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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Maybe it's like in that Bruce Willis movie The Sixth Sense. We are all dead and don't know it.
  2. I purchased Sig, M&P, Glock and AR mags prior to the election. I no longer own any weapons, I just figured the mags would be nice conversation pieces. CTD scarred me for life in 2008. I won't go there again.
  3. When I was a younger man me and my buddies would attend parties at the frat houses. We all had similar taste in women (classy, beautiful and hard to get). However, when we were at the parties I would always dance with the more approachable ladies. I always had a better time while everyone else was sitting in a corner with a safe queen. Glocks are fun, plentiful and reliable. Safe queens while beautiful don't offer much fun if you are not dancing with it. I hope this made sense.
  4. I haven't purchased from them since 2008. I was never buying from them again anyways.
  5. I haven't purchased from them since 2008. I was never buying from them again anyways.
  6. I got the PMags during the summer when everyone was practically giving them away.
  7. You are correct. I was online at Midway USA yesterday with a basket full of "stuff" and I took a minute to look at my inventory and realized that I still had items from the great 2008 scare. These are items that I probably won't use any time soon just sitting there. Long story short, I emptied the shopping cart. I'll take my chances. Besides, my butt still throbs from what I allowed CTD to do to me four years ago.
  8. A nice new AR and PMAGS locked away in the safe today could be worth their weight in gold in a few years.
  9. I agree. Kennedy started this and now the general public expects it. Necessary? Who is to say.
  10. Just ordered mine. Thanks for your generosity. Also, you might want to check your payment system. I couldn't get it to accept any of my unicorn tears.
  11. I recorded Meet The Press late last night. Gregory, Dyson, Bloomberg and Feinstein made me want to destroy my television. Everyone wants something done, but no one is talking about how decent people can protect themselves from the criminal element after the pixie dust has been sprinkled and all of the bad guns disappear.
  12. If you think that MSNBC is bad, you should see some of my Facebook post from preachers. In my opinion, some of them are setting their parishioners up for failure. No one, not even the parson can tell me how to protect mi familia.
  13. Won't be an issue for me. Since the economy got bad I've had to barter off every gun that I had just to keep food on the table and pay tuition. I don't even have a receipt for the beans that I got in return.
  14. I thought the nut jobs were told this in another thread. I'm certain that somewhere in the dark recesses of their minds, one of the better known assassins since McVay thought that he was a patriot and was going to be the father of a new revolution. In reality, he will only be dead.
  15. Same here. I was planning to say October.
  16. I know, but I read an article his morning where they were whining about Glocks and how they are used by law enforcement, FBI and the military because of how deadly and accurate they are. They also cried about how the shooters at most of the massacres used Glocks because of the soft trigger and how easy it is to reload. If this thing happens they may try to ban all semi-autos. I'm a simple man. If there are two things that I need it's macaroni and Glocks.
  17. Yeah, I'll probably pick up one more G30SF just to cover all of my bases.
  18. I'm certain that I'll be getting one. Now, only if I can find that darned bucket of unicorn tears.
  19. Oh yeah! Too funny! For some reason I was expecting to see a cat in there somewhere.
  20. I don't want the media silenced. I figure that it's my job the sift thru the B.S. which is almost all of the news these days.
  21. I say be weary of mental health diagnosis. My kids spent one year in public school when they were young. With the help of my mother in law (retired teacher with her masters degree) my kids were well prepared when they began school. The work was too easy and when my kids were not challenged academically they wanted to play. Long story short they wanted my twins to get evaluated. My wife and I evaluated the public school system and decided that we would bite the bullet and pay for private school. Today my babies are juniors with exceptional grades and zero behavioral or discipline issues. If you suspect that there is a problem, by all means please get your baby some help. Don't let a lazy teacher or impatient relative talk you into needlessly putting your kids on meds.
  22. I had to laugh when I read the story this morning. It just goes to show what politicians think about the general public. They know that the majority of Americans are stupid and will believe this stunt.


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