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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I'm considering selling a new AR for current market value. I have not offered it here because I don't care to offend any members. I am looking for auction sites to list the rifle. I have never used an auction site before. Any suggestions? I may offer it for sell at auction. If I decide to trade I will list it in the TGO classified later. Thanks for your help.
  2. It's good to a point. I don't think that the city will survive on property and sells taxes from the middle class. Most people drawing salaries from the local corporations commute, so very little of that income is being left in the city. I don't attend anything in the city except my job. I'm rooted in Memphis for now. My kids attend very good private schools, my wife loves her job and I plan to work at least eight more years. After that we may move east or join my mother down in Clearwater, Florida.
  3. See my answer to Dave. Memphis has thousands of well paying jobs because of the pilot programs provided to businesses. Without them, Memphis would be worse than Detroit.
  4. They already do that to the detriment of the city and county. Damned near every large business in Memphis is on a pilot program. They are paying little to no taxes because they are providing jobs and their employees are hopefully going to spend their income in the local economy. The only people paying taxes in Memphis are middle class suckers like me.
  5. Honestly, I'd rather he give the money to federal employees instead of sending the money overseas in the form of “aid“.
  6. We've turned into the TGO improv group. You guys are hilarious.
  7. That's old news. Where the hell have you been?
  8. My concern is not being able to replace my rifles and magazines. However, If someone is crazy enough to pay me enough to purchase a Glock for ten magazines that would be hard to turn down. If someone offered to pay twice what I paid for rifles that I don't use. I wouldn't turn it down. My view is that ARs will be banned and I would really like to keep at least one to leave a piece of history to my kids.
  9. I agree. Then you throw in the double edged sword of the unions. Whew! Unions are a necessary evil.
  10. I'll assume that this occurs quite frequently. I'll bet a lot of the people that you see filling their bimmers and suvs with groceries have taken advantage of this "opportunity" with no guilt. I buy into this theory more so than the actual receipiant of the ebt funds being the owners of the nice vehicles that some like to whine about.
  11. I've always wanted to go over the so called fiscal cliff. I want cuts to everything. No sacred cows. Not even the military and foreign aid.
  12. This is rarely mentioned. Most of the idiots making these proposals almost always have personal security.
  13. Links2k

    Thin 9mm

    The Shield. My wife is planning to relieve me of mine.
  14. It takes neither "educated foresight" nor many brains to know that the anti-gun crowd is always out to take our guns. Maybe the current administration was always going to make a run at our guns, maybe they weren't. All I'm saying is that an event like last weeks shootings gave the anti-gun crowd a bogus reason to attempt their gun grab now. Though a ban hasn't occurred yet, you can go ahead and pat yourself on the back for being right in predicting a ban if it makes you feel better.
  15. It's not about being worried. Like must gun owners, it's about being proactive.
  16. I agree. I have a few KCI mags that have never let me down. Very good for practice.
  17. Nice. What suppressor are you using? I've been thinking about getting one for my .22 rifles/pistols.
  18. Two weeks ago those teachers and babies were still alive. Today there is a real threat because some jack wad gave the anti-gun nuts an excuse to attempt to do what they have always wanted to do. There is still plenty of tin foil crap in these threads.
  19. After 20+ years of marriage my wife finally got her permit this year. I'd like to think that I had something to do with that.
  20. (1)776 1776 was the first number to pop into my head, but since we aren't going that high, I will go with 776
  21. This had been my understanding. That's why I had limited them to the pepper spray and evacuating the premises.
  22. They've had training at Range USA, been around guns their entire lives and beg to shoot on a regular basis. The girl loves rifles and the boy has a thing for 1911s. They are 17yo twins.
  23. I have a few M&P 15-22 rifles that my kids shoot really well. I've been planning to allow them access to the rifles for home defense when they are alone. I figure a couple of rug rats shooting 25 rounds each of CCI AR Tactical at a burglar will do the trick. Currently they only have access to Kimber pepper blasters and an EE plan when their mom and I are away. What do you think?
  24. That's funny. I actually plan to shoot 22lr exclusively for a while. I can't pay jacked up prices anymore.


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