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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. [quote name='Glenn' timestamp='1352858814' post='845163'] Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers . [/quote] Good one, but you forgot to add that a Ineptocracy generally occurs after a once great country has been lead into a bogus war, burned thru a surplus and starts snooping on it's citizens.
  2. [quote name='CCI' timestamp='1352855776' post='845129'] I'm looking forward to the next thirty! Those are mine, they belong to me! [/quote] That's what I'm planning. I may join some of you all in E. Tennessee if the wife doesn't drag me to Florida.
  3. [quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352844417' post='845041'] Then you [i]are[/i] saying that Republicans/Conservatives/TEA Partyists are the ones making such claims and threats as you perceive it. I would like to see where that is occurring. Au contraire my friend, but it was, and still is, liberals and blacks making serious and [url="http://twitchy.com/2012/11/02/as-election-day-nears-obama-supporters-step-up-riot-threats/"]well documented[/url] threats of riots, assassinations and other mayhem if Romney were to win and 0bama were to lose. They [url="http://www.theblaze.com/stories/multiple-twitter-users-threaten-to-assassinate-mitt-romney-shoot-him-dead/"]publicly posted[/url] these on Twitter and Facebook and other social media. I see NO SUCH THREATS from Republicans/Conservatives/TEA Partyists, nor have any riots taken place, nor any other mayhem. If you are basing your sole argument on symbolic petitions of secession, your blowing in the wind. The so-called victorious party is the violent and divisive one. Your argument holds no water. [b] Thousands Of Shocking Threats Of Violence By Obama Supporters On The Eve Of The Election[/b] http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/thousands-of-shocking-threats-of-violence-by-obama-supporters-on-the-eve-of-the-election (article was originally on MensNewsDaily.com but has now been scrubbed from the web) [/quote] I'm not attempting to carry water, blow or piss in the wind. Republicans or democrats, whoever wants to raise hell because they do not get their way is just being childish. Stupidity has no party or color.
  4. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352841185' post='844996'] With all the regulations being spit out by the administration, we may not have many choices when we run out of "other peoples' money". I don't want to see civil unrest any more than any of you, but the time will come if we don't fix our problem with a solid vote of rejection of what we're getting. I would love to see that vote come around, soon. And I don't care if it isn't from the Republican Party, just solid. [/quote] I can agree with this. Party should never be important in my opinion.
  5. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352840948' post='844991'] I don't think I was around here, then, but I was against it, all along. It was a gift to both parties to "rule" us for some feel good times. It was wrong then and still is. Good enough? [/quote] Good enough.
  6. [quote name='crimsonaudio' timestamp='1352840578' post='844984'] Where were all you guys who are so pissed about losing your rights when the Patriot Act was enacted (or the three further authorizations)? I'm no Obama-apologist, but it strikes me as odd that none of this 'liberty or death' talk was heard when Bush was in office. [/quote] Yep! I have a problem with both republicans and democrats. When the government is out of line, call them on it regardless of party. Silence when your guy is in charge is part of the problem. I continue to hope that guys are just venting.
  7. [quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352839696' post='844974'] Not sure where you're coming from, I can only infer which group you are attempting to speak to, but... if Romney had won there would have already been riots in the streets, looting, violence perpetrated on caucasians and more. Already. It would be past tense or still be ongoing. Since 0bama "won", things are relatively calm and peaceful. That's because the group that "lost" is the more mature, reasonable, cautious group, the group that acts with honor and abides by the law, regardless of the circumstances. So I'm not sure which group you are saying that are "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Wanting to destroy OUR country because you didn't get your way in a election is STUPID!" I don't hear anyone talking about that. The side that "won" will do a plenty good job of destroying the country as it is.[/font][/color] [/quote] I am not choosing sides. The actions that have been mentioned would be just as stupid if Obama and his crew were the ones threatening them.
