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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. [quote name='buck1032' timestamp='1354023811' post='851241'] How did that kid not laugh her arse off!? And how many of us would have just pulled out a flash light and seen the little girl coming out of the wall panel? [/quote] This, plus a little pepper spray in her gills.
  2. [quote name='Major Kong' timestamp='1353636348' post='849613'] Probably because the Chinese owned the studio... [/quote] Or at least a controlling interest.
  3. I'll wait for it to come to cable or Netflix.
  4. [quote name='Shug' timestamp='1353617165' post='849534'] It's just amazeing how many weak minded people believe all the crap they read on the internet, and that they hear from like minded people. If anyone of these people understood anything about how the goverment worked they might understand. Eventhough [b][u]I did not vote for him[/u][/b], I don't understand how people think that Obama can do all this crazy sh*t that people put on the net. He can't just up and take everyone's firearms. He can't just up and band all these firearms. He can't do an yof these things that is all over the internet, just because he might want to. Have any of ya'll ever heard of Congress? or the Senate? For the President to pass a bill into law it must first pass Congress. I sick of hearing about how pissed off people are that other people voted four years ago for Obama because they wanted a change. Most of these people are die hard GM drivers. With out him , there would be no more GM. Now I'm not saying I know what is ahead for the country. But these weak minded people that hate whom is presidency and everyone that voted for him need to realize that you friends and coworkers did not elect the man. The president it elected by the electoral college, not the popular vote.............Rant over...............Let the hate mail begain [/quote] I'm not going to co-sign on your rant, but I understand how you feel. If you plan on hanging around here a while you had better get accustomed to the "Circle Jerk". The guys don't mean any harm, but they seem to like you a little more if you agree with everything that they say. The scarier the post, the better. A few tips to help you get by 1.Hate Obama 2. Hate liberals, Ron Paul and anyone that wants a third party 3.Love guns- best part of the site...lots of knowledge here 4. Make arguments based on popular opinion 5. Convince yourself that Americas best days were the 1950s ( I believe that we have a gr8 future) 6. Trust Fox news, Glen Beck and MSNBC Those basics should get you off to a good start. Have fun and welcome to the site.
  5. I haven't seen it yet. My son and a few of his buddies went to see it yesterday after football practice and pigging out on pizza. He said that he really enjoyed it. He was surprised when I told him that it was a remake. I had to remind him that Hollywood is not capable of coming up with anything original anymore. Maybe he will watch the original on Netflix this weekend.
  6. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1353432123' post='848773'] To be blunt (which is a problem for me); I find it a bit appalling that there are people who actually do think secession is either a good idea or even possible. I'm also a bit sad that such talk is even allowed to go on here. But to answer the above question; no, it doesn't sound like a good idea but as is usually the case, people tend to want to deal with the "romance" of an issue and not the reality of it...it sounds very manly/tough/patriotic/freedom-loving/independent to talk about secession (which is really just a substitute for revolution) but dealing with the harsh realities of what would happen isn't so romantic. [/quote] You hit the nail on the head.
  7. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1353475785' post='849048'] The OP was somebody's crazy uncle [/quote] No doubt
  8. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1353475657' post='849046'] As I read it, a lot more folks in Ohio "qualified" than most other places. [/quote] Someone has to be number one O, H....
  9. [quote name='Garufa' timestamp='1353457162' post='848959'] Didn't out of control government spending really take off under Reagan as well? [/quote] Shhhhh.... Doesn't sound as scary.
  10. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1353456121' post='848947'] "Obama Phone" program (LifeLine) began under Reagan admin. http://www.fcc.gov/lifeline It started including cell phone service under Dubya's admin. - OS [/quote] You've told them several times. I think that you may have to tape it to their foreheads.
  11. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1353450279' post='848898'] Out the Door pricing for mine: Feb this year from LGS: 681 w/ tax/TICS April this year from PSA: 665 w/shipping/transfer/TICS I understand that the "craze is on" again, but I see Walmart's AR prices haven't gone up all year, S&W MSRP's haven't gone up either, so keep that in mind when you consider the relative pricing/ethics of the various vendors you see. Yes, of course free capitalism allows any profit level possible -- but I personally see quite a diff between a reasonably higher profit due to supply and demand vs. the CTD philosophy, at least as far as who I'd prefer to deal with long term. - OS [/quote] Good post. CTD will never see another penny from me.
  12. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1353449161' post='848895'] Yep. My own BS filter worked just fine for this one. If the sky was really falling, I'm pretty sure I would hear it from the NRA. It's good for donations [/quote] Or one of our crazy uncles.
