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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I'm so tired of hearing my associates say that there are too many guns. I guess that they are expecting Batman to save them when they get in a jam. Even my baby girl said "daddy the gun can't do anything by itself".
  2. I'll show my ingrained paranoia. I can't imagine going anywhere without a gun. I think the people who do it (especially in Memphis) are the crazy ones.
  3. Wharton is a slime ball, but all I've heard him say is that he wants to get guns out of the hands of the "wrong people". In his press conference yesterday he said " there are no constitutional protections to guard illegal activity" and "nobody has a Second Amendment right to load up and kill a police officer". Emotional statements, but nothing about taking guns from law abiding citizens yet! Wharton, like most of the crazy citizens of Memphis is anti-gun, but all I've heard him speak about is stopping illegal gun activity in Memphis, which is a good thing. I also agree that this was not the correct platform to put his feelings about guns on display.
  4. I wish that the solution was as easy as blaming a persons bad behavior on bad parenting. I'm certain that TGO has some good members who are/were great parents and one of their kids still turned out to be a douche. I can understand the mental illness angle, but anything else is just a cop out for bad decision making.
  5. Any abnormal environment can desensitize a kid to violence. I fortunately survived the streets of Memphis as a kid. I saw some things that would make combat veterans cry. I also know several others that despite their insensitivity to violence still became productive citizens with no desire to destroy the lives of other human beings. If we are going to give a pass for video games, we must be prepared to give a pass for the fatherless, the neglected and the misunderstood when they break societies laws.
  6. I guess that my kid is the exception. He is an avid gamer, honor roll student, on the schools honor board, exceptional SAT/ACT scores, tutors, mannerable, shoots and plays sports. Guess that that he is too busy to plan assasinations. The video game excuse is another cop out.
  7. I agree. Would we be making excuses for his behavior if he looked like the big scary football player Tryvon Martin?
  8. I somewhat agree with this. Then, you have to wonder why people have turned their backs on God. I say it's because the people who claim to be followers of Christ are really bad examples of his teachings. If everyone who claims to be Christian behaves like heartless buttholes, one may ask, why bother? I understand that your relationship with Jesus is an individual relationship and that it's your choice to accept Christ. I base the opinion above on conversations and observations. Jesus freak on Sunday. Judge, jury and executioner Monday thru Saturday.
  9. This is becoming the norm. The new crazies that have joined since the election are co-signing with the hand full of old crazies and everyday you have a new conspiracy. If you say this crap everyday, one day you may be right.
  10. Yep, you can read their post here on a daily basis.
  11. Was he just another ignorant young thug that wanted to get attention for hurting others?
  12. I agree. Soon you're going to have to be Cop or soldier to look at a firearm.
  13. Yep. They aren't going to allow this to keep happening. Rough times are coming.
  14. That's scuba ninjas. Stay on topic.
  15. Links2k

    Meteor Shower

    I saw them shooting west around 10:05 pm.
  16. Links2k

    sherriffs posse

    Ain't nothing worse than a horse thief!
  17. [quote name='RichardR' timestamp='1354936458' post='856743'] Zimmerman didn't cower in his truck, so obviously he's at fault for Martin violently attacking him. Because if Zimmerman had stayed in his truck, Martin would not have attacked him & thus would still be alive. That is the crux of the "Zimmerman is guilty" arguement is that correct? [/quote] I never said that he had to cower in his truck. If anyone can recall, in the first Zimmermann/Martin thread I said that he should have minded his business. I still feel that way. If he had to intervene, his self appointed responsibility ended once he contacted the authorities. Using common sense doesn't make you a coward.
  18. [quote name='Garufa' timestamp='1354931543' post='856717'] If you were on your back having your head beat on the concrete what would you do? Since so many seem to want to rehash all of this again, answer that question. [/quote] o In this situation, after calling the cops, I would have stayed in my truck or home and let the real cops do there job. I have done this several times for stray dogs and strange people.That way the big scary football player never has a reason to attack me.
  19. [quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1354929250' post='856700'] Some seem to think Z was still following Martin and some that Z was headed back to or had returned to his truck. This seems to be a major point of disagreement. Sorry for long paragraph, typing on tablet which doesn't seem to work well on this forum for some reason. [/quote] This has always been the reason for disagreement. Zimmermans actions at this point will determine whether he gets nuked our not.
  20. I don't care how this situation turns out. The end results won't make me feel like a winner or loser. I will only maintain that a individual has a right to walk down any public street thru any neighborhood regardless of his/her appearance. If you think that individual is up to no good, then allow our paid professional law enforcement to intervene and make that determination.
  21. [quote name='PolePosition' timestamp='1354769601' post='855601'] It is bad taste and adds more fuel to the fire. [/quote] I don't know him and I have no opinion about him other than the video. It's juvenile! If A person were to take him up on his offer, I doubt that he would throw away his livlihood just to kick someones ass. If so, then he is a brave fool.
  22. [quote name='Sam1' timestamp='1354760414' post='855523'] Love to watch him talking about hunting, guns, educating people [/quote] Same here, but I don't want to hear his political views any more than I want to hear Clooney, Springsteen etc.
  23. [quote name='Major Kong' timestamp='1354759372' post='855511'] Am I saying stupid stuff or are you stupid people in this scenario? Or are we still talking about Ted Nugent? [/quote] I'm still speaking of Nugent. I've never had a reason to insult you in such a manner.


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