  8. [quote name='Chucktshoes' timestamp='1352838244' post='844957'] Though we seem to be on the opposite side of the larger issue, I agree with this statement. They are ideas that aren't just casually floated, but who says there is anything casual about this discussion of these topics? The constitution that you, me and many others here swore that oath to defend isn't just about our current administration, or any administration over our history. It is about the ideas of freedom and personal liberty. It was written to protect those ideals and for the people to be able to retain them. The US government lost it's way before our grandparents were born. At this point I truly believe the government to be an enemy of the people of this nation and the constitution we swore an oath to defend. The only way to save the latter, is to destroy to former as reformation is impossible at this point. I could be completely wrong. Maybe in a few years the people and the states will rise up and peacefully reclaim what was stolen from them by the socialist central planners on both sides of the aisle in DC. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it. [/quote] Well put. I agree that the government lost it's way long ago. I am not a fan of our government in it's current form, but I still hold out hope that it can be changed in a peaceful manner. I'm hoping that people are just venting and in a few months we can get to work choosing candidates that will do the will of the people. I said in another thread that I admire how the Tea Party struck fear in politicians. I'm hoping that everyone will take that template and use it as a means of affecting the change that they want.
  9. [quote name='Spots' timestamp='1352836888' post='844936'] It has nothing to do with being a sore loser, hell I don't even like Romney. It has to do with watching the current regime strip away rights as quickly and quietly as they can while people stand by. Would Romney have been a better choice? I don't know. I do know Obama has proven he cares nothing about constitutional rights and will sneak, and slide, and push things through anyway he can, including being the first President to ever make buying something from a third party mandatory. In 4 years this will be may still be The United States of America. But it'll never be the same one again. [/quote] I won't argue for Obama. I'm not a fan. I believe that he has an agenda, but I don't believe that it is the destruction of our country. Your argument about Obamacare is valid. What I would like to know is did you stand up when the government implemented the patriot act, or when the SCOTUS decided that millionaires could attempt to influence the outcome of elections and more? Government and politicians suck. The people are always under attack from the government and politicians. As someone mentioned earlier you try to change it with the vote. If we are already screwed, I see no reason why we can't try to rectify the situation in four years instead of talking about taking actions that would put us in a bigger stinking mess than we are already in and certainly last more than four years with greater repercussions.
  10. [quote name='QuietDan' timestamp='1352835892' post='844925'] Be very careful you know the true facts before you "pick sides." For all you know, as opposed to what you feel, the side you are advocating for may in fact be the "domestic enemy" you say you are sworn to oppose. What if you are wrong? Will you kill yourself? I doubt it. We all went through this 150 years ago and it was a stinking mess. [/quote] Yes, it was a stinking mess. That's why it is so puzzling to hear people talking about doing it again. Civil unrest and secession aren't just ideas that you casually float around.
  11. [quote name='Spots' timestamp='1352835628' post='844922'] Screw it, I'm posting A lot of people that took that same oath believe the current regime to be a domestic threat. Just letting you know that there's people, including vets, that would push that issue both ways. I'm recently discharged, and I can tell you a lot of newer vets, as well as active duty, won't obey unlawful orders from a corrupt Socialist Regime. Funny thing is they called Washington and all the other founding fathers terrorist, traitors and worse. Remember history is written by the victor of the battle. [/quote] No one is standing up for the administration or regime as you call it. It's about not wanting another civil war because a bunch of sore losers got their panties in a wad. I would be willing to wager you that we will still be The United States of America in four years and no state is leaving.
  12. Waiting for my vehicle to be serviced and Fast Times At Ridgemont high is on the television. Man, you get busy raising a family and life puts on a turbo booster.
  13. [quote name='cardcutter' timestamp='1352830042' post='844878'] I took the same oath 32 years ago. While I do not support in any way civil unrest, I think those that do may well see the current admin as the domestic enemy refered to in the oath. [/quote] Obamas admistration is bad. Worth civil unrest? No!
  14. I would like it to be known that many years ago I swore an oath to protect this country against ALL enemies foreign and domestic. There are millions more like me. Wanting to destroy OUR country because you didn't get your way in a election is STUPID! Don't bite off more than you can chew!
