='843345'] It all boils down to apathy with a candidate. That apathy just gave us our savior back. Deal with it! It's not like you have a choice in the matter. Message went the wrong way, he lost. The end. [/quote] That about sums it up.
  6. Yeah, it seems that if I order before noon they arrive the next day.
  7. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352569031' post='843142'] The African American vote went to Obama because of one main reason. You don't get into the high 90's with a group because you're making them all happy. [/quote] It would have gone to the democrats in the same percentages regardless the nominee. Blacks do not feel welcomed in the republican party.
  8. [quote name='ThePunisher' timestamp='1352488259' post='842591'] Pro-2nd Amendment democrat! Now that's an novel concept; why would you be a democrat since it's the democrats that want to take away your guns and gun rights? [/quote] My guess would be for the same reasons that there are so many different denominations of Christians. Pro 2A democrats share a similar belief as conservatives on one issue, opinions differ on other issues.
  9. [quote name='monkeylizard' timestamp='1352485628' post='842564'] Don't discount the very rough GOP primary. BHO didn't have to campaign against Romney that much. The other GOP hopefuls (and in some case Mitt himself) did that for him before the convention. [/quote] True. He had to know that his words would be used against him.
  10. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352484172' post='842555'] Republicans lost this time because they lost their way and they compromised on issues. Some issues, like was mentioned, abortion, don't have to be mentioned on platforms, nor does immigration reform. A true, clear message from constitutional roots, economic stability and a vision for showing America a good future is all the message needs. Wars on women, health care and the like should be sidestepped and the party should be consistent. People like Akin and Mourdock lost because of personal views that were poorly said and shouldn't have been made. Both were conservatives and could have won. The party rejected and sealed their fate. Romney lost because he didn't engage enough during the debates and elsewhere. Democrats knew how to play the game to their advantage. They know how to win. Republicans accept compromise too much. Reagan was the last candidate who went around the media and to the public. He is a rare breed of candidates and we didn't have enough of one. I think Romney's handlers thought he should just coast his way to winning after the first debate. Always stay in the fight to the end. We had a fight for second place. That's not good enough. Mac, it was demographics, but it was also because we weren't well in the fight. Winning a battle takes resolve. We didn't have it. [/quote] I agree with you. Some things did not have to be mentioned. Present the facts on the economy and national security, make Obama defend his record, leave the silliness behind and Mitt would be preparing to take the oath in January.
  11. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352482808' post='842545'] Romney lost because the demographics and opinion on issues of those demographics are changing. BHO got big majority vote of women, blacks, Hispanics, and gays. The only major demographic Mitt won was white men, but only 48% of all white voters. Hispanics will be at least one third of US population by 2050. The majority are Christian (mostly Catholic to boot), family oriented, and hard workers. That sounds like a Republican base -- so when the GOP can't win that demographic, the party needs to do some real soul searching as to what it is really all about. - OS [/quote] You left out blacks. If you leave out the part of the black community that simply doesn't care about anything, the majority of blacks are very conservative in their thinking. As was said on Rush's show yesterday the problem with the republican party is that most blacks view it as a party of racist. On any given day, that segment of the community can come on here and at least one idiot will verify that opinion. It's a matter of being guilty by association. It's not right, but it occurs. It's the same way that some here can't bring their mind to believe that there are honest, hard working, patriotic blacks. As someone said earlier, it's about perception.
  12. [quote name='ttocswob' timestamp='1352469407' post='842391'] What now? The day after, I called the tv satellite company and cancelled. Not one more cent for the lamestream media's obamaganda. That's not all that's getting cut, either. We're entering post apocalyptic survival mode here. [/quote] Don't forget the internet. See ya!
  13. [quote name='stick1' timestamp='1352467796' post='842380'] This countrys freedoms was brought about by patriots who stood up revolted and warred among themselves. If everyone would have just got out of the country who didnt want to live as slaves or bow down to what they knew was wrong, only those like you would remain. Folks like Robert Nashville, LINKS2K, HvyMtl and the like could all be servants to the power that be , in my ancestors and family we have done just that, and sacrificed life for the freedoms of this nation, so you probably wouldnt understand. Dont try to imitate patriotism by standing behind the ones who enslave you. [/quote] Considering that most of the people that you are talking about are combat veterans, I want to tell you that you don't know what the f*ck you are talking about when you limit sacrifices for this country to whatever inbreed gene pool that created you. Secondly, I stand by what I said. YOU NEED A MENTAL EVALUATION!
  14. Links2k

    AR15 .22LR

    [quote name='MacGyver' timestamp='1352475728' post='842470'] M&P 15-22 is hands down the best .22LR AR off-the-shelf variant out there today. I've got a Tactical Solutions dedicated upper that I love, but built that before the M&P came out. There are some benefits to an upper on a standard lower, but the M&P is a great dedicated .22. [/quote] I'll second that.
  15. [quote name='stick1' timestamp='1352392719' post='841820'] Lets hope that civil war can evolve from this election, Greece ,France ,Ireland many European nations have had violent unrest over similar things. Let hope we can do it right. [/quote] Lets hope that you get a mental evaluation.
  16. [quote name='Moped' timestamp='1352332058' post='841432'] Nothing is going to happen, unless there is some sort of economic meltdown. I think there is a chance that it could happen, but if not, we will all be voting in the next Presidential election in 2016. [/quote] And experiencing the same drama
  17. [quote name='ukhayes' timestamp='1352335817' post='841491'] Typical liberal mentality, hit and run. Does not have the facts or mental ability to support his view. Just stirring the pot. Mommy probably made him turn off the computer and go to bed. [/quote] Not agreeing with him, but I say that he used a sound tactic. He is greatly outnumbered here, so he struck, inflicted as much damage as possible and made a hasty retreat. Hard to have an opposing view around here.
  18. [quote name='Mike.357' timestamp='1352338183' post='841528'] I am curious, kind of off topic other than the "worst president since GWB" comment. But what good did King Geo II do around this country? [/quote] He got us Obama
  19. [quote name='Moped' timestamp='1352334098' post='841468'] I see little difference between the two men or the two parties. Both are only out for power and could give a rats ass about this country. Both will gladly run it into the ground to keep the other from control. [/quote] That's how I see it. I'm also thrilled to see that the third party vote mattered somewhere.
  20. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352316908' post='841234'] It does, but that sumbitch started it [/quote] I can't laugh like this for four whole years. Stop it!
  21. [quote name='CZ9MM' timestamp='1352310824' post='841107'] Figure it this way... TGO might as well stand for Tennesseans 'gainst Obama [/quote] Seems that way
  22. [quote name='SWJewellTN' timestamp='1352309150' post='841081'] Umm, scare & smear tactics are what got Obama re-elected. He had no record to run on, so it appears that you are wrong. [/quote] I'm always wrong, but so were Mitt's tactics.
  23. [quote name='SWJewellTN' timestamp='1352309150' post='841081'] Umm, scare & smear tactics are what got Obama re-elected. He had no record to run on, so it appears that you are wrong. [/quote] That's why Mitt should have grilled him on the economy. Mitt had to take the belt. Name calling doesn't work for the challenger. Mitt rarely made Obama defend his record. Calling Obama a commie and socialist meant nothing to the voters. The voters want to know what are you going to do differently. Bottom line is not to trust any of the politicians.


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