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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. [quote name='Major Kong' timestamp='1354757790' post='855497'] I'm sure you'll be looking forward to it either way. [/quote] I'll be waiting. You shouldn't say stupid stuff to incite stupid people.
  2. [quote name='Oh Shoot' timestamp='1354748375' post='855426'] He said "one year from now" April 14th of this year. - OS [/quote] Can't wait to see if he is a man of his word.
  3. [quote name='Oh Shoot' timestamp='1354742709' post='855384'] The neutralized reps were Tea Party supported candidates. - OS [/quote] I love you signature OS.
  4. [quote name='leroy' timestamp='1354715181' post='855205'] . No one with a sintilla of intellect is goin to believe his jiberish anyway. leroy [/quote]
  5. [quote name='drv2fst' timestamp='1354723312' post='855242'] In general people incorrectly glorify the past. There never was a good-ole-days! Life was never better than it is right now. Sure there are an abundance of things wrong with our lives right now but I absolutely guarantee that ANY of your ancestors would trade with you in a slit second. Falsely glorifying the past is a dangerous distraction. It does not change the fact that it is (and always has been) difficult to be the best person you possibly can be every minute of every day. It's tough to do that in today's modern world. It was just as tough many generations ago too. [/quote] Like most of you older guys, I grew up at the end of the hard working farming days. I remember slopping the hogs, feeding the chickens, slop jars, out houses, selling vegetables on the weekend, chopping wood for the stove that we used to warm the house and cook food while still having to attend school. WE WAS POE! I don't recall anyone enjoying the work (especially my grandfathers) or the racial tentions. The past is over rated.
  6. [quote name='LagerHead' timestamp='1354652537' post='854867'] Great speech. Too bad ALL politicians are bought and paid for and therefore can't have any nuts. [/quote] ALL!
  7. [quote name='Commando68' timestamp='1354468275' post='853805'] It is truly a disgrace that this anti colonial, anti American Exceptionalism, anti military student of karl marx and cloward piven has been elected to the white house AGAIN. It make us the laughing stock of the world. [/quote] I beg to differ. It is threads like this that makes us (especially Tennesseans) the laughing stock of the world.
  8. When Obama leaves office in a few years are the tin foil crazies going to disband like a flash mob?
  9. 1. Hey Mitt, I'm at Costco. How many cases of baby wipes and pampers are you going to need for those folks still butt sore about the election?
  10. 4. Must be those binders of women Mitt was taking about.
  11. Thanks everyone. I'm going to let him read this post and see what he thinks.
  12. [quote name='peejman' timestamp='1354278207' post='852774'] If he liked Cookeville, why not go to school there? It's a great school, typically near the top of the "bang for your buck" lists (not that I'm biased or anything). [/quote] We are looking for a good engineering program and he prefers to go out west
  13. [quote name='Chucktshoes' timestamp='1354255486' post='852743'] You got a smart boy there. [/quote] Thanks. I know that your were taking about his quote, but he really Is special. I can't wait to see what kind of man that he becomes.
  14. In Cookeville for the state championship game today. We lost to Ensworth. My family and I enjoyed our brief stay and although we only stopped at a few places, we encountered some of the friendliest people in the world which prompted my sons famous remarks that "everywhere is better than Memphis". He can't wait to leave and attend college in Arizona or Colorado. I hope that I can come back when I have more time to experience the area. Good job!
  15. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1354122732' post='851969'] Even starting back in Compuserve chatroom days through to the present, I've found with electronic, written communication, it's very easy for people to misunderstand you or ascribe intent to something said/posted that was never intended. [/quote] True
  16. [quote name='Sam1' timestamp='1354119947' post='851936'] ok thanks, will discuss it with them first - and will also get in touch with the local towing company to see if they need any documentation first so we don't have to search for it at 5am lol [/quote] I would also speak to the offender. I've had similar situations at my house with my neighbors visitors. The notes got discarded and I became angry, but once we spoke in person in a civil manner the issue was resolved. As you said earlier they may assume that your place is vacant or that you are not home during certain hours. A quick chat my resolve the matter and save you some drama.
  17. Well, when i'm on my iPad, I have a bad habit of tapping on a members name when attempting to tap on the title of the post. Maybe its just a case of members with fat fingers.
  18. [quote name='AK Guy' timestamp='1354121225' post='851950'] I do what I can. [/quote] Same here. My degrees came off the back of cereal boxes.
  19. [quote name='AK Guy' timestamp='1354120667' post='851946'] Regardless of what the artist was intending, it was in bad taste for both sides. [/quote] No doubt about it.
  20. [quote name='AK Guy' timestamp='1354120667' post='851946'] Got to love the bigoted mindset... [/quote] And the internet psychiatrist
  21. [quote name='TMF' timestamp='1354119750' post='851934'] I didn't, but that's only because I don't value the opinions of famous actors enough to care what their political views are one way or the other.... not unless they take it to the Jane Fonda extreme. [/quote] I agree, I think that Foxx made that ignorant comment for the same reasons that the artist painted that picture. To provoke.
  22. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1354119371' post='851931'] I did [/quote] You have always shown exceptional ability.
  23. [quote name='Daniel' timestamp='1354081254' post='851798'] [/quote] I'll bet a lot of folks won't venture to read that far.


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