  15. [quote name='MilitiaMan' timestamp='1352828008' post='844861'] It's a clear "screw democracy". And they are clearly saying, as they have been for a long time, "screw the American people and the Constitution". There's going to be only so much more before Civil Unrest. [/quote] I thought that they screwed democracy when super pacs on both sides were allowed to dump hundreds of millions of dollars into buying elections. When this occurred, the people hardly said a word. Both sides simply started counting their millionaires/billionaires.
  16. [quote name='Chucktshoes' timestamp='1352823477' post='844834'] Not quite true. If you don't parse out the percentages of recipients in relation to percentage of population and only look at the raw numbers, there are more whites on welfare. In fact the single largest user of TANF is the single white mother. Believe it or not, there are still more of us crackers in this country than anyone else. [/quote] I immediately did a google search when he said that. You are correct. Even the percentages are only 1% different, but we won't let those facts get in the way of the impending inevitable war.
  17. [quote name='Mark@Sea' timestamp='1352697552' post='844167'] You may be hearing something different - people hear what they want to hear, see what they expect to see - but I have no doubt the people saying something else are sincere. [/quote] I have no doubt about that either.
  18. [quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352696331' post='844158'] Neither of those. I think we are having two different conversations here. Not racist. Didn'tsay that you accused me of being racist. Not accusing anyone else of being racist, but am saying that some people have been intentionally misled for political gain for years, and also that our current potus is a very devisive person, not the peacemaker that he or others make him out to be. I suppose I don't write clearly enough to convey my point...so consider it dropped. [/quote] No problem. Done.
  19. I was going to guess about 5%...thanks for the info I would like to see this country have a mandatory two year enlistment. Maybe it would prevent some of our young ones from making so many bad decisions
  20. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie. Can anyone tell me if the theaters in Olive Branch and Southaven, Ms are posted? Collierville is out since they posted. Also, I have liked all of the Bonds except Timothy Dalton or is it Daly
  21. [quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352674865' post='843947'] Forgot to mention that - 0bama promised to be a post-racial President, but instead has been the MOST racial president. Everything with this guy and his administration and even with the Dems, not to mention the media, is about RACE. Anyone disagree? If so, what cave have you been living in? [/quote] I disagree. However, I do hear a lot of people say " I can't say this or that, because someone will call me a racist". I don't think that Obama or his administration are racist. Maybe the media or your peers make you feel that way?
  22. [quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352674739' post='843945'] My point was, I case I forgot to mention it, was that these people have been conditioned for decades to act as victims. It is an uphill battle trying to educate people when the media and Dems continue to keep lying to them and telling them that they are victims. I'm not playing the race game any longer, I do not feel guilty, I will not be manipulated into being silenced by someone calling me a "racist". I will call it like it is. I will not walk on eggshells. If people want to have a discussion about "race relations - lets have it! But it's NOT going to be one-sided any longer. [/quote] No one called you a racist, and if you are that's your issue. My point is that if your employees believe that you are rich simply because you are white then someone ignorant has shared that bit of info with them so many times that they now believe it. Also, if you have no problem with generalizing a race of people, that's also your issue. I suspect that you are just angry and venting. I hope that the future doesn't kill you.
  23. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352672138' post='843919'] But, apparently, the hope is that enough Republican voters who espouse the same principles as I do [i][b]will[/b][/i] be willing to abandon their's and keep voting anyway. [/quote] It depends upon how much they value the party over their principles.
  24. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352671511' post='843913'] For months I've had Paulbots and Johnsonbots and whateverbots tell me they were going to vote for someone other than Romney because Romney wasn't this or wasn't that and that they weren't going to abandon their principles...now it seems as if some folks here want conservatives and people of faith to abandon THEIR principles just so the Republicans can win an election. Somebody please explain to me why I'm supposed to abandon what I believe in and were I to do so, what kind of man would I be??? [/quote] I wouldn't want you to abandon your principles. However, like those of us who wish for third party recognition you must be willing to be rejected for standing by your principles.
  25. [quote name='TripleDigitRide' timestamp='1352609143' post='843588'] Yeah, because a vast majority of politicians aren't white. [/quote] Or Voting Americans


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