  13. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1353445599' post='848866'] Why am I suspicious of a "first ever post" by a person extolling that the sky if falling but there is no citations/sources provided??? [/quote] I didn't want to be the one to say it. The election sent a lot of interesting people this way.
  14. [quote name='AK Guy' timestamp='1353042951' post='846395'] In the USPS defense, the fed takes any and all of their profit and puts it in the general fund. A fairly good example of how government runs things. Take from the makers to give to the takers then blame the makers. [/quote] I never thought that I would agree with a takers/makers comment, but that what it boils down to and there is no way in hell that the government is giving that money back.
  15. 2006 Congress mandated that the usps prefund retirement...blame Congress
  16. [quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1353022713' post='846235'] LOL. You're house can get termites and that will pass too. You won't have a house left if you do nothing, but, hey...it [i]will[/i] pass. Interestingly, I keep reading letters and emails from people who escaped [u]to[/u] the United States from countries like Cuba, Russia, Poland, Nazi Germany, etc. They say that what they see going on scares them to death and mirrors what went on in those countries when people were saying that it was no big deal. Those of us old enough to have lived history remember what happened, unlike many who can only read whitewashed versions of history. I fear for my country, but I guess I can know that I lived during the pinnacle of the United States and was personally there to witness her greatness. Glad I'm not very younyOug and have to live 60-80 more years if people think everything will just fix itself. Have fun with that. I often fantasize what it would be like if you had a time machine and could go back to 1938 and warn people about Hitler, or any other pre-war era. I always come to the same conclusion that it wouldn't work. People back then tried to warn others, they were laughed to scorn, so why would they listen to the guy with the time machine? They wouldn't. [/quote]
  17. [quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1353019952' post='846218'] I remember the world was going to end new year's 2000, when Bush was elected, etc. It isn't good, but this too will pass. [/quote] Yep
  18. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352999069' post='846095'] I think the voting will be just as hard, next time, but with this Benghazi and Fast and Furious starting to rattle the administration, we may see a different side of the One, soon. His community organizing won't be as easily able to overcome a mob of voters demanding and watching over everyone's shoulder. I think if the fix is in during 2014, there will be some serious problems starting up with him. With a different Senate, he could very easily get impeached. He made a bad calculation with his statement about Ms. Rice when he said to back off her and come after him. There are a lot of folks willing to "come after him", right now. There will be a lot of people watching in 2014. Sour grapes is one thing, but civil unrest should be dealt with, first by the ballot, then with the couIrts before everything else. I think all this secession talk will go away, but it is a sign of how upset people are with our government these days. [/quote] Well said!
  19. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352988329' post='846024'] We need to see how the legitimate voting goes in 2014. [/quote] That's the bottom line. Anythings else looks and smells like EXTREMELY sour grapes.
  20. [quote name='Batman' timestamp='1352873070' post='845325'] What do you call the people that are willing to look the other way while it happens? [/quote] Republican and democrat representatives and the people who voted for them.
  21. [quote name='10-Ring' timestamp='1352867551' post='845295'] Recently tried Crocs for the first time, I love them, super light and comfortable to wear all day. I really have nothing bad to say except they are pretty cold on chilly days. [/quote] I've worn them for years, but only around the house.
  22. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352866255' post='845277'] That's almost what we have now. [/quote] It's pretty dang close.
  23. [quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352865279' post='845258'] You have been implying that Republicans are wanting to "raise hell", but that is just not the case, there is not one shred of evidence pointing to that, it just doesn't exist. Trying to lump Republicans in with the like of Democrats who have actually called for violence just doesn't work. If you are going to defend the USA and the Constitution as you stated in the opening post, I can tell you now that you won't be defending them from Republicans. [/quote] I don't support either major party and I don't care what party that the wanna be hooligans support. I just don't want to see Americans fighting Americans over something that can be solved with a vote. You can choose To defend the republican party even after they continually fail you. The Republican and Democrat parties are both slime. There is no pride in belonging to either one. Do what you want to do with Obama supporters that threaten violence. No skin lost here.
  24. [quote name='Raoul' timestamp='1352862950' post='845223'] reminds me of a guy I went to high school with. He once jacked up the back end of an AMC Gremlin with 2x4's. Pulled up in front of the HS and poured a gallon of bleach under the car and then floored it. It spun the back tires and made a big cloud of smoke. Then the bleach burned up and the back tires bit into the asphalt...shattered the 2x4's and broke both back shocks. He had to drive home in reverse. [/quote] That's hilarious.


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